Sherlock Holmes: Has all my instruction been for naught? [pours] You still read the official statement and believe it. It’s a game, dear man, a shadowy game. We’re playing cat and mouse, the professor and I. Cloak and dagger.
Dr. John Watson: I thought it was spider and fly. [reads the label of the bottle Holmes has been pouring from]
Sherlock Holmes: I’m not a fly, I’m a cat.
Dr. John Watson: Not a mouse, but a dagger. [Holmes drinks] You’re drinking embalming fluid.
Sherlock Holmes: [exhales] Yes. Care for a drop?
Dr. John Watson: You do seem...
Sherlock Holmes: Excited?
Dr. John Watson: Manic.
Sherlock Holmes: I am.
Dr. John Watson: Verging on...
Sherlock Holmes: Ecstatic?
Dr. John Watson: Psychotic. [pause] I should’ve brought you a sedative.
Dr. John Watson: I thought it was spider and fly. [reads the label of the bottle Holmes has been pouring from]
Sherlock Holmes: I’m not a fly, I’m a cat.
Dr. John Watson: Not a mouse, but a dagger. [Holmes drinks] You’re drinking embalming fluid.
Sherlock Holmes: [exhales] Yes. Care for a drop?
Dr. John Watson: You do seem...
Sherlock Holmes: Excited?
Dr. John Watson: Manic.
Sherlock Holmes: I am.
Dr. John Watson: Verging on...
Sherlock Holmes: Ecstatic?
Dr. John Watson: Psychotic. [pause] I should’ve brought you a sedative.
Sherlock Holmes: Has all my instruction been for naught? [ pours ] You still read the official statement and believe it. It’s a game, dear man, a shadowy game. We’re playing cat and mouse, the professor and I. Cloak and dagger.
Dr. John Watson: I thought it was spider and fly. [ reads the label of the bottle Holmes has been pouring from ]
Sherlock Holmes: I’m not a fly, I’m a cat.
Dr. John Watson: Not a mouse, but a dagger. [ Holmes drinks ] You’re drinking embalming fluid.
Sherlock Holmes: [ exhales ] Yes. Care for a drop?
Dr. John Watson: You do seem...
Sherlock Holmes: Excited?
Dr. John Watson: Manic.
Sherlock Holmes: I am.
Dr. John Watson: Verging on...
Sherlock Holmes: Ecstatic?
Dr. John Watson: Psychotic. [ pause ] I should’ve brought you a sedative.