Sin City quotes
93 total quotesJackie-boy
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I tied those knots — that's my specialty!
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I was pretty steamed about what he had done to Lucille, so I took my time with that son of a bitch. It wasn't until I showed him all of those pieces of himself that he gave me a name.
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I'll stare the bastard in the face as he screams to God, and I'll laugh harder when he whimpers like a baby. And when his eyes go dead, the hell I send him to will seem like heaven after what I've done to him.
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I'm on my feet for about ten minutes before the cops kick them out from under me. They don't ask me any questions. They just keep knocking the crap out of me and waving a confession in my face. And I keep spitting blood all over it and laughing at how many fresh copies they come up with. Then along comes this worm assistant district attorney who turns the recorder off and says if I don't sign their confession, they'll kill my mom. I break his arm in three places and I sign it.
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I'm Shellie's new boyfriend, and I'm out of my mind. If you so much as talk to her or even think her name, I'll cut you in ways that'll make you useless to a woman.
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I've been framed for murder and the cops are in on it. But the real enemy, the son of a bitch who killed the angel lying next to me, he's out there somewhere, out of sight, the big missing piece that'll give me how and the why and a face and a name and a soul to send screaming into hell.
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I've had a hell of a day. I been beat up every time I turn around. But the day I get turned down by a whore when I got good cash money to pay her with... well, there's only so much a man can take.
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It's always been you, Hartigan. All these years.
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It's not a woman you need, it's a good night's sleep. You couldn't handle a woman in the state you're in.
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It's one thing for you to play hard to get... but don't go trying to cut my nuts off.
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It's time to prove to your friends that you're worth a damn. Sometimes that means dying, sometimes it means killing a whole lot of people.
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Jackie-Boy, it's a regular African love-fest in here. I got me all five starters and half the bench of the Basin City Blues keeping me company. You feel like taking them on?
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Let go of my coat, Bob.
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Let me stay close. Nothing can happen to me when I'm with you. Please? Let me stay close.
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Little Miho, you're an angel, you're a saint, you're Mother Teresa, you're Elvis. You're God. And if you'd gotten here about ten minutes sooner, we'd still have Jackie-Boy's head.