Jack Dupree quotes
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So there it is. The bond on Buddy Israel expires in eighteen hours, after that it's jump ball.
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For some ****ing reason the wise guys love him. They think he's a mystic you know, something special.
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How about the Tremor brothers? Three of them. Same skank mom, different deadbeat dads. They're used for that suicide style, kamikhaze shit. You heard about that dinner club in Cleveland, right? Well the Tremor brothers go rip shit riot on the whole ****ing place. Seven dead, twenty-eight wounded. All to get this one ****ing guy. Of course in the melee one of them gets shot in the neck passes out, the other gets blowback from a jammed piece is temporarily blinded, the last takes a bullet in the back, can't walk. These are speed freak, neo nazi assholes who read and recite Mein Kampf like it was mother goose, they're meaner than shit, they're dumber than hell. And these mother****ers will go megaton at the drop of a hat.
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Rip hand to god you've got nothing to worry about. Yeah, I've assembled a team. We're gonna go in and get this guy Israel and everyone is gonna leave the theater grinning.