Star Trek Nemesis quotes
36 total quotesB-4
Deleted dialogue
Jean-Luc Picard
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B-4: [observes Picard] Why do you have a shiny head?
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B-4: [observes Riker] Why does the tall man have a furry face?
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Jean-Luc Picard: [alternate last line] It's a place where... where no one has gone before.
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Jean-Luc Picard: It was as if a part of me had been stolen.
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Reman Viceroy: But in darkness... there is strength.
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Shinzon: The mighty Federation will fall before us, as I promised you. The time we have dreamed of is at hand.
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Worf: I recommend extreme caution.
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B-4: Never saw the sun... never saw the sun... never saw the sun...
Jean-Luc Picard: Shining so bright...
B-4: Shining so bright, never saw things...
Jean-Luc Picard: Going so right.
B-4: Going so right...
[last lines]
Jean-Luc Picard: Shining so bright...
B-4: Shining so bright, never saw things...
Jean-Luc Picard: Going so right.
B-4: Going so right...
[last lines]
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Data: [as B-4] Move, puny human animal.
Jean-Luc Picard: [whispering] A bit less florid, Data.
Jean-Luc Picard: [whispering] A bit less florid, Data.
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Data: I must deactivate you.
B-4: For how long?
Data: Indefinitely.
B-4: How long is that--
Data: A long time, brother.
B-4: For how long?
Data: Indefinitely.
B-4: How long is that--
Data: A long time, brother.
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Data: The B-4 is physically identical to me, although his neural pathways are not as advanced. But even if they were, he would not be me.
Jean-Luc Picard: How can you be sure?
Data: I aspire, sir, to be better than I am. B-4 does not. Nor does Shinzon.
Jean-Luc Picard: How can you be sure?
Data: I aspire, sir, to be better than I am. B-4 does not. Nor does Shinzon.
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Deanna Troi: That was a lovely toast.
Jean-Luc Picard: It's from the heart.
Deanna Troi: And you needn't worry. I'm going to brief your new counsellor everything she needs to know.
Jean-Luc Picard: Like hell you are. You already know too much about me. But I take it, there will be no speeches during the ceremony on Betazed.
William Riker: No... no speeches and no clothes.
[Data on stage, toasts Riker and Troi]
Data: Ladies and gentlemen and invited transgendered species...
Jean-Luc Picard: It's from the heart.
Deanna Troi: And you needn't worry. I'm going to brief your new counsellor everything she needs to know.
Jean-Luc Picard: Like hell you are. You already know too much about me. But I take it, there will be no speeches during the ceremony on Betazed.
William Riker: No... no speeches and no clothes.
[Data on stage, toasts Riker and Troi]
Data: Ladies and gentlemen and invited transgendered species...
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Geordi La Forge: Captain, we're being hailed.
Jean-Luc Picard: On screen. [notices that the viewscreen has been destroyed] Open a channel.
Donatra: [over the intercom] This is Commander Donatra of the Valdore. We're dispatching shuttles with medical personnel and supplies.
Jean-Luc Picard: Thank you, Commander.
Donatra: You've earned a friend in the Romulan Empire today, Captain. I hope the first of many. Valdore out.
Jean-Luc Picard: On screen. [notices that the viewscreen has been destroyed] Open a channel.
Donatra: [over the intercom] This is Commander Donatra of the Valdore. We're dispatching shuttles with medical personnel and supplies.
Jean-Luc Picard: Thank you, Commander.
Donatra: You've earned a friend in the Romulan Empire today, Captain. I hope the first of many. Valdore out.
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Geordi La Forge: You ever think about getting married again?
Guinan: No. Twenty-three was my limit.
[Worf with a hangover, groans with his head down on the table.]
Guinan: Worf? Are you all right?
Worf: Romulan ale should be illegal.
Geordi La Forge: It is.
Worf: Then it should be more illegal.
Guinan: No. Twenty-three was my limit.
[Worf with a hangover, groans with his head down on the table.]
Guinan: Worf? Are you all right?
Worf: Romulan ale should be illegal.
Geordi La Forge: It is.
Worf: Then it should be more illegal.
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Jean-Luc Picard: Don't worry, Number One. We'll still have you to Betazed with plenty of time to spare.
William Riker: Thank you, sir.
Jean-Luc Picard: [to Worf] Where we will all honor the Betazoid tradition [regarding nude marriages]. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll be in the gym.
William Riker: Thank you, sir.
Jean-Luc Picard: [to Worf] Where we will all honor the Betazoid tradition [regarding nude marriages]. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll be in the gym.