Starsky and Hutch quotes
68 total quotesDavid Starsky
Huggy Bear
Ken 'Hutch' Hutchinson
Reese Feldman
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Big Earl: Alright guys, I'm not gonna lie to you. This is gonna get weird... Two dragons.
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Dancin' Rick: This floor is made for dancin', you can tell by the lights.
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Bat Mitzvah Singer: Rock into womanhood, Elizabeth. We know that you will.
Reese Feldman: What's that supposed to mean?
Reese Feldman: What's that supposed to mean?
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Big Earl: [as Starsky tries to bribe Big Earl] I'll tell you what, I do like your blonde friend here. Let me see your belly button.
Hutch: No. Let's go.
[hangs up the phone]
Starsky: Hold on a second. The guy's obviously a freak. Just show him a little skin. Show him your stomach. Nobody's here.
Big Earl: Are we cool?
Starsky: Yes, we're cool.
Big Earl: [Hutch shows his stomach] Oh, eureka. God, that's nice. It's like a little bowl of oatmeal with a hole in it. I got one too. I just got a little more brown sugar on mine.
Hutch: No. Let's go.
[hangs up the phone]
Starsky: Hold on a second. The guy's obviously a freak. Just show him a little skin. Show him your stomach. Nobody's here.
Big Earl: Are we cool?
Starsky: Yes, we're cool.
Big Earl: [Hutch shows his stomach] Oh, eureka. God, that's nice. It's like a little bowl of oatmeal with a hole in it. I got one too. I just got a little more brown sugar on mine.
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Big Earl: [on the phone with Reese Feldman] What are you wearing? Real quick, be honest.
Reese Feldman: What am I wearing? A silk flowered shirt and a vest. Why?
Big Earl: Oh that's gorgeous.
Reese Feldman: You sick son of a bitch.
Big Earl: Don't hang up. Don't hang up.
[Reese hangs up]
Reese Feldman: What am I wearing? A silk flowered shirt and a vest. Why?
Big Earl: Oh that's gorgeous.
Reese Feldman: You sick son of a bitch.
Big Earl: Don't hang up. Don't hang up.
[Reese hangs up]
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Chau: [after the bullet falls back into the gun] Wait! There's really a bullet in the gun!
Starsky: Yes... I know...That is the point of...Russian Roulette!
Starsky: Yes... I know...That is the point of...Russian Roulette!
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Huggy Bear: Dig this man. Someone once said: "To err is human, to forgive divine."
Hutch: Tch. What idiot said that?
Huggy Bear: I believe that was God - the greatest mack of all.
Hutch: Tch. What idiot said that?
Huggy Bear: I believe that was God - the greatest mack of all.
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Huggy Bear: Hutch, you'll have the usual?
Hutch: You know it and make it a double.
Huggy Bear: Leon, get my a man a jack and tab. And double that.
Leon: You got it boss.
Starsky: Hey, I'll get a seltzer with a little lime if you got it.
Huggy Bear: I don't got it.
Starsky: Or not. That's cool. I'm good.
Hutch: You know it and make it a double.
Huggy Bear: Leon, get my a man a jack and tab. And double that.
Leon: You got it boss.
Starsky: Hey, I'll get a seltzer with a little lime if you got it.
Huggy Bear: I don't got it.
Starsky: Or not. That's cool. I'm good.
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Huggy Bear: I am an urban informer. I am not a snitch.
Starsky: Come on Huggy, what's the difference?
Huggy Bear: A snitch wears a wire. A snitch is the s**** of the information industry.
Starsky: Come on Huggy, what's the difference?
Huggy Bear: A snitch wears a wire. A snitch is the s**** of the information industry.
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Huggy Bear: Look here, Hutch, you gon' have to lay up off this juice. You done had too much to drink.
Hutch: Come on! I feel like a million bucks. I'm just laughing, having a good time.
Huggy Bear: Look man, it ain't even funny no more. There used to be a time around here when you peed on the wall, you did it outside.
Hutch: Lighten up! It's Friday night. Okay, it's a bar.
Huggy Bear: Hutch, it's Wednesday afternoon man. Snap out of it.
Hutch: Come on! I feel like a million bucks. I'm just laughing, having a good time.
Huggy Bear: Look man, it ain't even funny no more. There used to be a time around here when you peed on the wall, you did it outside.
Hutch: Lighten up! It's Friday night. Okay, it's a bar.
Huggy Bear: Hutch, it's Wednesday afternoon man. Snap out of it.
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Hutch: [after seeing the Grand Torino] Whoa! Your stock just went up in my book, my friend. Pop the hood, let me see what you got under -
Starsky: Hey! Hotshot! What do you think you're doing? This is a Ford Grand Torino. It's not some crappy camper slash apartment. There are rules.
Hutch: Okay, okay.
Starsky: You do not bang on the hood. You never under any cir****stances drive. And you will certainly not put your coffee mug on the roof of the car. In fact, no coffee in the car whatsoever. Coffee goes on the ground, you get in the car, we go.
Starsky: Hey! Hotshot! What do you think you're doing? This is a Ford Grand Torino. It's not some crappy camper slash apartment. There are rules.
Hutch: Okay, okay.
Starsky: You do not bang on the hood. You never under any cir****stances drive. And you will certainly not put your coffee mug on the roof of the car. In fact, no coffee in the car whatsoever. Coffee goes on the ground, you get in the car, we go.
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Hutch: [pointing at Starsky] I like your style.
Starsky: [pointing at Hutch] I like your moves.
Starsky: [pointing at Hutch] I like your moves.
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Hutch: [reading Starsky's report on him] "Cavorting with nefarious characters". "Conduct unbecoming an officer".
Starsky: Come on. I wrote that thing two weeks ago, things are totally cool with us now.
Hutch: Did you go through my locker?
Starsky: No.
Hutch: You went through my locker.
Starsky: I mean, I may have looked through it while it was open but...
Hutch: If you've got a problem with someone you tell it to their face, you come to them as a man. You don't go behind their back, write a thesis and try to get transferred to another precinct.
Starsky: Come on. I wrote that thing two weeks ago, things are totally cool with us now.
Hutch: Did you go through my locker?
Starsky: No.
Hutch: You went through my locker.
Starsky: I mean, I may have looked through it while it was open but...
Hutch: If you've got a problem with someone you tell it to their face, you come to them as a man. You don't go behind their back, write a thesis and try to get transferred to another precinct.
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Hutch: [waiting outside Huggy's club] What, you've never run an errand on the clock before?
Starsky: No, I happen to take care of my personal business after work. When the taxpayers aren't paying me to protect them.
Hutch: Give me a break. You've never stopped and bought yourself a cup of coffee?
Starsky: I bring a thermos.
Starsky: No, I happen to take care of my personal business after work. When the taxpayers aren't paying me to protect them.
Hutch: Give me a break. You've never stopped and bought yourself a cup of coffee?
Starsky: I bring a thermos.
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Hutch: Are you crying?
Starsky: Hmm?
Hutch: Are you crying?
Starsky: [hesitating] Am I crying? I'm not crying. You are.
Hutch: It's okay to cry. People cry.
Starsky: Well, I'm not like many people. I'm not a crier, I don't cry, I work out. I have a job, I have hobbies...
Starsky: Hmm?
Hutch: Are you crying?
Starsky: [hesitating] Am I crying? I'm not crying. You are.
Hutch: It's okay to cry. People cry.
Starsky: Well, I'm not like many people. I'm not a crier, I don't cry, I work out. I have a job, I have hobbies...