Ten Commandments, The (1956) quotes
84 total quotesOthers
Ramses II
Seti I
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[On the day of the Hebrews’ freedom]
And it came to pass, after the stifling night of terror, came a day such as the world had never seen. From east and west, from north and south, they came with all they had, driving their flocks and their herds and their camels before them. By tens, by hundreds, by thousands, unending streams of man and beast and burden, and even very much cattle, poured into the Avenue of Sphinxes. Beneath the stone feet of the four colossal images of Rameses, which their own sweat and blood and sinew had hewn from solid rock, a nation arose and freedom was born into the world.
Like Dathan, they did not know where they were going, and they cared no more than the flocks and herds they drove. Now they used the brick yokes to carry a very different burden. And there went forth among them planters of vineyards and sowers of seeds, each hoping to sit under his own vine and fig tree. Out off this glorious chaos, it is Joshua who brings order and purpose.
And he brought forth the people with joy and gladness. He bore them out of Egypt as an eagle bears its young upon its wings.
But again, Pharaoh’s heart was hardened…
Like Dathan, they did not know where they were going, and they cared no more than the flocks and herds they drove. Now they used the brick yokes to carry a very different burden. And there went forth among them planters of vineyards and sowers of seeds, each hoping to sit under his own vine and fig tree. Out off this glorious chaos, it is Joshua who brings order and purpose.
And he brought forth the people with joy and gladness. He bore them out of Egypt as an eagle bears its young upon its wings.
But again, Pharaoh’s heart was hardened…
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[To Nefretiri] You will be mine, like my dog, or my horse, or my falcon, except that I shall love you more - and trust you less.
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A city is made of brick, Pharaoh. The strong make many. The starving make few. The dead make none. So much for accusations.
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Blasphemers! Idolaters! For this you shall drink bitter waters! God has set before you this day His Laws of Life and Good, and Death and Evil. THOSE WHO WILL NOT LIVE BY THE LAW... [lifts the Ten Commandments tablets in the air] ...SHALL DIE BY THE LAW!!!!!!!!!! [throws the tablets at the Golden Calf]
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Blood makes poor mortar.
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But I am Egypt.
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Does a Pharaoh harden his heart against his son? If you let the Hebrews go, who will build his cities? You told Moses to make bricks without straw. Now he tells you to make cities without bricks. Who is the slave, and who is the Pharaoh? Do you hear laughter, Rameses? Yes. The laughter of kings in Babylon, in Cannan, in Troy, as Egypt surrenders to the god of slaves.
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Farewell, my one-time brother.
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Hear, O Israel! Remember this day, when the strong hand of the Lord leads you out of bondage!
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I cursed you. Each time Rameses took me in his arms, I cursed you, not him, because I loved you.
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I do not know what power shapes my way, but my feet are set upon a road that I must follow.
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It is not treason to want freedom.
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It would take more than a man to lead the slaves from bondage. It would take a god. And I am no god, I am but a man. A man who asks by what right any man may enslave another of a different race or creed. But if I could free these people, I would.
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Let the name of Moses be stricken from every book and tablet. Stricken from every pylon and obelisk of Egypt. Let the name of Moses be unheard and unspoken, erased from the memory of man, for all time.
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Oh, Moses, Moses…