Top Gun quotes
56 total quotesGoose
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Wolfman: [Watching a video of planes being shot down] This gives me a hard on.
Hollywood: Don't tease me.
Hollywood: Don't tease me.
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[At Viper's house, Viper and Maverick take a stroll]
Viper: I flew with your old man. VF-51, the Oriskany. You're a lot like he was. Only better... and worse. He was a natural heroic son of a bitch that one.
Maverick: So he DID do it right.
Viper: Yeah, he did right. Is that why you fly the way you do? Trying to prove something? Yeah your old man did it right. What I'm about to tell you is classified and it could end my career. We were in the worst dogfight I could've dreamed of. There were bogeys like fireflies all over the sky. His F-4 was hit; he was wounded, but he could've made it back. He stayed in it; saved three planes before he bought it.
Maverick: How come I never heard that before?
Viper: Well that's not something the State Department tells its dependants when the battle occurred over the wrong line on some map.
Maverick: So you were there?
Viper: I was there. What's on your mind?
Maverick: My options, Sir.
Viper: Simple. First you've acquired enough points to show up and graduate with your Top Gun class, or you can quit. There'll be no disgrace. That spin was hell; it would've shook me up.
Maverick: So you think I should quit?
Viper: I didn't say that. The simple fact is you feel responsible for Goose and you have a confidence problem. Now I'm not gonna sit here and blow sunshine up your ass, Lieutenant. A good pilot is compelled to always evaluate what's happened, so he can apply what he's learned. Up there, we gotta push it...that's our job. It's your option Lieutenant. All yours.
Maverick: Sorry to bother you on a Sunday, Sir, but thank you very much for your time.
Viper: No problem. Good luck.
Viper: I flew with your old man. VF-51, the Oriskany. You're a lot like he was. Only better... and worse. He was a natural heroic son of a bitch that one.
Maverick: So he DID do it right.
Viper: Yeah, he did right. Is that why you fly the way you do? Trying to prove something? Yeah your old man did it right. What I'm about to tell you is classified and it could end my career. We were in the worst dogfight I could've dreamed of. There were bogeys like fireflies all over the sky. His F-4 was hit; he was wounded, but he could've made it back. He stayed in it; saved three planes before he bought it.
Maverick: How come I never heard that before?
Viper: Well that's not something the State Department tells its dependants when the battle occurred over the wrong line on some map.
Maverick: So you were there?
Viper: I was there. What's on your mind?
Maverick: My options, Sir.
Viper: Simple. First you've acquired enough points to show up and graduate with your Top Gun class, or you can quit. There'll be no disgrace. That spin was hell; it would've shook me up.
Maverick: So you think I should quit?
Viper: I didn't say that. The simple fact is you feel responsible for Goose and you have a confidence problem. Now I'm not gonna sit here and blow sunshine up your ass, Lieutenant. A good pilot is compelled to always evaluate what's happened, so he can apply what he's learned. Up there, we gotta push it...that's our job. It's your option Lieutenant. All yours.
Maverick: Sorry to bother you on a Sunday, Sir, but thank you very much for your time.
Viper: No problem. Good luck.
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[After Maverick's crash, Viper chances upon him at a rest room]
Viper: How ya doin?
Maverick: I'm all right.
Viper: Goose is dead.
Maverick: I know.
Viper: You fly jets long enough, something like this happens.
Maverick: He was my RIO, my responsibility.
Viper: My squadron in Vietnam lost eight of 18 aircraft. Ten men. First one dies you die too, but there will be others. You can count on that. You gotta let him go. You gotta let him go.
Viper: How ya doin?
Maverick: I'm all right.
Viper: Goose is dead.
Maverick: I know.
Viper: You fly jets long enough, something like this happens.
Maverick: He was my RIO, my responsibility.
Viper: My squadron in Vietnam lost eight of 18 aircraft. Ten men. First one dies you die too, but there will be others. You can count on that. You gotta let him go. You gotta let him go.
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[At the carrier, in the midst of the MiG battle, Stinger asks the status of the reinforcement planes]
Stinger: What about Wilder and Simpkin?
Officer: Both catapults are broken sir, we cannot launch any aircraft yet.
Stinger: How long?
Officer: It'll take ten minutes.
Stinger: Bullshit ten minutes! This thing will be over in TWO minutes, get on it!
Stinger: What about Wilder and Simpkin?
Officer: Both catapults are broken sir, we cannot launch any aircraft yet.
Stinger: How long?
Officer: It'll take ten minutes.
Stinger: Bullshit ten minutes! This thing will be over in TWO minutes, get on it!
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[Charlie has just given Maverick her address while pretending to turn down his date offer]
Slider: Crashed and burned! Huh, Mav?
Maverick: Hey, Slider. [sniffs] You stink!
[Slider sniffs his armpit, while Sundown laughs]
Slider: Crashed and burned! Huh, Mav?
Maverick: Hey, Slider. [sniffs] You stink!
[Slider sniffs his armpit, while Sundown laughs]
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Come on lock up baby. Lock up baby. Lock up. I got him locked!
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Come on, Mav, do some of that pilot shit!
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Gentlemen. You are the top one percent of all Naval aviators. The elite. Best of the best. We'll make you better.
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I think I'll go embarrass myself with Goose
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I'll hit the brakes, he'll fly right by.
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Lieutenant Mitchell, Top Gun rules of engagement are written for your safety and for that of your team. They are not flexible, nor am I. Either obey them...or you're history, is that clear?
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Maverick is supersonic. I'll be there in thirty seconds.
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Maverick, it's not your flying, it's your attitude. The enemy's dangerous, but right now you're worse than the enemy: you're dangerous and foolish. You may not like the guys flying with you, they may not like you. But whose side are you on?
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Talk to me Goose!
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That son of a bitch cut me off!