Traffic quotes
12 total quotesJavier Rodriguez
Ray Castro
Robert Wakefield
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I have actually dreamed about this, about busting the top people, the rich people, WHITE people!
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I'm on the board of my son's school, I have fundraisers for adult literacy at my own home. I think I have a right to know if my husband is a legitimate business man.
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If there is a war on drugs, then many of our family members are the enemy. And I don't know how you wage war on your own family.
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In Mexico, law enforcement is an entrepreneurial activity.
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My name is Robert. And my wife, Barbara and I are here to support our daughter Caroline. And we're here to listen.
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Not in the doll. The doll is cocaine.
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They say in Latin, "In vino veritas". Wine tells the truth. Use this to write down the addresses of those bas**** who killed my captains. And not where they were last week but where they are *now*, where they are this minute, and better yet, where they are going to be tomorrow. You know where they are going to be tomorrow, right?
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They talk like they're conspiring to conspire.
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What's Washington like? Well its like Calcutta, surrounded by beggars. The only difference is the beggars in Washington wear 1500 dollar suits and they don't say please or thank you.
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When we loves me like a father, he will never tell anyone he was here. He will freely give us the name of his superiors. Then, when we get to them, they too will give us the names of their superiors. And eventually somebody will get us to Juan Obregón, and when that happens, the Tijuana Cartel will fall.
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Why are hurricanes named after women? Because when they arrive, they're wet and wild, and when they leave they take your house and your car.
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You like baseball? We need lights for the parks, so kids can play at night. So they can play baseball. So they don't become burros para los malones. Everyone likes baseball. Everyone likes parks.