Troy quotes
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Paris: Tis a beautiful morning. Poseidon has blessed our voyage.
Hector: Sometimes the gods bless you in the morning and curse you in the afternoon.
Paris: Do you love me brother? Would you protect me against any enemy?
Hector: [intrigued] The last time you spoke to me like this, you were ten years old, and had just stolen father's horse... what have you done now?
Paris: I must show you something.
[Paris leads Hector into the bottom deck of the ship to reveal Helen, who he brought from Sparta]
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Patroclus:Is Prince Hector a good a warrior as they say?
Odysseus: The best of all the Trojans. (looks at Achilles) Some say he's better than all the Greeks too. Even if your cousin doesn't come, I hope you'll join us Patroclus. We could use a strong arm like yours.
Achilles: Play your tricks on me. But not on my cousin.
Odysseus: You have your swords. I have my tricks. We play with the toys the gods give us.
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Priam: I have endured what no one on earth has endured. I have kissed the hands of the man who killed my son.
Achilles: Priam?
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Thetis: If you stay in Larissa, you will find peace. You will find a wonderful woman, and you will have sons and daughters, who will have children. And they'll all love you and remember your name. But when your children are dead, and their children after them, your name will be lost. If you go to Troy, glory will be yours. They will write stories about your victories for thousands of years, and the world will honor your name. But if you go to Troy, you will never come back, for your glory walks hand-in-hand with your fate. And I shall never see you again.
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Title card: 3200 years ago
Title card: After decades of warfare, Agamemnon, King of Mycenae, has forced the kingdoms of Greece into a loose alliance. Only Thessaly remains unconquered.
Title card: Agamemnon's brother, Menelaus, King of Sparta, is weary of battle. He seeks to make peace with Troy, the most powerful rival to the emerging Greek nation.
Title card: Achilles, considered the greatest warrior ever born, fights for the Greek army. But his disdain for Agamemnon's rule threatens to break the fragile alliance apart.
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Achilles: [about Hector's body] If I let you walk out of here, if I let you take him, it changes nothing. You're still my enemy in the morning.
Priam: And you're still my enemy tonight. But even enemies can show respect.
Priam: And you're still my enemy tonight. But even enemies can show respect.
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Achilles: Patroclus, put down your spear.
Patroclus: I'm fighting the Trojans.
Achilles: Not today.
Patroclus: But I'm ready, you taught me how to fight!
Achilles: And you're a good student, but you're not a Myrmidon yet. Look at these men. They are the fiercest warriors in all of Greece. Each of them has bled for me. You will guard the ship.
Patroclus: But this is a war!
Achilles: Cousin, I can't fight the Trojans if I'm concerned for you. Guard the ship.
Patroclus: I'm fighting the Trojans.
Achilles: Not today.
Patroclus: But I'm ready, you taught me how to fight!
Achilles: And you're a good student, but you're not a Myrmidon yet. Look at these men. They are the fiercest warriors in all of Greece. Each of them has bled for me. You will guard the ship.
Patroclus: But this is a war!
Achilles: Cousin, I can't fight the Trojans if I'm concerned for you. Guard the ship.
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Agamemnon: A great victory was won today, but that victory was not yours. Kings did not kneel to Achilles. Kings did not pay homage to Achilles.
Achilles: Perhaps the kings were too far behind to see; the soldiers won the battle.
Agamemnon: History remembers kings, not soldiers! Tomorrow we'll batter down the gates of Troy and I will build monuments for victory on every island of Greece; I'll carve "Agamemnon" in the stone!
Achilles: Be careful, King of Kings. First you need the victory.
Achilles: Perhaps the kings were too far behind to see; the soldiers won the battle.
Agamemnon: History remembers kings, not soldiers! Tomorrow we'll batter down the gates of Troy and I will build monuments for victory on every island of Greece; I'll carve "Agamemnon" in the stone!
Achilles: Be careful, King of Kings. First you need the victory.
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Agamemnon: I see you're not hiding behind your high walls. Valiant of you. Ill-advised, but valiant.
Hector: You come here uninvited. Get back to your ships and leave.
Agamemnon: We've come too far to stop now, Prince Hector.
Hector: You come here uninvited. Get back to your ships and leave.
Agamemnon: We've come too far to stop now, Prince Hector.
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Briseis: Am I still your captive?
Achilles: You're my guest.
Briseis: In Troy, guests can leave whenever they want.
Achilles: You should leave then.
Achilles: You're my guest.
Briseis: In Troy, guests can leave whenever they want.
Achilles: You should leave then.
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Hector: Do you know what you've done? Do you know how many years our father worked for peace?
Paris: I love her.
Hector: Oh, it's all a game to you, isn't it? You roam from town to town, bedding merchants' wives and temple maids and you think you know something about love? What about your father's love? You spat on him when you brought her onboard this ship! What about the love for your country? You'd let Troy burn for this woman?! I will NOT let you start a war for her!
Paris: What you say is true, I've wronged you. I've wronged our father. If you want to take Helen back to Sparta, so be it... but I go with her.
Hector: To Sparta, they'll kill you!
Paris: Then I'll die fighting.
Hector: Oh, and that's sounds heroic to you, to die fighting? Have you ever killed a man?
Paris: No.
Hector: Ever seen a man die in combat?
Paris: No.
Hector: I've killed men. I've heard them dying, I've watched them dying and there's nothing glorious about it! Nothing poetic! You say you're willing to die for love, but you know nothing about dying and you know nothing about love!
Paris: All the same, I go with her. I won't ask you to fight my war.
Hector: You already have.
Paris: I love her.
Hector: Oh, it's all a game to you, isn't it? You roam from town to town, bedding merchants' wives and temple maids and you think you know something about love? What about your father's love? You spat on him when you brought her onboard this ship! What about the love for your country? You'd let Troy burn for this woman?! I will NOT let you start a war for her!
Paris: What you say is true, I've wronged you. I've wronged our father. If you want to take Helen back to Sparta, so be it... but I go with her.
Hector: To Sparta, they'll kill you!
Paris: Then I'll die fighting.
Hector: Oh, and that's sounds heroic to you, to die fighting? Have you ever killed a man?
Paris: No.
Hector: Ever seen a man die in combat?
Paris: No.
Hector: I've killed men. I've heard them dying, I've watched them dying and there's nothing glorious about it! Nothing poetic! You say you're willing to die for love, but you know nothing about dying and you know nothing about love!
Paris: All the same, I go with her. I won't ask you to fight my war.
Hector: You already have.
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Hector: Fight me!
Achilles: Why kill you now, Prince of Troy, with no one here to see you fall?
Achilles: Why kill you now, Prince of Troy, with no one here to see you fall?
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Menelaus: Prince? What prince? What son of a king would accept a man's hospitality, eat his food, drink his wine, embrace him in friendship, then steal his wife in the middle of the night?!
Paris: The sun was shining when your wife left you.
Menelaus: She's up there watching, isn't she? Good. I want her to watch you die.
Agamemnon: Not yet, brother. Look around you, Hector. I brought all the warriors of Greece to your shores.
Nestor: You can still save Troy, young prince.
Agamemnon: I have two wishes. If you grant them, no more of your people need die. First, you must give Helen back to my brother. Second, Troy must submit to my command, to fight for me whenever I call.
Hector: You want me to look upon your army and tremble? Well I see them. I see 50,000 men brought here to fight for one man's greed.
Agamemnon: Careful boy, my mercy has limits.
Hector: And I've seen the limits of your mercy, and I tell you now: no son of Troy will ever submit to a foreign ruler.
Agamemnon: Then every son of Troy... shall die!
Paris: The sun was shining when your wife left you.
Menelaus: She's up there watching, isn't she? Good. I want her to watch you die.
Agamemnon: Not yet, brother. Look around you, Hector. I brought all the warriors of Greece to your shores.
Nestor: You can still save Troy, young prince.
Agamemnon: I have two wishes. If you grant them, no more of your people need die. First, you must give Helen back to my brother. Second, Troy must submit to my command, to fight for me whenever I call.
Hector: You want me to look upon your army and tremble? Well I see them. I see 50,000 men brought here to fight for one man's greed.
Agamemnon: Careful boy, my mercy has limits.
Hector: And I've seen the limits of your mercy, and I tell you now: no son of Troy will ever submit to a foreign ruler.
Agamemnon: Then every son of Troy... shall die!
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Paris: Father, this is Helen.
Priam: Helen? Helen of Sparta?
Paris: Helen of Troy.
Priam: I'd heard rumours of your beaty, and for once, the gossips were right.
Priam: Helen? Helen of Sparta?
Paris: Helen of Troy.
Priam: I'd heard rumours of your beaty, and for once, the gossips were right.
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Paris: Pearls from the sea of Propontus.
Helen: They're beautiful, but I can't wear them. Menelaus would kill us both.
Paris: Don't be afraid of him.
Helen: I'm not afraid of dying, I'm afraid of tomorrow. I'm afraid of watching you sail away and knowing you'll never come back. Before you came to Sparta, I was a ghost. I walked and I ate and I swam in the sea... I was just a ghost.
Paris: You don't have to fear tomorrow. Come with me.
Helen: Don't play with me, don't play.
Paris: If you come we'll never be safe. Men will hunt us, the gods will curse us, but I'll love you. Until the day they burn my body, I'll love you.
Helen: They're beautiful, but I can't wear them. Menelaus would kill us both.
Paris: Don't be afraid of him.
Helen: I'm not afraid of dying, I'm afraid of tomorrow. I'm afraid of watching you sail away and knowing you'll never come back. Before you came to Sparta, I was a ghost. I walked and I ate and I swam in the sea... I was just a ghost.
Paris: You don't have to fear tomorrow. Come with me.
Helen: Don't play with me, don't play.
Paris: If you come we'll never be safe. Men will hunt us, the gods will curse us, but I'll love you. Until the day they burn my body, I'll love you.