Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me quotes
23 total quotesDonna Hayward
Laura Palmer
Special Agent Dale Cooper
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Annie Blackburn: [to Laura] My name is Annie. I've been with Dale and Laura. The good Dale is in the lodge and can't leave. Write it in your diary.
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Jacques Renault: Hey, slow pokes... Guess what? There's no tomorrow... Know why, baby? 'Cause it'll never get here.
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Jacques Renault: I'm blank as a fart.
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Man from Another Place: Do you know who I am? I am the arm, and I sound like this... [makes whooping sounds]
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Mrs. Tremond's Grandson: [to Laura; whispering] The man behind the mask is looking for the book with the pages torn out. He is going towards the hiding place.
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Phillip Jeffries: It was a dream! We live inside a dream!
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The Log Lady: [to Laura] When this kind of fire starts, it is very hard to put out. The tender boughs of innocence burn first, and the wind rises, and then all goodness is in jeopardy.
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Bobby: Hey! Where were you for the last hour. I've been looking all over for you.
Laura: I was standing right behind you but you're too dumb to turn around.
Laura: I was standing right behind you but you're too dumb to turn around.
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Cooper: Lately I've been filled with the knowledge that the killer will strike again. But because it is just a feeling, I am powerless to stop it. One more thing, Albert. When the next murder happens, you will help me solve it.
Albert: Let's test it for the record. Will the next victim be a man or a woman?
Cooper: A woman.
Albert: All right. What color hair will she have?
Cooper: Blonde.
Albert: Tell me some other things about her.
Cooper: She's in high school. She is sexually active. She is using drugs. She's crying out for help.
Albert: Well damn, Cooper, that really narrows it down. You're talking about half the high school girls in America!
Albert: Let's test it for the record. Will the next victim be a man or a woman?
Cooper: A woman.
Albert: All right. What color hair will she have?
Cooper: Blonde.
Albert: Tell me some other things about her.
Cooper: She's in high school. She is sexually active. She is using drugs. She's crying out for help.
Albert: Well damn, Cooper, that really narrows it down. You're talking about half the high school girls in America!
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Desmond: [interviewing a waitress who is drinking coffee and smoking] D'you ever take cocaine, Irene?
Irene: No, I do not. I never took cocaine or any other drug. I don't take drugs.
Stanley: Nicotine's a drug. Caffeine's a drug.
Irene: [annoyed] Who's the towhead?
Irene: No, I do not. I never took cocaine or any other drug. I don't take drugs.
Stanley: Nicotine's a drug. Caffeine's a drug.
Irene: [annoyed] Who's the towhead?
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Desmond: Sir, your behavior is not funny. Your attitude is wasting the bureau's valuable time.
Sheriff Cable: You're lucky I'm not wasting you.
Sheriff Cable: You're lucky I'm not wasting you.
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Donna: Do you think that if you were falling in space... that you would slow down after a while, or go faster and faster?
Laura: Faster and faster. And for a long time you wouldn't feel anything. And then you'd burst into fire. Forever... And the angel's wouldn't help you. Because they've all gone away.
Laura: Faster and faster. And for a long time you wouldn't feel anything. And then you'd burst into fire. Forever... And the angel's wouldn't help you. Because they've all gone away.
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Albert: I've got the front desk now. He was never here.
Albert: I've got the front desk now. He was never here.