Wackiki Wabbit quotes
4 total quotes
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Bugs Bunny: [in subtitled "Hawaiian"] What's up, Doc? Now is the time for every good man to come to the aid of his party.
Thin Castaway: Well, thanks. [in subtitle: "Ofa Eno Maua Te Ofe Popaa"]
Fat Castaway: [points at said subtitle] Gee, did you say that?
[The other castaway shrugs]
Thin Castaway: Well, thanks. [in subtitle: "Ofa Eno Maua Te Ofe Popaa"]
Fat Castaway: [points at said subtitle] Gee, did you say that?
[The other castaway shrugs]
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Bugs Bunny: What's the good word, strangers?
Fat Castaway and Thin Castaway: Food!
[The castaways set up their table and pot and chased after Bugs. But, the wascally wabbit runs away and he swings on a vine]
Fat Castaway and Thin Castaway: Food!
[The castaways set up their table and pot and chased after Bugs. But, the wascally wabbit runs away and he swings on a vine]
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Fat Castaway and Thin Castaway: ♪ We're gonna have roast rabbit! ♪
♪ We're gonna have roast rabbit! ♪
♪ We're gonna have roast rabbit! ♪
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Ah, white men! Welcome to Humuhumunukunukuapua'a'a'a Island.