Wag the Dog quotes
27 total quotesCIA Agent Charlie Young
Conrad 'Connie' Brean
Johnny Dean
Stanley Motss
Winifred Ames
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Johnny, I got a lot of people here who are a little depressed because the war just ended, please give me a new song.
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King, King, I got a thing here, a product placement, gonna have a bigger back-end than Hattie McDaniel.
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Look at that! That is a complete ****ing fraud, and it looks 100% real. This is the best work I've ever done in my life - because it's so honest.
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Oh, God. What do we do now? Huh? Huh? What do we do now, huh, boy producer? Huh? Mister win-an-Emmy, social-conscience, whale-shit, save-the-rain-forest, peacenik-commie, ****in'-hire-a-convict-shithead? Huh? What do we do now, liberal, affirmative action, shithead, peacenik commie ****? What do you want to do now?
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That's right. During the filming of 'The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse,' three of the horsemen died two weeks before the ending of principle photography. This is nothing, this is nothing. This is... this is... this is act one- The War.
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The war ain't over til I say it's over. This is my picture. You think you're in a spot? You think this is a tight spot? Try making the Hunchback of Notre Dame when your three lead actors die, two weeks from the end of principal photography.
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There are two things I know to be true. There's no difference between good flan and bad flan, and there is no war.
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This is a shitty business, and it needs no ghosts coming from the grave to tell us so. But Lord willing and Jesus tarries, in eight days I will be taking you into the second term.
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This is nothing. D'you ever shoot in Italy? Try three Italian starlets wacked out on Benzedrine and grappa, this is a walk in the park...
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When the fit hits the shan somebody's going to have to stay after school.
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Y'know, producing is being a Samurai warrior. They pay you, day in, day out, for years, so that, ONE DAY, when called upon, you can respond, your training at Its peak, and save the day.
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You take the fruit of 40 years - hard lessons, mistakes - and you call it wisdom.