West Side Story quotes
56 total quotesMaria
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[to Tony] Afraid, pretty boy? Afraid, gutless? Afraid, chicken?...You yellow-bellied chicken...Pollack.
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[to Tony] When I get through with you, you will be like a fish after skinning.
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Come and get me too, Chino. Come on Chino, get me too...There's nobody here but me...I'm waitin' for ya!
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Don't worry. I'll find out where it's gonna be. So be sure to finish each other off because if you don't, I will.
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How many bullets are left, Chino? Enough for you, and you? All of you. You all killed him! And my brother, and Riff. Not with bullets and guns - with hate. Well, I can kill too because now I have hate! How many can I kill, Chino? How many and still have one bullet left for me?
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I get a promotion and you Puerto Ricans get what you've been itchin' for. Use of the playground, use of the gym, the streets, the candy store. So what if they do turn this whole town into a stinkin' pigsty. [Bernardo bursts up from his chair, and is restrained by Riff] Don't stop him. He wants to get home. Write a few letters to San Juan, tell them about how he's got it made over here. What I mean is, CLEAR OUT! I said CLEAR OUT. Oh yeah, sure, I know. It's a free country and I ain't got the right. But I got a badge. Whaddya you got? Things are tough all over. BEAT IT!
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I want this beat cleaned up and you can do it for me. I'll even lend a hand if things get rough. Now, where are ya gonna rumble?
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It is most important that I have a wonderful time at the dancing tonight...because tonight is the real beginning of my life as a young lady of America.
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Look, every one of you hates every one of us, and we hate you right back. Let's get at it.
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We need Tony. He's got a rep that's bigger than the whole West Side...He always came through for us and he always will.
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Why don't you get smart, you stupid hooligans? I oughta take you down to the station and throw you in the can right now. You and the tin-horn immigrant s**** you come from.