Winter's Bone quotes
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Teardrop: You ought not do that. Don’t go running after Jessup. Show or don’t show that choice is up to the one going to jail, not you.
Ree: You know where he’s at, don’t you?
Teardrop: Where a man’s at ain’t necessarily for you to know neither.
Ree: But you do...
[Teardrop abruptly shoots a warning look at Ree]
Teardrop: I ain’t seen him.
Ree: Could be running around with Little Arthur and them, you think?
Teardrop: Don’t you ever go down around Little Arthur’s asking them people about shit they ain’t offering to talk about. That’s a real good way to end up et by hogs, or wishing you was.
Ree: We’re all related ain’t we?
Teardrop: Our relations get watered kinda thin between here and Little Arthur’s.
Victoria: You know all those people, Teardrop. You could ask.
Teardrop: Shut up.
Victoria: None of them’s gonna be in a great big hurry to tangle with you.
Teardrop: I said shut up once already with my mouth.
Ree: Jesus, Dad’s your only brother.
Teardrop: You think I forgot that? Hmm? Jessup and me run together for coming on forty years but I don’t know where he’s at, and I ain’t going to go around asking after him neither.
Ree: You know where he’s at, don’t you?
Teardrop: Where a man’s at ain’t necessarily for you to know neither.
Ree: But you do...
[Teardrop abruptly shoots a warning look at Ree]
Teardrop: I ain’t seen him.
Ree: Could be running around with Little Arthur and them, you think?
Teardrop: Don’t you ever go down around Little Arthur’s asking them people about shit they ain’t offering to talk about. That’s a real good way to end up et by hogs, or wishing you was.
Ree: We’re all related ain’t we?
Teardrop: Our relations get watered kinda thin between here and Little Arthur’s.
Victoria: You know all those people, Teardrop. You could ask.
Teardrop: Shut up.
Victoria: None of them’s gonna be in a great big hurry to tangle with you.
Teardrop: I said shut up once already with my mouth.
Ree: Jesus, Dad’s your only brother.
Teardrop: You think I forgot that? Hmm? Jessup and me run together for coming on forty years but I don’t know where he’s at, and I ain’t going to go around asking after him neither.