[holds back Juggernaut and Pyro] In chess, the pawns go first.
[The humans start shooting. Magneto tries to take control of the guns]
Humans and their guns.
[His efforts are useless on the plastic weapons]
Plastic, they've learned.
[Seeing his first wave depowered by the Army's "cure" weapons] That's why the pawns go first.
[The humans start shooting. Magneto tries to take control of the guns]
Humans and their guns.
[His efforts are useless on the plastic weapons]
Plastic, they've learned.
[Seeing his first wave depowered by the Army's "cure" weapons] That's why the pawns go first.
[ holds back Juggernaut and Pyro ] In chess, the pawns go first.
[ The humans start shooting. Magneto tries to take control of the guns ]
Humans and their guns.
[ His efforts are useless on the plastic weapons ]
Plastic, they've learned.
[ Seeing his first wave depowered by the Army's "cure" weapons ] That's why the pawns go first.