Year One quotes
7 total quotes
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high priest: rub me with oil
oh: with my hands?
high priest: no with your nutsack, of course with your hands.
oh: with my hands?
high priest: no with your nutsack, of course with your hands.
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Zed: I'm sorry. I wasn't listening. All my brain blood was in my boner.
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[from trailer]
Zed: You could be my right-hand man.
Oh: I've seen what you do with your right hand. No, thank you.
Zed: You could be my right-hand man.
Oh: I've seen what you do with your right hand. No, thank you.
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[from trailer]
Zed: [pointing to wheels] What are these big, round things for?
Cain: They're wheels, numbskull. They make the cart roll.
[Zed and Oh are riding on the cart, with their arms in the air] Oh: I feel like a bird!
Zed: [pointing to wheels] What are these big, round things for?
Cain: They're wheels, numbskull. They make the cart roll.
[Zed and Oh are riding on the cart, with their arms in the air] Oh: I feel like a bird!
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[from trailer]
[a hunter knocks a bowl of berries out of Oh's hand]
Oh: Well, there won't be any berries in the fruit salad now. So we all lose.
[a hunter knocks a bowl of berries out of Oh's hand]
Oh: Well, there won't be any berries in the fruit salad now. So we all lose.
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[from trailer]
[Zed has eaten an apple from the Tree of Knowledge]
Zed: I might know everything. Ask me something!
Oh: Where does the sun go at night?
Zed: Pass. Next question.
Oh: Where do babies come from?
Zed: Pass. Next question.
Oh: [noticing a snake] There's a snake on my foot.
Zed: In the form of a question!
Oh: [scared] There's a snake on my foot?
Zed: Correct!
[Zed has eaten an apple from the Tree of Knowledge]
Zed: I might know everything. Ask me something!
Oh: Where does the sun go at night?
Zed: Pass. Next question.
Oh: Where do babies come from?
Zed: Pass. Next question.
Oh: [noticing a snake] There's a snake on my foot.
Zed: In the form of a question!
Oh: [scared] There's a snake on my foot?
Zed: Correct!