Zack Brown: What's your name?
Lester: Lester... Lester the Molester ****enschtuff.
Zack Brown: Wow. That's a great porn name.
Lester: I get to pick a porn name?... Then I want to be called... Pete Jones.
Lester: Lester... Lester the Molester ****enschtuff.
Zack Brown: Wow. That's a great porn name.
Lester: I get to pick a porn name?... Then I want to be called... Pete Jones.
Zack Brown : What's your name?
Lester : Lester... Lester the Molester ****enschtuff.
Zack Brown : Wow. That's a great porn name.
Lester : I get to pick a porn name?... Then I want to be called... Pete Jones.