In a world where 1 % of the population owns 40% of the planet's wealth... In a world where 34,000 children die every single day from poverty and preventable diseases, and where 50% of the world's population lives on less than 2 dollars a day... One thing is clear. Something is very wrong. And whether we are aware of it or not, the lifeblood of all our established institutions and thus society itself is money.
In a world where 1 % of the population owns 40% of the planet's wealth... In a world where 34,000 children die every single day from poverty and preventable diseases, and where 50% of the world's population lives on less than 2 dollars a day... One thing is clear. Something is very wrong. And whether we are aware of it or not, the lifeblood of all our established institutions and thus society itself is money.