Back to the Future quotes
88 total quotesBiff Tannen
Doc Brown
Marty McFly
Multiple Characters
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Marty: [After being blown backwards by a large speaker] You know, Doc, you left your equipment on all week.
Doc Brown: My equipment? That reminds me Marty, you'd better not hook up to the amplifier. There's a slight possibility of overload.
Marty: Yeah... I'll keep that in mind.
Doc Brown: My equipment? That reminds me Marty, you'd better not hook up to the amplifier. There's a slight possibility of overload.
Marty: Yeah... I'll keep that in mind.
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Marty: [half asleep in bed] Mom? Mom is that you?
Lorraine: There, there now. Just relax. You've been asleep for almost nine hours now.
Marty: I had a horrible nightmare. I dreamed I went back in time. It was terrible.
Lorraine: Well your safe and sound now back in good ole' 1955.
Marty: [wakes up] 1955! Ahh! Your my, m... Your my m...!
Lorraine: My name is Lorraine. Lorraine Banes.
Marty: Yeah! But your so, uh, your so... thin!
Lorraine: Just relax, Calvin. You got a big bruise on your head.
Marty: Where are my pants?
Lorraine: Over there. On my hope chest. I've never seen purple underwear before, Calvin.
Marty: Calvin? Why do you keep calling me Calvin?
Lorraine: That's your name isn't it? Calvin Klein? It's written all over your underwear. Oh, I guess they call you "Cal."
Marty: No, actually people call me Marty.
Lorraine: Oh. Please to meet you, Calvin... Marty... Klein.
Lorraine: There, there now. Just relax. You've been asleep for almost nine hours now.
Marty: I had a horrible nightmare. I dreamed I went back in time. It was terrible.
Lorraine: Well your safe and sound now back in good ole' 1955.
Marty: [wakes up] 1955! Ahh! Your my, m... Your my m...!
Lorraine: My name is Lorraine. Lorraine Banes.
Marty: Yeah! But your so, uh, your so... thin!
Lorraine: Just relax, Calvin. You got a big bruise on your head.
Marty: Where are my pants?
Lorraine: Over there. On my hope chest. I've never seen purple underwear before, Calvin.
Marty: Calvin? Why do you keep calling me Calvin?
Lorraine: That's your name isn't it? Calvin Klein? It's written all over your underwear. Oh, I guess they call you "Cal."
Marty: No, actually people call me Marty.
Lorraine: Oh. Please to meet you, Calvin... Marty... Klein.
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Marty: Do you know where -
Coffee bar manager (Lou Carruthers): Are you gonna order something, kid!
Marty: Uh, yeah. Give me a, give me a Tab.
Coffee bar manager (Lou Carruthers): "Tab"? I can't give you a tab unless you order something!
Marty: All right, just give me a Pepsi 'Free'.
Coffee bar manager (Lou Carruthers): If you want a Pepsi, pal, you've gonna to pay for it!
Marty: Look, just give me something without any sugar in it, okay.
Coffee bar manager (Lou Carruthers): (muttering) Something without sugar...
[Lou plunks down a cup of coffee in front of Marty]
Coffee bar manager (Lou Carruthers): Are you gonna order something, kid!
Marty: Uh, yeah. Give me a, give me a Tab.
Coffee bar manager (Lou Carruthers): "Tab"? I can't give you a tab unless you order something!
Marty: All right, just give me a Pepsi 'Free'.
Coffee bar manager (Lou Carruthers): If you want a Pepsi, pal, you've gonna to pay for it!
Marty: Look, just give me something without any sugar in it, okay.
Coffee bar manager (Lou Carruthers): (muttering) Something without sugar...
[Lou plunks down a cup of coffee in front of Marty]
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Marty: Do you know where Riverside Drive is?
Sam Baines: It's at the other end of town. A block past Maple. East end of town.
Marty: Wait, a block past Maple. That's John F. Kennedy Drive.
Sam Baines: Who the hell is John F. Kennedy?
Lorraine: Mother, with Marty's parents out of town, don't you think he oughta spend the night? I mean, after all, Dad almost killed him with the car.
Stella Banes: That's true, Marty. I think that maybe you should spend the night. I think you're our responsibilty.
Marty: Ah, jeez, I don't know...
Lorraine: And he can sleep in my room. [squeezes Marty's knee]
Marty: [jumps up from the table] I gotta go! Thank you very much. You've all been great. I'll see you all later... much later. [leaves]
Stella Banes: He's a very strange young man.
Sam Banes: He's an idiot. Comes from upbringing. Parents are probably idiots too. Lorraine, if you ever have a kid who acts that way I'll disown you.
Sam Baines: It's at the other end of town. A block past Maple. East end of town.
Marty: Wait, a block past Maple. That's John F. Kennedy Drive.
Sam Baines: Who the hell is John F. Kennedy?
Lorraine: Mother, with Marty's parents out of town, don't you think he oughta spend the night? I mean, after all, Dad almost killed him with the car.
Stella Banes: That's true, Marty. I think that maybe you should spend the night. I think you're our responsibilty.
Marty: Ah, jeez, I don't know...
Lorraine: And he can sleep in my room. [squeezes Marty's knee]
Marty: [jumps up from the table] I gotta go! Thank you very much. You've all been great. I'll see you all later... much later. [leaves]
Stella Banes: He's a very strange young man.
Sam Banes: He's an idiot. Comes from upbringing. Parents are probably idiots too. Lorraine, if you ever have a kid who acts that way I'll disown you.
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Marty: Doc!
Doc Brown: Huh?
Marty: I have to tell you about the future!
Doc Brown: Huh?
Marty: I have to tell you about the future!
Doc Brown: What!
Marty: On the night I go back in time you get - [The clock chimes 10:00] ...shot.
Doc Brown: Huh?
Marty: I have to tell you about the future!
Doc Brown: Huh?
Marty: I have to tell you about the future!
Doc Brown: What!
Marty: On the night I go back in time you get - [The clock chimes 10:00] ...shot.
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Marty: Hey Doc, you better back up, we don't have enough road to get up to 88.
Doc Brown: Roads? Where we're going, we don't need... roads.
Doc Brown: Roads? Where we're going, we don't need... roads.
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Marty: Hey George. I've been looking all over for you. Remember that girl I introduced you to; Lorraine? What are you writing?
George: Uh, stories. Science fiction stories about visitors coming down to Earth from other planets.
Marty: Get out of town, I didn't know you did anything creative. Well, here let me read some -
George: Oh, no, no, no. I never, I never let anybody read my stories.
Marty: Why not?
George: Well, what if the didn't like them? What if they told me I was no good? I guess that might be hard for somebody to understand.
Marty: Uh, no. Not hard at all. So, anyway, George, about Lorraine. She really likes you. She told me to tell you that she wants you to ask her to the Enchantment Under the Sea Dance.
George: Really?
Marty: Oh, yeah! All you gotta do is go over there and ask her.
George: Whoa, like right here, right now in the cafeteria? What if she says "no?" I don't think I can take that kind of a rejection. Besides, I think she'd rather go with someone else.
Marty: Uh, who?
George: Biff.
George: Uh, stories. Science fiction stories about visitors coming down to Earth from other planets.
Marty: Get out of town, I didn't know you did anything creative. Well, here let me read some -
George: Oh, no, no, no. I never, I never let anybody read my stories.
Marty: Why not?
George: Well, what if the didn't like them? What if they told me I was no good? I guess that might be hard for somebody to understand.
Marty: Uh, no. Not hard at all. So, anyway, George, about Lorraine. She really likes you. She told me to tell you that she wants you to ask her to the Enchantment Under the Sea Dance.
George: Really?
Marty: Oh, yeah! All you gotta do is go over there and ask her.
George: Whoa, like right here, right now in the cafeteria? What if she says "no?" I don't think I can take that kind of a rejection. Besides, I think she'd rather go with someone else.
Marty: Uh, who?
George: Biff.
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Marty: Look, Doc, you gotta help me. You're the only one who knows how your time machine works.
Doc Brown: Time machine? I haven't invented any time machine.
Marty: Okay. Okay, I'll prove it to you. Look at my driver's license. Expires: 1987. Look at my birth date, for crying out loud, I haven't even been born yet! Oh, and look at this picture. It's my brother, my sister and me. Look at her sweatshirt, Doc, class of 1984.
Doc Brown: Pretty mediocre photographic fakery; they cut off your brother's hair!
Marty: Listen, Doc, you got to believe me.
Doc Brown: Then tell me, Future Boy. Who's President of the United States in 1985?
Marty: Ronald Reagan.
Doc Brown: Ronald Reagan? The actor!? [chuckles in disbelief] Then who's vice-president, Jerry Lewis? I suppose Jane Wyman is the First Lady? And Jack Benny is Secretary of the Treasury!
Doc Brown: Time machine? I haven't invented any time machine.
Marty: Okay. Okay, I'll prove it to you. Look at my driver's license. Expires: 1987. Look at my birth date, for crying out loud, I haven't even been born yet! Oh, and look at this picture. It's my brother, my sister and me. Look at her sweatshirt, Doc, class of 1984.
Doc Brown: Pretty mediocre photographic fakery; they cut off your brother's hair!
Marty: Listen, Doc, you got to believe me.
Doc Brown: Then tell me, Future Boy. Who's President of the United States in 1985?
Marty: Ronald Reagan.
Doc Brown: Ronald Reagan? The actor!? [chuckles in disbelief] Then who's vice-president, Jerry Lewis? I suppose Jane Wyman is the First Lady? And Jack Benny is Secretary of the Treasury!
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Marty: Sorry about your barn. (Old Man Peabody tries to shoot him)
Sherman Peabody: It's already mutated into human form, shoot it!
Old Man Peabody: Take that, you mutated son of a bitch!
Sherman Peabody: It's already mutated into human form, shoot it!
Old Man Peabody: Take that, you mutated son of a bitch!
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Marty: This is heavy, Doc.
Doc Brown: There's that word again, 'heavy'. Why are things so heavy in the future? Is there a problem with the Earth's gravitational pull?
Marty: What?
Doc Brown: There's that word again, 'heavy'. Why are things so heavy in the future? Is there a problem with the Earth's gravitational pull?
Marty: What?
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Marty: Uh, this is heavy duty, Doc. This is great. Uh, does it run like on, on regular, unleaded gasoline?
Doc Brown: Unfortunately, no. It requires something with a little more kick; Plutonium!
Marty: Uh, Plutonium... Wait a minute, are you telling me that this sucker is nuclear?!
Doc Brown: Hey! Hey, hey, keep rolling, keep rolling there! No, no, no, no, no. This sucker's electrical, but I need a nuclear reaction to generate the 1.21 gigawatts of electricity I need.
Marty: Doc, you don't just walk into a store and buy plutonium! Did you rip that off?
Doc Brown: [waving arms] Of course! From a group of Libyan nationalists. They wanted me to build them a bomb, so I took their plutonium and in turn gave them a shoddy bomb casing full of used pinball machine parts!
Doc Brown: Unfortunately, no. It requires something with a little more kick; Plutonium!
Marty: Uh, Plutonium... Wait a minute, are you telling me that this sucker is nuclear?!
Doc Brown: Hey! Hey, hey, keep rolling, keep rolling there! No, no, no, no, no. This sucker's electrical, but I need a nuclear reaction to generate the 1.21 gigawatts of electricity I need.
Marty: Doc, you don't just walk into a store and buy plutonium! Did you rip that off?
Doc Brown: [waving arms] Of course! From a group of Libyan nationalists. They wanted me to build them a bomb, so I took their plutonium and in turn gave them a shoddy bomb casing full of used pinball machine parts!
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Marty: Wait, you don't understand. You gotta play. If there's no music they can't dance. If they can't dance they can't kiss, if they can't kiss, they can't fall in love and I'm history!
Marvin Berry: Look kid, the dance is over, unless you know somebody that can play the guitar.
Marvin Berry: Look kid, the dance is over, unless you know somebody that can play the guitar.
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Marty: What about all that talk about screwing up future events? The space-time continuum?
Doc Brown: Well, I figured, what the hell!
Doc Brown: Well, I figured, what the hell!
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Peabody's wife: [Upon seeing the DeLorean] Lord, what is it, what is it, Paw?
Old Man Peabody: Looks like a airplane... without wings!
Sherman Peabody: That ain't no airplane. Look! [shows father "Tales from Space" comic book]
Old Man Peabody: Looks like a airplane... without wings!
Sherman Peabody: That ain't no airplane. Look! [shows father "Tales from Space" comic book]