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[The Concierge leads Barbarella to a room, where the menacing woman emerges, both eyes now intact.]
Great Tyrant: So, my Pretty-Pretty, we meet again.
Barbarella: You! The little one-eyed wench!
Great Tyrant: You have a good memory, Pretty-Pretty. Yes, sometimes I like to go among my people. Be like them. Ordinary. "Evil", as you would call it. So... I'm your little one-eyed wench. I'm also the Great Tyrant.
Barbarella: Well! That's nice.
Great Tyrant: It amuses me immensely! Now I suppose you're interested in the whereabouts and welfare of a certain party, yes?
Barbarella: W— yes, I am! I'm here on the orders of the President of the Republic of Earth. I'm here to find Durand-Durand.
Great Tyrant: I'm not talking about him! I'm speaking of the angel!
Barbarella: Pygar?
Great Tyrant: Yes, Pygar. He has escaped the labyrinth. Crime. He has destroyed twelve of my black guards. Crime. And he dares to deprive me of a pleasure unique in Sogo — an Earthling. Crime! Crime!
Barbarella: Where is Pygar?
Great Tyrant: You want your fine-feathered friend?
[The Great Tyrant nods her head toward something behind Barbarella.]
Great Tyrant: There he is.
[A curtain of snow dissolves to reveal Pygar, tied to a crossbar, wings spread as if crucified.]
Barbarella: Pygar!
Great Tyrant: Amusing, isn't it, Pretty-Pretty? Don't you feel like playing?
. . .
[Barbarella surreptitiously draws Pygar's concealed blaster and grabs the Great Tyrant.]
Barbarella: De-crucify the angel!
Great Tyrant: What?
Barbarella: De-crucify him or I'll melt your face!
. . .
[The Concierge relieves Barbarella of her discharged weapon.]
Great Tyrant: So it was a trick, was it? You should have saved your tricks for... for...
Concierge: For the birds, Your Majesty?
Great Tyrant: Yes! Yes, the birds! The birds! Give her to the birds!

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