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[Merida and Bear Elinor reach the witch's cottage]
Merida: I can't believe it. I found it. [excitedly opens the door, only to find the cottage completely empty with only the cauldron still in the middle; confused] No. She was here. [closes the door; to Bear Elinor] No, really, she was just here. [Bear Elinor whines] Oh, wait. [snaps her fingers then opens the door again, but finds it the same as before] No. [bangs the door shut. Tries again several times, but to no avail] No, no. No! No! [steps in the door and accidentally trips a wire, starting a Rube Goldberg machine that eventually shoots a knife, nearly killing Merida. The cauldron begins to bubble and glow green. Merida and Bear Elinor walk over. A ghostly image of the witch appears above the cauldron]
Witch: Welcome to the Crafty Carver, home of bear-themed carvings and novelties. I am completely out of stock at this time. But, if you'd like to inquire about portraits or wedding cake toppers, pour vial one into the cauldron. If you'd like the menu in Gaelic, vial two. If you're that red-haired lass, vial three. To speak with a live homunculus-- [Merida quickly grabs the third vial, pops it open and pours its contents into the cauldron] Princess! I'm off to the Wickerman Festival in Stornoway and won't be back till spring. There's one bit I forgot to tell you about the spell. By the second sunrise, your spell will become permanent, [Merida gasps] unless you remember these words: [turns red] "Fate be changed, look inside, mend the bond torn by pride." [turns back to green]
Merida: [confused] "Fate be changed?" "Mend the bond?" What does that mean?
Witch: One more time. [turns red again] "Fate be changed, look inside, mend the bond torn by pride." [turns back to green again; cheerfully] That's it! Tah-tah! Oh, and thank you for shopping at the Crafty Carver! [disappears]
Merida: [panicking] No. No! Where'd you go? [pours another vial into the cauldron]
Witch: [suddenly reappears] Welcome to the Crafty Carver...
Merida: [horrified] What?
Witch: ...for all your-- [Merida pours in another vial, causing the speech to overlap]
Merida: Maybe there's a book of spells. [to Bear Elinor] Look around. We'll need more vials. [proceeds to frantically dump in the last two vials]
Witch: I'm off to the Wickerman Festival in Stornoway, and-- [all of the messages begin talking over one another. Merida and Bear Elinor brace for impact] Thank you for visiting. Have a lovely day! [the cauldron explodes, tearing apart the cottage]

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