Close Encounters Of The Third Kind quotes
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Roy Neary
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Spokesman: Now, there are all kinds of ideas that would be fun to believe in. Mental telepathy, time travel, immortality, even Santa Claus. Now I know it's no fun to go home and say: 'Guess what happened! I was in a shopping center. There was this tremendously bright light and I rushed outside - and it was an airplane.'
Roy: Excuse me, sir. I didn't want to see this.
Spokesman: I sure wish I had. You know, for fifteen years, I've been looking for these damn silly lights in the night sky. I've never found any. I'd like to, because I believe in life elsewhere.
Audience member: Why don't you guys just admit that the Air Force is conducting secret tests in the foothills area?
Spokesman: It would be easy to say yes to that. But I'm not going to mislead you. This is not the case. To tell you the truth, I don't know what you saw.
Roy: You can't fool us by agreeing with us.
Another witness: I saw Bigfoot once. 1951 back in Sequoia National Park. Had a foot on him thirty-seven inches heel to toe. It made a sound I would not want to hear twice in my life.
Spokesman: UFO's do not represent a direct physical threat to our national security. We do not support them, and we encourage you not to.
Roy: Excuse me, sir. I didn't want to see this.
Spokesman: I sure wish I had. You know, for fifteen years, I've been looking for these damn silly lights in the night sky. I've never found any. I'd like to, because I believe in life elsewhere.
Audience member: Why don't you guys just admit that the Air Force is conducting secret tests in the foothills area?
Spokesman: It would be easy to say yes to that. But I'm not going to mislead you. This is not the case. To tell you the truth, I don't know what you saw.
Roy: You can't fool us by agreeing with us.
Another witness: I saw Bigfoot once. 1951 back in Sequoia National Park. Had a foot on him thirty-seven inches heel to toe. It made a sound I would not want to hear twice in my life.
Spokesman: UFO's do not represent a direct physical threat to our national security. We do not support them, and we encourage you not to.
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Supervisor: Ask them if they want to report officially.
Air Traffic Controller: TWA 517, do you want to report a UFO? Over. [No response] TWA 517, do you want to report a UFO? Over.
TWA Pilot: Negative. We don't want to report.
Air Traffic Controller: AirEast 31, do you wish to report a UFO? Over.
AirEast Pilot: Negative. We don't want to report one of those either.
Air Traffic Controller: AirEast 31, do you wish to file a report of any kind to us?
AirEast Pilot: I wouldn't know what kind of report to file, Center.
Air Traffic Controller: AirEast 31, me neither. I'll try to track traffic and destination, over.
Air Traffic Controller: TWA 517, do you want to report a UFO? Over. [No response] TWA 517, do you want to report a UFO? Over.
TWA Pilot: Negative. We don't want to report.
Air Traffic Controller: AirEast 31, do you wish to report a UFO? Over.
AirEast Pilot: Negative. We don't want to report one of those either.
Air Traffic Controller: AirEast 31, do you wish to file a report of any kind to us?
AirEast Pilot: I wouldn't know what kind of report to file, Center.
Air Traffic Controller: AirEast 31, me neither. I'll try to track traffic and destination, over.
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Walsh: You brought in twelve people to the decontamination camp instead of the evacuation center where they belong. I'd like to know why.
Laughlin: [translating for Lacombe] Because this means something. These people have come from all over their country to a place they have been told will endanger their lives. Why?
Walsh: Because somebody could be trying to subvert this whole operation by sending in fanatics and cultists and Christ knows what all.
Laughlin: [while showing sketches drawn of Devils Tower by all the captives] This is a small group of people who have shared a vision in common. Look. [He pulls up the shade to reveal the Tower in the window] It's still a mystery to me why they are here. Even they do not know why.
Laughlin: [translating for Lacombe] Because this means something. These people have come from all over their country to a place they have been told will endanger their lives. Why?
Walsh: Because somebody could be trying to subvert this whole operation by sending in fanatics and cultists and Christ knows what all.
Laughlin: [while showing sketches drawn of Devils Tower by all the captives] This is a small group of people who have shared a vision in common. Look. [He pulls up the shade to reveal the Tower in the window] It's still a mystery to me why they are here. Even they do not know why.
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[Roy is looking at a map on a deserted road at night]
Man: You're in the middle of the road, jackass!
Roy: Do you know where Cornbread (Road) is? [Shouts] TURKEY!!
Man: You're in the middle of the road, jackass!
Roy: Do you know where Cornbread (Road) is? [Shouts] TURKEY!!
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[about the poison gas story] Look, I guarantee you that this whole thing is a put-on.
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[After an angry passerby tells him he is in the middle of a road whilst looking for Cornbread Road] Do you know where Cornbread is... TURKEY?!
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[to his family] Well, I guess you've noticed something a little strange with Dad. It's OK. I'm still Dad. I can't describe it - what I'm feeling.
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[To Ronnie] Okay, I'm wrong. I'm Wrong Roy, okay? TOBY!! YOU ARE CLOSE TO DEATH!! GET OUT HERE!!!
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[to two white-uniformed men with gas masks] The only bad air around here is you guys fartin' around.
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[Trying to explain fractions to his son] All right. Let's say... [Places an HO scale boxcar on a track] that this boxcar is 60 feet long and 1/3 of it is across this switch, all right?. And now, another train is coming. [Starts an engine] Now how far do you have to move this boxcar off the tracks so that the other train doesn't smash it? Quickly, Brad. There are thousands of lives at stake. Brad, any answer. [The train hits the boxcar]
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Honey, Ronnie. Wake up. You're not gonna believe what I saw!...I never would have believed it. There was this, uh, in the cab, there was this...it was a red whoosh...You know, those pictures in the National Geographic about the Aurora Borealis? This is better than that! Come on! Ronnie, I need you to see something with me. It's really important. [wakes his kids] Silvia , come on. We're going on a little adventure. Toby! Brad! Come on. Get up. Up!...It's better than Goofy Golf! COME ON!!
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I didn't come this far just to be taken on any bus ride home.
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I figured it out, that's all. Will you just listen?...Have you ever looked at something and it's crazy and then you looked at it in another way and it's not crazy at all?...Don't be scared. Just don't be scared. I feel really good. Everything's gonna be all right. I haven't felt this good in years.
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I know this sounds crazy, but ever since yesterday on the road, I've been seeing this shape. Shaving cream, pillows...Dammit! I know this. I know what this is! This means something. This is important.