Close Encounters Of The Third Kind quotes
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Roy Neary
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Laughlin: [translating for Lacombe] I believe that for everyone of these anxious, anguished people who have come here this evening, there must be hundreds of others also touched by the implanted vision who never made it this far. It's simply because they never watched the television. Or perhaps they watched it, but never made the psychic connection.
Walsh: It's a coincidence. It's not scientific.
Lacombe: Listen to me, Major Walsh, it is an event sociological.
Walsh: It's a coincidence. It's not scientific.
Lacombe: Listen to me, Major Walsh, it is an event sociological.
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Laughlin: Excuse me.Before I got paid to, uh, speak French, I, uh, I used to read maps. This first number is a longitude...Two sets of three numbers. Degrees, minutes, and seconds. The first number has three digits and the last two are below sixty. Obviously, it's not in the right ascension and declination on the sky. These have to be earth coordinates.
Specialist: Surely, somebody has a map...There's a globe in the county supervisor's office.
Specialist: Surely, somebody has a map...There's a globe in the county supervisor's office.
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Laughlin: The two of you felt compelled to be here?
Roy: Yeah, you might say that.
Laughlin: [translating for Lacombe] What did you expect to find?
Roy: An answer. That's not crazy, is it? [Laughlin and Lacombe speak to each other in French] Hold it, hold it, hold it! Is that it? Is that all you're gonna ask me? Well, I got a couple of thousand, god-damn questions, you know. I want to speak to someone in charge. I want to lodge a complaint. You have no right to make people crazy...If this is nerve gas, how come I know everything in such detail? I've never been here before. How come I know so much? What the hell is going on around here?! Who the hell are you people?
Roy: Yeah, you might say that.
Laughlin: [translating for Lacombe] What did you expect to find?
Roy: An answer. That's not crazy, is it? [Laughlin and Lacombe speak to each other in French] Hold it, hold it, hold it! Is that it? Is that all you're gonna ask me? Well, I got a couple of thousand, god-damn questions, you know. I want to speak to someone in charge. I want to lodge a complaint. You have no right to make people crazy...If this is nerve gas, how come I know everything in such detail? I've never been here before. How come I know so much? What the hell is going on around here?! Who the hell are you people?
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Laughlin: We need answers from you that are honest, direct, and to the point.
Roy: Where's Jillian?
Laughlin: [translating for Lacombe] Do you realize the danger that you and your friend have risked? By coming here, you've exposed yourself to toxic gas...
Roy: There's nothing wrong with the air.
Laughlin: What makes you say that?
Roy: I just know. There's nothing wrong with it.
Lacombe: Go outside and make me a liar.
Roy: Uh, look, I want to talk to the man in charge.
Laughlin: Mr. Lacombe is the highest authority.
Roy: He isn't even an American.
Roy: Where's Jillian?
Laughlin: [translating for Lacombe] Do you realize the danger that you and your friend have risked? By coming here, you've exposed yourself to toxic gas...
Roy: There's nothing wrong with the air.
Laughlin: What makes you say that?
Roy: I just know. There's nothing wrong with it.
Lacombe: Go outside and make me a liar.
Roy: Uh, look, I want to talk to the man in charge.
Laughlin: Mr. Lacombe is the highest authority.
Roy: He isn't even an American.
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Laughlin: What the hell is happening here?
Project Leader: It's that training mission from the Naval Air Station in Ft. Lauderdale...
Laughlin: Who flies crates like these anymore?
Project Leader: No one. These planes were reported missing in 1945.
Laughlin: But it looks brand new. Where's the pilot? I don't understand. Where's the crew? Hey! How the hell did it get here?
Project Leader: It's that training mission from the Naval Air Station in Ft. Lauderdale...
Laughlin: Who flies crates like these anymore?
Project Leader: No one. These planes were reported missing in 1945.
Laughlin: But it looks brand new. Where's the pilot? I don't understand. Where's the crew? Hey! How the hell did it get here?
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Laughlin: [to Walsh] We didn't choose this place! We didn't choose these people! They were invited!
Lacombe: They belong here more than we!
Lacombe: They belong here more than we!
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Man: Here they come! Out of the northwest!
[Lights are spotted in the hazy sky above the horizon]
Gillian: It's like Halloween for grownups.
Roy: Trick or treat!
[Lights are spotted in the hazy sky above the horizon]
Gillian: It's like Halloween for grownups.
Roy: Trick or treat!
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Old Man: El sol salio anoche y me canto!
Translator: He says the sun came out last night. He says it sang to him.
Translator: He says the sun came out last night. He says it sang to him.
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Ronnie: Roy, what did it look like?
Roy: It was like an ice cream cone.
Ronnie: What flavor?
Roy: Orange. It was orange - and it wasn't like an ice cream cone. It was, it was more like a shell. You know, it was like this.
Ronnie: Like a taco? Was it like one of those Sara Lee, um, moon-shaped cookies? Those crescent cookies? Don't you think I'm taking this really well? I remember when we used to come to places like this just to look at each other...and snuggle. [Roy and Ronnie kiss]
Roy: It was like an ice cream cone.
Ronnie: What flavor?
Roy: Orange. It was orange - and it wasn't like an ice cream cone. It was, it was more like a shell. You know, it was like this.
Ronnie: Like a taco? Was it like one of those Sara Lee, um, moon-shaped cookies? Those crescent cookies? Don't you think I'm taking this really well? I remember when we used to come to places like this just to look at each other...and snuggle. [Roy and Ronnie kiss]
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Roy: [checking the paper] Hey, you know what's playing tonight? Pinocchio! You guys have never seen Pinocchio, you're in luck!
Brad: Aw, who wants to see some dumb movie rated 'G' for kids?
Roy: How old are you?
Brad: Eight.
Roy: You wanna be nine?
Brad: Yeah.
Roy: Then you're going to go see Pinocchio tomorrow night.
[Brad makes a disgusted gesture, but shuts up.]
Ronnie: Roy, that is a terrific way to win over your children.
Roy: I'm not serious, I'm just saying that I grew up with Pinocchio, and if kids are still kids, they're going to eat it up!
[Ronnie looks at him in disgust.]
Roy: Okay, I'm wrong, I'm wrong. I'm Wrong Roy, all right?
[Yells at his youngest son, who is demolishing his sister's doll in a crib]
Roy: Toby! You are close to death! Come out here! (Toby does so) Okay, look, I'm gonna give you yor choice, I'm not gonna be biased in any way. Tomorrow night you can either play Goofy Golf, which is a lot of standing in line and shoving and pushing, and probably getting a 'zero,' or you can see Pinocchio, which is a lot of furry animals and magic, and you'll have a wonderful time. Okay? Now let's vote.
Brad & Toby: GOLF!
Ronnie: All right, everybody to bed!
Toby: No way! Dad said we could finish watching The Ten Commandments!
Ronnie: Roy, that movie is four hours long.
Roy: I told them they'd only watch five commandments.
Brad: Aw, who wants to see some dumb movie rated 'G' for kids?
Roy: How old are you?
Brad: Eight.
Roy: You wanna be nine?
Brad: Yeah.
Roy: Then you're going to go see Pinocchio tomorrow night.
[Brad makes a disgusted gesture, but shuts up.]
Ronnie: Roy, that is a terrific way to win over your children.
Roy: I'm not serious, I'm just saying that I grew up with Pinocchio, and if kids are still kids, they're going to eat it up!
[Ronnie looks at him in disgust.]
Roy: Okay, I'm wrong, I'm wrong. I'm Wrong Roy, all right?
[Yells at his youngest son, who is demolishing his sister's doll in a crib]
Roy: Toby! You are close to death! Come out here! (Toby does so) Okay, look, I'm gonna give you yor choice, I'm not gonna be biased in any way. Tomorrow night you can either play Goofy Golf, which is a lot of standing in line and shoving and pushing, and probably getting a 'zero,' or you can see Pinocchio, which is a lot of furry animals and magic, and you'll have a wonderful time. Okay? Now let's vote.
Brad & Toby: GOLF!
Ronnie: All right, everybody to bed!
Toby: No way! Dad said we could finish watching The Ten Commandments!
Ronnie: Roy, that movie is four hours long.
Roy: I told them they'd only watch five commandments.
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Roy: [taking off his gas mask] Gillian! Gillian! [Gillian takes off her gas mask]
Man: NO! You'll be poisoned!
Roy: Listen, there's nothing wrong with the air around here. The army is getting us out of here because they don't want any witnesses.
Woman: But if the army doesn't want us here, then it's none of our business.
Man: [taking off his mask] The air here is better than it is in Los Angeles.
Roy: How many of you people are for getting out of here?
Man: NO! You'll be poisoned!
Roy: Listen, there's nothing wrong with the air around here. The army is getting us out of here because they don't want any witnesses.
Woman: But if the army doesn't want us here, then it's none of our business.
Man: [taking off his mask] The air here is better than it is in Los Angeles.
Roy: How many of you people are for getting out of here?
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Roy: Ronnie, all I wanna do is, is, is know what's goin' on.
Ronnie: But nothin's going on. It's just one of those things.
Roy: Which things? Which things?
Ronnie: I don't want to hear about this anymore.
Roy: Ronnie, this is very important. I'm not just gonna let it lay here. I'm gonna call somebody about this...I saw something last night that I can't explain.
Ronnie: I saw something last night I can't explain.
Roy: I'm going out there again tonight, you know.
Ronnie: No, you're not.
Roy: Yes, I am.
Ronnie: No, you're not.
Roy: YES, I AM!
Ronnie: No, you're not! [She smashes his cupped hand with shaving cream into his mouth]
Ronnie: But nothin's going on. It's just one of those things.
Roy: Which things? Which things?
Ronnie: I don't want to hear about this anymore.
Roy: Ronnie, this is very important. I'm not just gonna let it lay here. I'm gonna call somebody about this...I saw something last night that I can't explain.
Ronnie: I saw something last night I can't explain.
Roy: I'm going out there again tonight, you know.
Ronnie: No, you're not.
Roy: Yes, I am.
Ronnie: No, you're not.
Roy: YES, I AM!
Ronnie: No, you're not! [She smashes his cupped hand with shaving cream into his mouth]
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Roy: Want to see better?
Gillian: I can see fine.
Roy: We can't stay here.
Gillian: I can.
Roy: Why?
Gillian: Because, Barry's not here. I'm just not ready.
Roy: I can't stay here. I've got to get down there.
Gillian: I know.
Gillian: I can see fine.
Roy: We can't stay here.
Gillian: I can.
Roy: Why?
Gillian: Because, Barry's not here. I'm just not ready.
Roy: I can't stay here. I've got to get down there.
Gillian: I know.
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Scientist: [as Air Force pilots disembark from the ship] They haven't even aged. Einstein was right.
Team Lead: Einstein was probably one of them.
Team Lead: Einstein was probably one of them.
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Specialist: Give her six quavers, then pause.
Technician: She sent us four quavers, a group of five quavers, a group of four semi-quavers...
Walsh: What are we saying to each other?
Laughlin: It seems they're trying to teach us a basic tonal vocabulary.
Specialist: It's the first day of school, fellas. Take everything from the lady. Follow her pattern note for note.
Technician: She sent us four quavers, a group of five quavers, a group of four semi-quavers...
Walsh: What are we saying to each other?
Laughlin: It seems they're trying to teach us a basic tonal vocabulary.
Specialist: It's the first day of school, fellas. Take everything from the lady. Follow her pattern note for note.