Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs quotes
38 total quotesEarl Devereaux
Flint Lockwood
Patrick Patrickson
Sam Sparks
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Now that's what I call, poultry in motion.
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So here's how it works: water goes in the top, and food comes out the bottom.
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Thanks, Patrick. Okay, everyone, you're not going to believe this one, but I'm standing in the middle of a burger rain. You can have seen a meteor shower, but you have never seen a shower "meatier" than this. For a town stuck eating sardines, this is totally manna from heaven.
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Water goes in the top, a food hurricane comes out the bottom.
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Well, those cheeseburgers we're only the beginning because a breakfast system is on its way to Swallow Falls. My forecast? Sunny... side up.
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When I was a girl, I wore a ponytail, had glasses, and I was totally obsessed with weather. Other girls wanted a Barbie, I wanted a Doppler Radar Turbo 2000. But all the other kids used to taunt me with this lame song. It wasn't even clever. So, I got a new look, gave the sciencey smart stuff, and I was never made fun of again.
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When it rains, you put on a coat... of Spray-On Shoes!
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Yikes! What is that, a scrunchie? I haven't seen one of those since 1995.