Dogville quotes
237 total quotesChapter SEVEN
Chapter SIX
Chapter THREE
Chapter TWO
Quotes about Dogville
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Oh, don't be ashamed, Ben. We all have the right to make the most of our lives. 'm sure that those ladies in those houses they bring a lot of joy to a lot of men.
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Optimistic viewers may debate how much of a handle he has on human nature. But he's clearly got a handle on his own views, and presents them in a way that is impossible to ignore or discount completely. You can loathe Dogville because it represents a concession to the basest ideas of human greed and cruelty, but you can't deny that it makes those ideas feel frighteningly real.
Josh Bell in Las Vegas Weekly
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Our last conversation, the one in which you told me what it was you didn't like about me, never really concluded — as you ran away. I should be allowed to tell you what I don't like about you. That I believe would be a rule of polite conversation.
The Big Man
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Perhaps there's something you don't need done?
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Philosophy and politics aside, von Trier has forgotten to make a movie worth watching, create a single sympathetic character or write dialogue that isn't prattle.
James Verniere in The Boston Herald
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Please. Stop it. Please. Please don't. Please look at me. Look at me, talk to me. We're friends. You are my family, stop it.
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Running a painfully long three hours, Dogville is pretentious with a capital 'P.
Steve Rhodes in Internet Reviews
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She saw you, Grace. She saw you. Behind this pile of broken limbs... with Chuck... He said it wasn't the first time you'd made advances towards him. He never told me before because he wanted to spare my feelings. He's a withdrawn and primitive man, but at heart he's loyal and he is good. What do you want with my husband?
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Shocks, galvanizes, and exhilarates.
Jeanne Aufmuth, Palo Alto Weekly
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Shooting at you certainly didn't help matters. Of course not. You're, far, far too stubborn.
The Big Man
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Something...something that you would like done, but that you don't think is necessary.
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Surely we can offer her two weeks! And if after that time so much as one man cries out Be gone! — I promise I'll happily send her packing myself.
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Tell me, has the crime rate really gone up in this country, as we are lead to believe. Maybe people just regard things as criminal, because they envy their success? What's your opinion on the subject. Maybe you have none. I'll get the door...sorry.
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The acting is ice cold. The dialogue is lethargic. And if we're going to sit through any movie that's 177 minutes, it better have some Hobbits in it. There are no Hobbits here, so stay home.
E! Online
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The film equivalent of an early 80s West Coast punk rock demo: low budget, unfocused fury from deep within that not everyone will agree with, but with undeniable primal power.
Larry Carroll, Filmstew.com