Dogville quotes
237 total quotesChapter SEVEN
Chapter SIX
Chapter THREE
Chapter TWO
Quotes about Dogville
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The only thing simple you can say about Dogville is that it's a masterpiece.
Kim Morgan, Reel.com
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There is a right and a wrong time to plant seeds and you can't plant seeds in the winter.
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They are good kids. And I love them. Please don't say such nice things about the kids. I cry too easily. Both in sorrow and in joy.
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This acerbic "illustration" of a small town's curious notions of entitlement unspools as a Christian allegory by way of Mark Twain or Dr. Seuss.
Ed Gonzalez, Slant Magazine
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This brilliantly acted film is a highly stylized, surprisingly successful experiment that sits somewhere between theater and cinema.
Ken Fox TV Guide's Movie Guide
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This is a seriously important film and a huge achievement.
Mick LaSalle, The San Francisco Chronicle
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This isn't cynicism. It's nihilism. And its brilliant, infuriating display here proves again that Von Trier — exciting, maddening Von Trier — may be finding unusual new ways to say things just as he's running out of things to say.
Stephen Whitty in The Newark Star-Ledger
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This town is rotten from the inside out and I wouldn't miss it, if it fell into the gorge tomorrow. I see no charm here, but you seem to. Admit it you've fallen for Dogville. The trees, the mountains, the simple folk. And if all that ain't got you fooled yet, I bet the cinnamon has. That damned cinnamon in those gooseberry pies. Dogville has everything that you ever dreamed of in the big city.
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This unique cinematic experience is a parable of greed and revenge that could take place anywhere.
Marc Mohan in The Oregonian
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This year I didn't bring any notes with me. Because I'm not gonna pretend, I can read them. Which brings me to a point. A point I wanna make. And that point is you Grace. Yes. You have made Dogville a wonderful place to live in. As a matter of fact, somebody tells me they ran into grumpy old Chuck down the street and he was actually smiling. Well, I've never seen your smile, Grace, but I will bet you I could describe it. Because it obviously has every color that's refracted from the shiniest prism in the world. You probably have a face to match that. Does she have a face to match that, Tom?
Jack McKay
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Those awful figurines say more about the people in this town, than many words.
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Though certainly a failure in some respects, Dogville may be the most fascinating, richly accomplished screw-up you'll see all year.
Michael Wilmington in The Chicago Tribune
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To plunder, as it were, a God given right. I'd call that arrogant...
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Tom, I got to tell you. Even I have trouble defending that girl. With your help, which I prefer to think was accidental, Tom... She has managed to spread bitterness and troubles throughout this whole town. She has to go. How do we get rid of her, Tom.
Jack McKay
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Two people only hurt each other if they doubt the love they have for one another. You can read it some other time. You sit down some place and gaze out at the mountains. It's what the girl in my novel does.