Four Weddings And A Funeral quotes
68 total quotesMatthew Quotes
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Charles: Yes, it's odd, isn't it? All these years we've been single and proud of it and never noticed that two of us were, in effect, married all this time.
Tom: Traitors in our midst.
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David: How are you doing?
Charles: You remember the time you started dad's boat and the propeller cut my leg to shreds?
David: Yeah?
Charles: This is worse.
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Did anyone else tread in a cowpat? No, thought not.
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Do you think I'd hate him as much if he wasn't my brother?
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Excuse me. I think I had better be where other people are not.
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Father Gerald:
In the name of the father, the son, and the holy spigot. Spirit!
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Fiona: about congratulating parents of bride and groom God, I never know what to say in these ghastly line-ups.
Gareth: It's a cinch! Just give a big warm hug and say the bride looks... pregnant.
Matthew: Or you can stick with convention and say "You must be very proud."
Fiona: Heaven preserve us...
in the line
Fiona: You must be very proud!
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Fiona: Discussing the first time one performs a wedding It's rather like the first time one has sex, I suppose.
Father Gerald: I suppose so.
Fiona: Only not as messy, and far less cause for condoms.
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Fiona: Where's Gareth?
Matthew: Torturing Americans.
Fiona: How thoughtful of him.
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First of all, l'd like to thank all of you who've flown in from the States. I'm really touched. As for the rest of you, l'd have thought that lots of frightful Americans flying in was an excuse for staying away, so I thank you, too.
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Gareth: I've got a new theory about marriage. Two people are in love, they live together, and then suddenly one day, they run out of conversation.
Charles: Uh-huh.
Gareth: Totally. I mean they can't think of a single thing to say to each other. That's it: panic! Then suddenly it-it occurs to the chap that there is a way out of the deadlock.
Charles: Which is?
Gareth: He'll ask her to marry him.
Charles: Brilliant! Brilliant!
Gareth: Suddenly they've got something to talk about for the rest of their lives.
Charles: Basically you're saying marriage is just a way of getting out of an embarrassing pause in conversation.
Gareth: The definitive icebreaker.