Four Weddings And A Funeral quotes
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The castle beckons, I think Tom.
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The great advantage of having a reputation for being stupid: People are less suspicious of you.
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They say rubber's mainly for perverts. Don't know why. Think it's very practical, actually. I mean, you spill anything on it and it just comes off. I suppose that could be why the perverts like it.
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Tom: Splendid, I thought. What did you think?
Bernard: I, thought, splendid! What did you think?
Tom: Splendid, I thought.
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Tom: Well, let's face the facts. If you weren't certain you wanted to marry her today, of all days - i.e., your wedding day - then it must have been the right decision, mustn't it?
Fiona looks at him as though she's about to say, "Bugger off, Tom," for the umpteenth time, then reaches out and touches his shoulder affectionately
Fiona: Quite right, Tom.
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Vomiting Veronica: to her husband about going to India with Charles Charles was vile. He insisted on cracking jokes all the time I was ill.
Charles: I was only trying to cheer you up, V.
Naughty Nicki: Oh, you're that Veronica!
Vomiting Veronica: Which Veronica? Charlie?
Charles: trying to change the subject Remember Bombay?
Naughty Nicki: When Charles and I were going out, he told me he had this interesting journey around India with Vomiting Veronica. I think that was it.
Charles: embarassed I don't remember - maybe I did.
Mocking Martha: Oh, come on Charles! I don't think I've ever been out with anyone less discreet. I remember you going on about this one girl - Helena wasn't it... who's mother made a pass at you...
Vomiting Veronica: I remember this! You couldn't work it out whether or not it'd be impolite not to except her advances!
Naughty Nicki: Helena was Ms. Piggy! So her mother was Mrs. Piggy!
all laugh
Miss Piggy: who's been with them the whole time We've both lost a lot of weight since then!
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Young Bridesmaid: What's bonking?
Scarlett: Well, it's kinda like table tennis, only with slightly smaller balls.
Scarlett: Well, it's kinda like table tennis, only with slightly smaller balls.