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[Anna finishes "For the First Time In Forever"]
Anna: ...For the first time in forever, nothing's in my way... [promptly collides with a horse, stumbles, and falls into a rowboat placed precariously on the edge of the dock. The boat nearly tips over but the horse places a hoof on the other end of the boat to steady it] Hey!
Hans: I'm so sorry! Are you hurt? [Anna gets a good look at his face and is immediately smitten]
Anna: [smiles] Hey. Uh... no. No! I'm... I'm okay.
Hans: Are you sure?
Anna: Yeah, I... I just wasn't looking where I was going, but I'm great, actually. [Hans jumps off his horse and steps onto the boat]
Hans: Oh, thank goodness. [holds out his hand and helps Anna to her feet] Oh. Uh... Prince Hans of the Southern Isles.
Anna: [curtsies] Princess Anna of Arendelle.
Hans: Princess? My lady! [suddenly drops to his knees to bow, while his horse inadvertently lifts its foot off the boat, causing it to tip over. Hans grabs Anna before she can fall in the water]
Anna: Wooh!
Hans: Um... [The two look at each other awkwardly]
Anna: Hi... again!
[Hans's horse slams its hoof back onto the boat, tipping it back upright. Anna falls on top of Hans]
Hans: Oh, boy! Uh...
Anna: This is awkward. Not you're awkward, but just because we're... I'm awkward-- you're gorgeous. Wait, what?
Hans: I'd like to formally apologize for hitting the Princess of Arendelle with my horse...and for every moment after.
Anna: No. No, no! It's fine. I'm not that princess. I mean, if you'd hit my sister Elsa, it would be like... yeesh! 'Cause, you know... [pats Hans's horse's mane] Hello. [to Hans] But lucky you, it''s just me.
Hans: [chuckles] Just you? [Anna smiles at Hans. Church bells are heard in the distance]
Anna: The bells. The coronation! I... I... I better go! I have to go. I better go! Uh... bye! [Anna rushes off. Hans's horse inadvertently lifts its hoof to wave as well, and the boat begins to tip]
Hans: Oh no. Ahǃ [Hans falls into the water]

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