Get Shorty quotes
45 total quotesChili Palmer
Harry Zimm
Karen Flores
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Chili: So you're thinking what if I was to put you next to my dry cleaner. Ask him if he wants to invest his money in a movie.
Harry: That, or I'm thinking what if some tragic accident were to befall the widow Saffrin...
Chili: I'm not gonna pop her, Harry.
Harry: Just a thought.
Harry: That, or I'm thinking what if some tragic accident were to befall the widow Saffrin...
Chili: I'm not gonna pop her, Harry.
Harry: Just a thought.
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Chili: What is this?
Attendant: An Oldsmobile Silhouette.
Chili: I reserved a Cadillac.
Attendant: Yeah, well, this one's the Cadillac of minivans.
Attendant: An Oldsmobile Silhouette.
Chili: I reserved a Cadillac.
Attendant: Yeah, well, this one's the Cadillac of minivans.
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Chili: What kinda food they serve at this Ivy place anyway?
Karen: Continental, but it doesn't matter. Martin won't order from the menu.
Chili: Why not?
Karen: Because a movie star can never order straight from the menu. They have to think of something they have to have that isn't on the menu.
Karen: Continental, but it doesn't matter. Martin won't order from the menu.
Chili: Why not?
Karen: Because a movie star can never order straight from the menu. They have to think of something they have to have that isn't on the menu.
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Chili: You don't need that. You want to sit down and talk, it's fine with me. Get this straightened out. How'd you get in here?
Ray "Bones": I told them I was you. I acted stupid and they believed me.
Ray "Bones": I told them I was you. I acted stupid and they believed me.
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Chili: You have a piece of a movie, that's all. You don't have a piece of Harry. He told you we're doing another movie first. And that's the way it's gonna be.
Ronnie: Excuse me. But who the **** are you?
Chili: I'm the one telling you how it is. That's not too hard to figure out, is it?
Ronnie: Excuse me. But who the **** are you?
Chili: I'm the one telling you how it is. That's not too hard to figure out, is it?
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Chili: You read Harry's new one? He says it's the best thing he's ever read.
Karen: He must mean after "Slime Creature 3".
Karen: He must mean after "Slime Creature 3".
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Doris: What a spectacular view.
Harry: Yeah, lovely. Last night I watched two guys carjack a Camero down on the corner of Argyle there.
Harry: Yeah, lovely. Last night I watched two guys carjack a Camero down on the corner of Argyle there.
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Escobar: Now why would you do that? Put the money in a locker?
Bo Catlett: Because there were a zillion DEA guys hanging around the terminal.
Escobar: A zillion, huh? That's a lot.
Bo Catlett: Because there were a zillion DEA guys hanging around the terminal.
Escobar: A zillion, huh? That's a lot.
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Ray "Bones": Which also means when I speak, I'm speakin' for Jimmy. So e.g. as of now, you start affording me the proper respect.
Chili: 'E.g.' means 'for example', Ray. I think what you wanna say is 'i.e.'
Ray "Bones": Bullshit. E.g. is short for 'ergo'.
Chili: Ask your man here.
Mob Guy: Best a my knowledge, e.g. means 'for example.'
Ray "Bones": E.g., i.e., **** you. The point is, I say jump, you say okay. Okay?
Chili: 'E.g.' means 'for example', Ray. I think what you wanna say is 'i.e.'
Ray "Bones": Bullshit. E.g. is short for 'ergo'.
Chili: Ask your man here.
Mob Guy: Best a my knowledge, e.g. means 'for example.'
Ray "Bones": E.g., i.e., **** you. The point is, I say jump, you say okay. Okay?
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Ray "Bones": You got a miss. Leo Devoe. Guy's six weeks over.
Chili: He died.
Ray "Bones": How'd you know he died, he tell you?
Chili: He died.
Ray "Bones": How'd you know he died, he tell you?
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Ronnie: The man you're steppin' on belongs to me and my partner.
Ray "Bones": He owes me money.
Ronnie: Get in line, bro.
Ray "Bones": I don't like waiting.
Ronnie: Tough shit, bro. This ain't Miami. You want something, talk to me.
Ray "Bones": Hey, ****ball, I don't need your permission. L.A.'s an open city.
Ronnie: Yeah, well, I just closed it.
Ray "Bones": He owes me money.
Ronnie: Get in line, bro.
Ray "Bones": I don't like waiting.
Ronnie: Tough shit, bro. This ain't Miami. You want something, talk to me.
Ray "Bones": Hey, ****ball, I don't need your permission. L.A.'s an open city.
Ronnie: Yeah, well, I just closed it.
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A blockbuster. But quality. No mutants or maniacs. This one's gonna be my "Driving Miss Daisy".
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Anyway, Murray has this shrink, who also happens to be Martin's personal trainer's shrink. Murray gives the shrink the script and the shrink gives it to Martin's trainer who reads it to Martin while they work out, and Martin flips. Loves it.
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Every day, same time, they come down here and have breakfast. He has the egg white omelette; she has the banana pancakes. He sits facing west so he can see his billboard. She faces east so she has an excuse to wear the shades.
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Hey, Bear, look at me. Tell your boss I don't ever want to see him again. He made a deal with Harry and a deal's a deal.