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45 total quotesChili Palmer
Harry Zimm
Karen Flores
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I don't think the producer has to do much, outside of maybe knowing a writer.
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I know I'm better than what I've been doing the last ten years, walking around in a tank top and ****-me pumps, waiting till it's time to scream.
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I mean I could see myself in movies Robert De Niro had been in. Or I could maybe do an Al Pacino movie, play a hard-on. But I couldn't see myself in ones, like say the one where the three guys get stuck with a baby. They don't know how to take care of it and you see these big grown-up assholes acting cute...
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I produce feature motion pictures, no TV. You mentioned Grotesque? That happened to be Grotesque Part Two that Karen Flores was in. She starred in all three of my "Slime Creatures" releases you might have seen.
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I spent all day crawling out of a grave. The costumer kept bitching 'cause I was ripping my nylons...
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Listen, "Touch of Evil"'s playing near my hotel. You wanna go check it out? Watch Charlton Heston play a Mexican?
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Look at me, Leo. I wouldn't think you're that dumb, leave over three hundred grand in the closet, underneath the extra blanket, but I guess you are.
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Man's in town two days, thinks he's David O. ****ing Selznick.
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Movie stars never pick up the check. They have no idea what things cost. Most of them don't know their zip code and a lot don't even know their own phone number.
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Rough business this movie business. I may have to go back to loan sharking for a rest.
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That's half a movie, with holes in it. Maybe forty minutes of screen time. You don't even have a girl, a female lead, and on top of that, there's no one to sympathize with, you don't have a good guy.
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What she did not say was, 'I just loved the way the director moved the camera so much it made me ****in' seasick.' All she cared about was that look. All she remembered was that look. And why do we remember things in movies? Because we can see them. So... keep this ****in' camera down here on the ground and shoot this scene, so we can see what the **** is goin' on, before I get someone over sixteen to ****in' shoot it for you!
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When I came upstairs, you stayed to finish your drink. I told you to turn off the TV when you were through. Come to think of it, I also told you you could sleep in the maid's room.
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Yeah, well Martin is known for his flipping. He flips over a script, and when the time comes to make a deal, he flips out.
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You know, Welles didn't even wanna do that one. Some studio made him do it. He owed 'em one and all his own movies lost money. But, hey, sometimes that's when you do your best work, you got a gun to your head...