Innerspace quotes
15 total quotesJack Putter
Pod Computer Voice
Tuck Pendleton
Victor Scrimshaw
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Jack: No pain.
Tuck: What?
Jack: That's the thing I want from you, no pain. I mean just don't do anything weird in there, don't cause an embolism or an aneurysm - accidentally sever my spinal cord and kinda go "oh sorry". You know what I mean?
Tuck: Ok, no pain.
Jack: Thank you.
Tuck: What?
Jack: That's the thing I want from you, no pain. I mean just don't do anything weird in there, don't cause an embolism or an aneurysm - accidentally sever my spinal cord and kinda go "oh sorry". You know what I mean?
Tuck: Ok, no pain.
Jack: Thank you.
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Tuck: I don't want to worry you or anything, Jack, but I saw something in here. I don't know, it's probably benign...
Jack: A tumor? You saw a tumor? How big is it?
Tuck: You're asking the wrong guy, Jack, from my point of view it looks like it's about the size of Candlestick Park.
Jack: Great, there goes my ulcer...
Jack: A tumor? You saw a tumor? How big is it?
Tuck: You're asking the wrong guy, Jack, from my point of view it looks like it's about the size of Candlestick Park.
Jack: Great, there goes my ulcer...
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Victor: Once he takes over the pod and gets the chip - let's re-enlarge.
Margaret: While still inside Mr. Putter?!
Victor: Why not?
Margaret: Have you any idea the kind of mess that would make?
Margaret: While still inside Mr. Putter?!
Victor: Why not?
Margaret: Have you any idea the kind of mess that would make?
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Foreign object detected, approaching through oesophageal passage.
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I'm in a man, I'm in a strange man, I'll be a son of a bitch, I'm in a strange man surrounded by strangers in a strange room!
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I'm possessed!
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Look Ozzy, who's nervous now ok? I know what our objectives are. I've done my homework and I can do this little job blindfolded, so everyone just calm down.
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Nuclear weapons, Jack. They mean nothing. Everybody's got them, no-one has the balls to use them. Am I right? Space, you say? Space is a flop, didn't you know that? An endless junkyard of orbiting debris. Ah, but...miniturization, Jack. That's the ticket. That's the edge that everybody's been looking for. Who will have that edge, Jack? What country will control miniturization? Frankly, I don't give a shit - I'm only in this for the money! And that's why, Jack, we've got to get that little pod out from inside of you!
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The Jack Putter Machine, zero defects. (leans back and sighs, to himself) God help us.
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This guy is definitely not firing on all eight cylinders, Jack.
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Warning, approaching tricuspid valve of heart. Do not enter! Do not enter heart!
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Would I be in a doctor's office if I was feeling alright?
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[slaps himself] How does that feel? Feels good! Now do it again! (slaps himself) The Tuck Pendleton Machine - zero defects!
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[Taps a light to fix it] State of the art.
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[The syringe containing the miniaturized pod is being shaken around in Ozzy's pocket] Ozzy? Am I being punished?