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George: I'm in trouble, Mr. Potter. I need help. Through some sort of an accident my company's short in their accounts. The bank examiner's up there today. I've got to raise eight thousand dollars immediately.
Potter: Oh, so that's what the reporters wanted to talk to you about?
George: The reporters?
Potter: Yes. They called me up from your Building and Loan. Oh, there's a man over there from the D.A.'s office, too. He's looking for you.
George: Please help me, Mr. Potter. Help me, won't you please? Can't you see what it means to my family? I'll pay you any sort of a bonus on the loan... any interest. If you still want the Building and Loan, why I...
Potter: George, could it possibly be there's a slight discrepancy in the books?
george: No, sir. There's nothing wrong with the books. I've just misplaced eight thousand dollars. I can't find it anywhere.
Potter: You misplaced eight thousand dollars?
George: Yes, sir.
Potter: Have you notified the police?
George: No, sir. I didn't want the publicity. Harry's homecoming tomorrow...
Potter: They're going to believe that one. What've you been doing, George? Playing the market with the company's money?
George: No, sir. No, sir. I haven't.
Potter: What is it –– a woman, then? You know, it's all over town that you've been giving money to Violet Bick.
George: What?
Potter: Not that it makes any difference to me, but why did you come to me? Why don't you go to Sam Wainwright and ask him for the money?
George: I can't get hold of him. He's in Europe.
Potter: Well, what about all your other friends?
George: They don't have that kind of money, Mr. Potter. You know that. You're the only one in town that can help me.
Potter: I see. I've suddenly become quite important. What kind of security would I have, George? Have you got any stocks?
George: No, sir.
Potter: Bonds? Real estate? Collateral of any kind?
George: I have some life insurance, a fifteen thousand dollar policy.
Potter: Yes... how much is your equity in it?
George: Five hundred dollars.
Potter: Look at you. You used to be so ****y! You were going to go out and conquer the world! You once called me a warped, frustrated old man. What are you but a warped, frustrated young man? A miserable little clerk crawling in here on your hands and knees and begging for help. No securities –– no stocks –– no bonds –– nothing but a miserable little five hundred dollar equity in a life insurance policy. [laughs] You're worth more dead than alive. Why don't you go to the riff-raff you love so much and ask them to let you have eight thousand dollars? You know why? Because they'd run you out of town on a rail...But I'll tell you what I'm going to do for you, George. Since the state examiner is still here, as a stockholder of the Building and Loan, I'm going to swear out a warrant for your arrest. Misappropriation of funds –– manipulation –– malfeasance... [George gets up to leave] All right, George, go ahead. You can't hide in a little town like this.

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