Labyrinth quotes
55 total quotesJareth the Goblin King
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Bird Hat: It is so stimulating being your hat!
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Didymus: I say, does anyone want to play a game of Scrabble?
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Fiery: It's against the rules to throw other people's heads.
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Goblin Cannon Ball: I hit zumzing? Yes? No?
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Hoggle: The Cleaners, the Bog of Stench -- you sure got his attention!
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Stepmother: She treats me like a wicked stepmother in a fairy story, no matter what I say.
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Worm: Come in side, have a nice cup o' tea.
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Worm: If she'd 'ave kept on goin' down that way she'd 'ave gone straight to that castle.
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Didymus: I have sworn with my lifeblood no one shall pass this way without my permission.
Sarah: Well... May we have your permission?
Didymus: Well I, uh... I... that is, uh... hm... yes.
Sarah: Well... May we have your permission?
Didymus: Well I, uh... I... that is, uh... hm... yes.
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Door Knocker 1: [has his ring in his ears] IT'S VERY RUDE TO STARE!
Sarah: I'm sorry, I was just wondering which door to choose.
Knocker 1: What?
Knocker 2: [his ring is in his mouth, muffling his voice] It'th no good athking him, he'th deaf ath a...
Knocker 1: Don't talk with your mouth full!
Knocker 2: [muffled protest]
Sarah: I'm sorry, I can't understand a word you're saying.
Knocker 1: What were you saying?
[Sarah pulls the ring out of the second Knocker's mouth.]
Knocker 2: Aaaah. Oooh. Um, mum. Oh, it is so good to get that thing out.
Sarah: What did you say?
Knocker 2: I said, "It's no good asking him. He's deaf as a..."
Knocker 1: Mumble, mumble, mumble. You're a wonderful conversational companion.
Knocker 1: No good. Can't hear you.
Sarah: I'm sorry, I was just wondering which door to choose.
Knocker 1: What?
Knocker 2: [his ring is in his mouth, muffling his voice] It'th no good athking him, he'th deaf ath a...
Knocker 1: Don't talk with your mouth full!
Knocker 2: [muffled protest]
Sarah: I'm sorry, I can't understand a word you're saying.
Knocker 1: What were you saying?
[Sarah pulls the ring out of the second Knocker's mouth.]
Knocker 2: Aaaah. Oooh. Um, mum. Oh, it is so good to get that thing out.
Sarah: What did you say?
Knocker 2: I said, "It's no good asking him. He's deaf as a..."
Knocker 1: Mumble, mumble, mumble. You're a wonderful conversational companion.
Knocker 1: No good. Can't hear you.
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False Alarm 1: Don't go on.
False Alarm 2: Go back while you still can.
False Alarm 3: This is not the way.
False Alarm 4: Take heed, and go no further.
False Alarm 5: Beware, beware.
False Alarm 6: Soon it will be too late.
Hoggle: (to Sarah) Don't pay any attention to them. They're just False Alarms. You get a lot of them in the Labyrinth, especially when you're on the right track...
False Alarm 7: Oh, no you're not.
Hoggle: Oh, shut up!
False Alarm 7: Sorry, just doing my job.
Hoggle: Well you don't have to do it to us!
False Alarm 8: Beware, for the...
Hoggle: Just forget it!
False Alarm 8: Oh please, I haven't said it for such a long time!
Hoggle: Oh, all right, but don't expect a big reaction!
False Alarm 8: No no no, of course not! (Clears throat) "For the path you will take will lead to certain destruction." Thank you very much...
False Alarm 2: Go back while you still can.
False Alarm 3: This is not the way.
False Alarm 4: Take heed, and go no further.
False Alarm 5: Beware, beware.
False Alarm 6: Soon it will be too late.
Hoggle: (to Sarah) Don't pay any attention to them. They're just False Alarms. You get a lot of them in the Labyrinth, especially when you're on the right track...
False Alarm 7: Oh, no you're not.
Hoggle: Oh, shut up!
False Alarm 7: Sorry, just doing my job.
Hoggle: Well you don't have to do it to us!
False Alarm 8: Beware, for the...
Hoggle: Just forget it!
False Alarm 8: Oh please, I haven't said it for such a long time!
Hoggle: Oh, all right, but don't expect a big reaction!
False Alarm 8: No no no, of course not! (Clears throat) "For the path you will take will lead to certain destruction." Thank you very much...
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Fiery 1: Hey! Hey! Her head don't come off!
Sarah: Of course it doesn't!
Fiery 2: Hey! Whatchoo going 'round with a head like that for?
Sarah: Of course it doesn't!
Fiery 2: Hey! Whatchoo going 'round with a head like that for?
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Hoggle: What did you have to go and do a thing like that for?!
Sarah: You mean rescue you?
Hoggle: No! You kissed me!
Sarah: You mean rescue you?
Hoggle: No! You kissed me!
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Hoggle: This is an oubliette. Labyrinth's full of 'em.
Sarah: Really... how did you know that?
Hoggle: Oh, don't sound so smart! You don't even know what an oubliette is.
Sarah: Do you?
Hoggle: Yes. It's a place where you put people... to forget about 'em!
Sarah: Really... how did you know that?
Hoggle: Oh, don't sound so smart! You don't even know what an oubliette is.
Sarah: Do you?
Hoggle: Yes. It's a place where you put people... to forget about 'em!