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Other Characters quotes

View Quote Stepmother: She treats me like a wicked stepmother in a fairy story, no matter what I say.
View Quote Worm: If she'd 'ave kept on goin' down that way she'd 'ave gone straight to that castle.
View Quote Hoggle: The Cleaners, the Bog of Stench -- you sure got his attention!
View Quote Ludo: SMELL BAD!
View Quote Didymus: I say, does anyone want to play a game of Scrabble?
View Quote Worm: Come in side, have a nice cup o' tea.
View Quote Bird Hat: It is so stimulating being your hat!
View Quote Goblin Cannon Ball: I hit zumzing? Yes? No?
View Quote Fiery: It's against the rules to throw other people's heads.
View Quote Jareth: Turn back, Sarah. Turn back before it's too late.
Sarah: I can't. Don't you understand that I can't?
Jareth: What a pity.
View Quote Sarah: Ow! It bit me!
Hoggle: What'd you expect fairies to do?
Sarah: I thought they did nice things, like granting wishes!
Hoggle: Huh. Shows what you know, don't it?
View Quote Hoggle: You know your problem? You take too many things for granted. Take this Labyrinth: even if you get to the centre, you'll never get out again.
Sarah: That's your opinion.
Hoggle: Well, it's a lot better than yours!
Sarah: Thanks for nothing, Hogwart.
Hoggle: [growls] It's HOGGLE, and don't say I didn't warn you!
View Quote Worm: 'Ello.
Sarah: Did you say... hello?
Worm: No, I said "'ello," but that's close enough.
View Quote Worm: No! Don't go that way! Never go that way!
Sarah: Oh... thank you!
(Sarah goes in opposite direction):
Worm: If she had kept going down that way, she would've gone straight to that castle!
View Quote Sarah: What a horrible place this is! It's not fair!
Bottom Red Guard: That's right. It's not fair!
[All the guards laugh.]
Bottom Red Guard: But that's only half of it!
Sarah: This was a dead end a minute ago.
Bottom Blue Guard: No, that's the dead end behind you!
[All the guards laugh, and Sarah sees that they are right.]
Sarah: It keeps changing! What am I supposed to do?
Bottom Red Guard: The only way out of here is to try one of these doors.
Bottom Blue Guard: One of them leads to the castle at the centre of the Labyrinth, and the other one leads to...
Top Blue Guard: B-b-b-BOOM!
Bottom Blue Guard: Certain death!
All Guards: Ooooooooh!
Sarah: Which one is which?
Bottom Red Guard: Er, we can't tell you.
Sarah: Why not?
[The bottom guards think and mutter to each other.]
Bottom Red Guard: We don't know!
Bottom Blue Guard: [looks up at top guards] But they do.
Sarah: Oh. Then I'll ask them.
Top Red Guard: No. You can't ask us. You can only ask one of us.
Top Blue Guard: It's the rules, and I should warn you that one of us always tells the truth, and one of us always lies. That's the rules too. He always lies.
Top Red Guard: I do not! I tell the truth!
Top Blue Guard: Oooh, what a lie!
View Quote Sarah: Help!
Hands 1: What do you mean help? We are Helping.
Hands 2: We're Helping Hands.
View Quote Hoggle: This is an oubliette. Labyrinth's full of 'em.
Sarah: Really... how did you know that?
Hoggle: Oh, don't sound so smart! You don't even know what an oubliette is.
Sarah: Do you?
Hoggle: Yes. It's a place where you put people... to forget about 'em!
View Quote False Alarm 1: Don't go on.
False Alarm 2: Go back while you still can.
False Alarm 3: This is not the way.
False Alarm 4: Take heed, and go no further.
False Alarm 5: Beware, beware.
False Alarm 6: Soon it will be too late.
Hoggle: (to Sarah) Don't pay any attention to them. They're just False Alarms. You get a lot of them in the Labyrinth, especially when you're on the right track...
False Alarm 7: Oh, no you're not.
Hoggle: Oh, shut up!
False Alarm 7: Sorry, just doing my job.
Hoggle: Well you don't have to do it to us!
False Alarm 8: Beware, for the...
Hoggle: Just forget it!
False Alarm 8: Oh please, I haven't said it for such a long time!
Hoggle: Oh, all right, but don't expect a big reaction!
False Alarm 8: No no no, of course not! (Clears throat) "For the path you will take will lead to certain destruction." Thank you very much...
View Quote Jareth: Hello, Hedgewart.
Sarah: Hogwart.
Hoggle: HOG-GLE!
View Quote Jareth: If I thought for one second that you were betraying me, I'd be forced to suspend you head first in the Bog of Eternal Stench.
Jareth: Oh, YES, Hoggle!
View Quote Sarah: That's not fair!
Jareth: You say that so often. I wonder what your basis for comparison is.
View Quote Hoggle: You need to understand my position: I'm a coward. And Jareth scares me.
Sarah: What kind of position is that?
Hoggle: NO position! That's my point! And you wouldn't be so brave if you'd ever smelled the Bog of Eternal Stench. It's, it's...
Sarah: Is that all it does, it smells?
Hoggle: Oh, believe me, that's enough. But the worst thing is, if you so much as put a foot in the Bog of Stench, you'll smell bad for the rest of your life. It'll never wash off.
View Quote Door Knocker 1: [has his ring in his ears] IT'S VERY RUDE TO STARE!
Sarah: I'm sorry, I was just wondering which door to choose.
Knocker 1: What?
Knocker 2: [his ring is in his mouth, muffling his voice] It'th no good athking him, he'th deaf ath a...
Knocker 1: Don't talk with your mouth full!
Knocker 2: [muffled protest]
Sarah: I'm sorry, I can't understand a word you're saying.
Knocker 1: What were you saying?
[Sarah pulls the ring out of the second Knocker's mouth.]
Knocker 2: Aaaah. Oooh. Um, mum. Oh, it is so good to get that thing out.
Sarah: What did you say?
Knocker 2: I said, "It's no good asking him. He's deaf as a..."
Knocker 1: Mumble, mumble, mumble. You're a wonderful conversational companion.
Knocker 1: No good. Can't hear you.
View Quote Fiery 1: Hey! Hey! Her head don't come off!
Sarah: Of course it doesn't!
Fiery 2: Hey! Whatchoo going 'round with a head like that for?
View Quote Jareth: Oh dear, poor Hoghead.
Hoggle: Hoggle.
Jareth: I've just noticed that your lovely jewels are missing.
Hoggle: Uh, oh, yes! So they are. My lovely jewels. Missing. I'd better find 'em, but first, I'll take that young lady back to the beginning, just like we planned!
Jareth: Wait! I've got a much better plan, Hoggle. Give her this.
[Jareth tosses him a peach.]
Hoggle: What is it?
Jareth: It's a present.
Hoggle: Ain't gonna hurt the little lady, is it?
Jareth: Now, why the concern?
Hoggle: I won't do nothin' to harm her.
Jareth: Oh, come, come, come, Hogbrain! I'm suprised at you, losing your head over a girl.
Hoggle: I ain't lost my head!
Jareth: You don't think a young girl could like a repulsive little scab like you, do you?
Hoggle: Well, she did say we was...
Jareth: What? Bosom companions? [dangerously] Friends?
Hoggle: It don't matter.
Jareth: You'll give her that peach, Hoggle, or I'll dip you straight into the Bog of Eternal Stench before you can blink! And Hoggle, if she ever kisses you, I'll turn you into a prince.
Hoggle: Y-you will?
Jareth: Prince of the Land of Stench! [laughs]
View Quote Hoggle: What did you have to go and do a thing like that for?!
Sarah: You mean rescue you?
Hoggle: No! You kissed me!
View Quote Didymus: I have sworn with my lifeblood no one shall pass this way without my permission.
Sarah: Well... May we have your permission?
Didymus: Well I, uh... I... that is, uh... hm... yes.
View Quote Sir Didymus: My brother! Canst thou summon up the very rocks?
Ludo: Sure. Rocks friends.
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