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Missing Link: So, how was Derek?
Ginormica: ...Derek's a selfish jerk.
B.O.B.: No!
Ginormica: Yes. All that talk about us - "I'm so proud of us", "Us just got a job in Fresno" - There was no us, it was just Derek. Why did I have to get hit by a meteor to see that? I was such an idiot! [kicks the roof of the gas station, sending B.O.B. flying] Why did I think life with Derek would be so great anyway?! I mean, look at all the stuff I've done without him. Fighting an alien robot? That was me, not him! And that was amazing! Meeting you guys... [gets down on her knees so she can be face-to-face with the other monsters] amazing. [turns to Dr. ****roach] Dr. ****roach! You can crawl up walls and build a super-computer out of a pizza box, two cans of hairspray, and-!
Dr. ****roach: And a paper clip!
Ginormica: Amazing! [turns to Missing Link] And you! You hardly need an introduction; you're the Missing Link! You personally carried 250 co-eds off Cocoa Beach and still had the strength to fight off the National Guard!
Missing Link: [proudly] And the Coast Guard! And also the lifeguard.
Ginormica: Amazing! [B.O.B. lands next to the other monsters.] B.O.B.! [turns him around so he's facing her] Who else could fall from unimaginable heights and end up without a single scratch?
B.O.B.: [points to Missing Link] Link?
Ginormica: [correcting him] You.
B.O.B.: Amazing!
[Insectosaurus roars]
Missing Link: Good point, Insecto'! Susan, don't shortchange yourself.
Ginormica: Uh, I'm not gonna shortchange myself. [stands at full height again] Ever again.

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