Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl quotes
90 total quotesElizabeth Swann
Mr. Gibbs
William Turner
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Jack Sparrow: I know those guns! [looks out the window] ...It's the Pearl.
Prisoner: The Black Pearl? I've 'eard stories. She's been preyin' on ships and settlements for near ten years. Never leaves any survivors.
Jack Sparrow: No survivors? [chuckles] Then where do the stories come from, I wonder?
Prisoner: The Black Pearl? I've 'eard stories. She's been preyin' on ships and settlements for near ten years. Never leaves any survivors.
Jack Sparrow: No survivors? [chuckles] Then where do the stories come from, I wonder?
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Jack Sparrow: That is the child of Bootstrap Bill Turner. His only child. Savvy?
Mr. Gibbs: Is he now? 'Leverage,' says you. 'I think I feel a change in the wind,' says I. I'll find us a crew. There's bound to be some sailors on this rock crazy as you.
Jack Sparrow: One can only hope. Take what you can.
Mr. Gibbs: Give nothin' back.
Mr. Gibbs: Is he now? 'Leverage,' says you. 'I think I feel a change in the wind,' says I. I'll find us a crew. There's bound to be some sailors on this rock crazy as you.
Jack Sparrow: One can only hope. Take what you can.
Mr. Gibbs: Give nothin' back.
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Jack Sparrow: This girl... how far are you willing to go to save her?
Will Turner: I would die for her.
Jack Sparrow: Oh, good. No worries, then.
Will Turner: I would die for her.
Jack Sparrow: Oh, good. No worries, then.
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Jack: I'm havin' a thought here, Barbossa. What say we run up a flag of truce, I scurry over to the Interceptor, and I negotiate the return of your medallion, eh? What say you to that?
Barbossa: Now, y'see, Jack, that's exactly the attitude that lost you the Pearl. People are easier to search when they're dead. Lock him in the brig.
[Barbossa's men take Jack away, Barbossa takes his apple from him, and looks at it wistfully before angrily throwing it away]
Barbossa: Now, y'see, Jack, that's exactly the attitude that lost you the Pearl. People are easier to search when they're dead. Lock him in the brig.
[Barbossa's men take Jack away, Barbossa takes his apple from him, and looks at it wistfully before angrily throwing it away]
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Lieutenant Groves: That's got to be the best pirate I've ever seen.
Norrington: [Angrily, through his teeth] So it would seem.
Pintel: We know you're 'ere, poppet!
Ragetti: P-poppet.
Pintel: Come out...and we promise we won't hurt you.
Ragetti: Eh? [points to his nose, then points downward]
Pintel: We will find you, poppet. You've got somethin' of ours, and it calls to us.
[Silence, then Pintel speaks.]
Pintel: The gold calls to us.
Ragetti: G-gold...
[A few seconds later, Pintel peeks inside the closet door Elizabeth is hiding behind.]
Pintel: [grinning] 'Ello, poppet.
Pintel: [talking to Will] No reason to fret, just a prick in the finger, few drops of blood...
Twigg: No mistakes this time; he's only half Turner. We spill it all!
Pintel: ...Guess there is reason to fret.
Norrington: [Angrily, through his teeth] So it would seem.
Pintel: We know you're 'ere, poppet!
Ragetti: P-poppet.
Pintel: Come out...and we promise we won't hurt you.
Ragetti: Eh? [points to his nose, then points downward]
Pintel: We will find you, poppet. You've got somethin' of ours, and it calls to us.
[Silence, then Pintel speaks.]
Pintel: The gold calls to us.
Ragetti: G-gold...
[A few seconds later, Pintel peeks inside the closet door Elizabeth is hiding behind.]
Pintel: [grinning] 'Ello, poppet.
Pintel: [talking to Will] No reason to fret, just a prick in the finger, few drops of blood...
Twigg: No mistakes this time; he's only half Turner. We spill it all!
Pintel: ...Guess there is reason to fret.
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Murtogg: This dock is off-limits to civilians.
Jack: I'm terribly sorry, I didn't know. If I see one, I shall inform you immediately.
[Jack keeps walking, but Murtogg and Mullroy block him again.]
Jack: Apparently there's some sort of high-toned and fancy to-do up at the fort, eh? How could it be that two upstanding gentlemen such as yourselves did not merit an invitation?
Murtogg: Someone has to make sure this dock stays off-limits to civilians.
Jack: It's a fine goal, to be sure. But it seems to me that a...[moves over to point at a ship. Murtogg and Mullroy block him again.] a ship like that one makes this one here [points at a closer one] seem a bit superfluous, really.
Murtogg: Oh, the Dauntless is the power in these waters, true enough. But there's no ship as can match the Interceptor for speed.
Jack: I've heard of one, supposed to be very fast, nigh uncatchable: the Black Pearl.
Mullroy: [laughing slightly] There's no real ship that can match the Interceptor.
Murtogg: [shoots Mullroy a confused look] The Black Pearl is a real ship.
Mullroy: [turns to Murtogg] No. No, it's not.
Murtogg: Yes it is; I've seen it.
Mullroy: You've seen it?
Murtogg: Yes.
Mullroy: You haven't seen it.
Murtogg: Yes, I have.
Mullroy: You've seen a ship with black sails, that's crewed by the damned and captained by a man so evil that Hell itself spat him back out?
Murtogg: ...No.
Mullroy: No.
Murtogg: But I have seen a ship with black sails.
Mullroy: Oh! And no ship that's not crewed by the damned and captained by a man so evil that Hell itself spat him back out could possibly have black sails, therefore could possibly be any other ship but the Black Pearl? Is that what you're saying?
Murtogg: [thinks, then smiles] ...No.
Mullroy: Like I said, there's no real ship as can match the Interceptor...
[The two turn back around and see that Jack has disappeared, then see him at ship's wheel.]
Murtogg: Hey! You, get away from there!
Mullroy: You don't have permission to be aboard there, mate.
Jack Sparrow: I'm sorry. It's such a pretty boat... ship.
Mullroy: What's your name?
Jack Sparrow: Smith. Or Smithy if you'd like.
Mullroy: What's your purpose in Port Royal, Mr. Smith?
Murtogg: Yeah, and no lies!
Jack Sparrow: Well, then, I confess. It is my intention to commandeer one of these ships, pick up a crew in Tortuga, raid, pillage, plunder, and otherwise pilfer my weaselly black guts out.
Murtogg: I said 'no lies'!
Mullroy: I think he's telling the truth...
Murtogg: If he was telling the truth, he wouldn't have told us.
Jack Sparrow: Unless of course, he knew you wouldn't believe the truth, even if he told it to you.
Jack: I'm terribly sorry, I didn't know. If I see one, I shall inform you immediately.
[Jack keeps walking, but Murtogg and Mullroy block him again.]
Jack: Apparently there's some sort of high-toned and fancy to-do up at the fort, eh? How could it be that two upstanding gentlemen such as yourselves did not merit an invitation?
Murtogg: Someone has to make sure this dock stays off-limits to civilians.
Jack: It's a fine goal, to be sure. But it seems to me that a...[moves over to point at a ship. Murtogg and Mullroy block him again.] a ship like that one makes this one here [points at a closer one] seem a bit superfluous, really.
Murtogg: Oh, the Dauntless is the power in these waters, true enough. But there's no ship as can match the Interceptor for speed.
Jack: I've heard of one, supposed to be very fast, nigh uncatchable: the Black Pearl.
Mullroy: [laughing slightly] There's no real ship that can match the Interceptor.
Murtogg: [shoots Mullroy a confused look] The Black Pearl is a real ship.
Mullroy: [turns to Murtogg] No. No, it's not.
Murtogg: Yes it is; I've seen it.
Mullroy: You've seen it?
Murtogg: Yes.
Mullroy: You haven't seen it.
Murtogg: Yes, I have.
Mullroy: You've seen a ship with black sails, that's crewed by the damned and captained by a man so evil that Hell itself spat him back out?
Murtogg: ...No.
Mullroy: No.
Murtogg: But I have seen a ship with black sails.
Mullroy: Oh! And no ship that's not crewed by the damned and captained by a man so evil that Hell itself spat him back out could possibly have black sails, therefore could possibly be any other ship but the Black Pearl? Is that what you're saying?
Murtogg: [thinks, then smiles] ...No.
Mullroy: Like I said, there's no real ship as can match the Interceptor...
[The two turn back around and see that Jack has disappeared, then see him at ship's wheel.]
Murtogg: Hey! You, get away from there!
Mullroy: You don't have permission to be aboard there, mate.
Jack Sparrow: I'm sorry. It's such a pretty boat... ship.
Mullroy: What's your name?
Jack Sparrow: Smith. Or Smithy if you'd like.
Mullroy: What's your purpose in Port Royal, Mr. Smith?
Murtogg: Yeah, and no lies!
Jack Sparrow: Well, then, I confess. It is my intention to commandeer one of these ships, pick up a crew in Tortuga, raid, pillage, plunder, and otherwise pilfer my weaselly black guts out.
Murtogg: I said 'no lies'!
Mullroy: I think he's telling the truth...
Murtogg: If he was telling the truth, he wouldn't have told us.
Jack Sparrow: Unless of course, he knew you wouldn't believe the truth, even if he told it to you.
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Norrington: [examining Jack's possessions] No additional shot nor powder, a compass that doesn't point North...[pulls Jack's sword from its scabbard] And I half expected it to be made of wood. You are, without doubt, the worst pirate I've ever heard of.
Jack Sparrow: But you have heard of me.
Jack Sparrow: But you have heard of me.
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Will Turner: How is it that Jack came by that compass?
Mr. Gibbs: Not a lot's known about Jack Sparrow 'fore he showed up in Tortuga with a mind to go after the treasure of the Isla de Muerta. That was before I met him, back when he was captain of the Black Pearl.
Will Turner: What!? He failed to mention that.
Mr. Gibbs: He plays things closer to the vest now, a hard-learned lesson it was. You see, three days out on the venture, the first mate tells him that everything's in equal share. That should mean the location of the treasure too, so Jack gives up the bearings. That night, there was a mutiny. They marooned Jack on an island and left him to die, but not before he'd gone mad with the heat.
Will Turner: Oh... so that's the reason for all the...[Imitates Jack's odd moves]
Mr. Gibbs: Reason's got nothing to do with it. Now Will, when a pirate's marooned, he's given a pistol with a single shot. One shot. Well, that won't do much good hunting or to be rescued. But after three weeks of a starving belly and thirst, that pistol will start to look real friendly. But Jack, he escaped the island, and he still has that single shot. Oh, but he won't use it though, save on one man. His mutinous first mate.
Will Turner: Barbossa?
Mr. Gibbs: Aye.
Will Turner: How did Jack get off the island?
Mr. Gibbs: Well, I tell ye. He waded out in the shallows and he waited there three days and three nights, 'til all manner of sea creatures 'came acclimated to his presence. And on the fourth morning, he roped himself a couple of sea turtles, lashed 'em together, and made a raft.
Will Turner: [skeptically] He roped a couple of sea turtles?
Mr. Gibbs: Aye, sea turtles!
Will Turner: ...What did he use for rope?
[Mr. Gibbs pauses, uncertain.]
[They look up and see Jack.]
Jack Sparrow: Human hair. From my back.
Mr. Gibbs: Not a lot's known about Jack Sparrow 'fore he showed up in Tortuga with a mind to go after the treasure of the Isla de Muerta. That was before I met him, back when he was captain of the Black Pearl.
Will Turner: What!? He failed to mention that.
Mr. Gibbs: He plays things closer to the vest now, a hard-learned lesson it was. You see, three days out on the venture, the first mate tells him that everything's in equal share. That should mean the location of the treasure too, so Jack gives up the bearings. That night, there was a mutiny. They marooned Jack on an island and left him to die, but not before he'd gone mad with the heat.
Will Turner: Oh... so that's the reason for all the...[Imitates Jack's odd moves]
Mr. Gibbs: Reason's got nothing to do with it. Now Will, when a pirate's marooned, he's given a pistol with a single shot. One shot. Well, that won't do much good hunting or to be rescued. But after three weeks of a starving belly and thirst, that pistol will start to look real friendly. But Jack, he escaped the island, and he still has that single shot. Oh, but he won't use it though, save on one man. His mutinous first mate.
Will Turner: Barbossa?
Mr. Gibbs: Aye.
Will Turner: How did Jack get off the island?
Mr. Gibbs: Well, I tell ye. He waded out in the shallows and he waited there three days and three nights, 'til all manner of sea creatures 'came acclimated to his presence. And on the fourth morning, he roped himself a couple of sea turtles, lashed 'em together, and made a raft.
Will Turner: [skeptically] He roped a couple of sea turtles?
Mr. Gibbs: Aye, sea turtles!
Will Turner: ...What did he use for rope?
[Mr. Gibbs pauses, uncertain.]
[They look up and see Jack.]
Jack Sparrow: Human hair. From my back.
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Will Turner: What code is Gibbs to keep to if the worst should happen?
Jack Sparrow: Pirate's Code. "Any man who falls behind is left behind."
Will Turner: No heroes amongst thieves, eh?
Jack Sparrow: You know, for having such a bleak outlook on pirates, you're well on your way to be coming one. Sprung a man from jail, commandeered a ship of the Fleet, sailed with a buccaneer crew out of Tortuga. [sees Will looking at coins shining in water] And you're completely obsessed with treasure.
Will Turner: That's not true, I'm not obsessed with treasure.
Jack Sparrow: Not all treasure's silver and gold, mate.
Jack Sparrow: Pirate's Code. "Any man who falls behind is left behind."
Will Turner: No heroes amongst thieves, eh?
Jack Sparrow: You know, for having such a bleak outlook on pirates, you're well on your way to be coming one. Sprung a man from jail, commandeered a ship of the Fleet, sailed with a buccaneer crew out of Tortuga. [sees Will looking at coins shining in water] And you're completely obsessed with treasure.
Will Turner: That's not true, I'm not obsessed with treasure.
Jack Sparrow: Not all treasure's silver and gold, mate.
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Will: [looks hurt] You cheated!
Jack: [smiles] Pirate!
[soldiers trying to break down door, as Will blocks back entrance] Jack: Move away.
Will: No!
Jack: [nicely] Please move.
Will: NO! I cannot just step aside and let you escape.
Jack: [****s gun] This shot is not meant for you.
Jack: [smiles] Pirate!
[soldiers trying to break down door, as Will blocks back entrance] Jack: Move away.
Will: No!
Jack: [nicely] Please move.
Will: NO! I cannot just step aside and let you escape.
Jack: [****s gun] This shot is not meant for you.
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Will: How can we sail to an island that can't be found, with a compass that doesn't work?!
Mr. Gibbs: Aye, the compass doesn't point north- but we're not trying to find north, are we?
Mr. Gibbs: Aye, the compass doesn't point north- but we're not trying to find north, are we?
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Will: This is either madness or brilliance.
Jack: It's remarkable how often those two traits coincide.
Jack: It's remarkable how often those two traits coincide.
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[Elizabeth, having passed out from wearing a corset, has fallen off the fort wall and into the water by the docks.]
Jack Sparrow: [to Mullroy] Will you be saving her, then?
Mullroy: I can't swim!
[Jack looks at Murtogg, who can't swim either.]
Jack Sparrow: Pride of the King's Navy, you are. [thrusts his personal effects into their arms] Do not lose these.
Jack Sparrow: [to Mullroy] Will you be saving her, then?
Mullroy: I can't swim!
[Jack looks at Murtogg, who can't swim either.]
Jack Sparrow: Pride of the King's Navy, you are. [thrusts his personal effects into their arms] Do not lose these.
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[Jack is being handcuffed behind Elizabeth]
Elizabeth: Commodore, I really must protest.
Norrington: Carefully, Lieutenant.
Elizabeth: Pirate or not, this man saved my life.
Norrington: One good deed is not enough to save a man from a life time of wickedness.
Jack: Though it seems enough to condemn him.
Norrington: Indeed.
Jack: Finally! [throws his handcuffs around Elizabeth's neck, threatening to strangle her]
Governor: NO! NO! DON'T SHOOT!
Jack: [To Elizabeth] I knew you'd warm up to me. [Back at Norrington] Commodore Norrington, my effects please. And my hat. [The commodore hesitates.] Commodore! [whispers in Elizabeth's ear] Elizabeth—it's Elizabeth, isn't it?
Elizabeth: It's Miss Swann.
Jack: Miss Swann, if you'd be so kind. Come, come. We don't have all day.
[Jack's effects are tossed toward Elizabeth. Jack spins her around with his handcuffs still around her neck. She fits him with his effects, puts his hat on his head, etc.]
Jack: Now if you'll be very kind...
Elizabeth: [hugs Jack against her will and roughly tightens his belt]
Jack: Easy on the goods, darling.
Elizabeth: You're despicable.
Jack: Sticks and stones, love. I saved your life, you save mine. We're square. [spins her back around] Gentlemen, milady...you will always remember this as the day that you almost caught Captain...Jack...Sparrow! [releases Elizabeth and flees]
Elizabeth: Commodore, I really must protest.
Norrington: Carefully, Lieutenant.
Elizabeth: Pirate or not, this man saved my life.
Norrington: One good deed is not enough to save a man from a life time of wickedness.
Jack: Though it seems enough to condemn him.
Norrington: Indeed.
Jack: Finally! [throws his handcuffs around Elizabeth's neck, threatening to strangle her]
Governor: NO! NO! DON'T SHOOT!
Jack: [To Elizabeth] I knew you'd warm up to me. [Back at Norrington] Commodore Norrington, my effects please. And my hat. [The commodore hesitates.] Commodore! [whispers in Elizabeth's ear] Elizabeth—it's Elizabeth, isn't it?
Elizabeth: It's Miss Swann.
Jack: Miss Swann, if you'd be so kind. Come, come. We don't have all day.
[Jack's effects are tossed toward Elizabeth. Jack spins her around with his handcuffs still around her neck. She fits him with his effects, puts his hat on his head, etc.]
Jack: Now if you'll be very kind...
Elizabeth: [hugs Jack against her will and roughly tightens his belt]
Jack: Easy on the goods, darling.
Elizabeth: You're despicable.
Jack: Sticks and stones, love. I saved your life, you save mine. We're square. [spins her back around] Gentlemen, milady...you will always remember this as the day that you almost caught Captain...Jack...Sparrow! [releases Elizabeth and flees]
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[Jack is still somewhat dopey from being knocked unconscious by Will; the pirates prepare to riddle him with bullets.]
Pintel: You're supposed to be dead!
Jack Sparrow: [Blinks confusedly] Am I not? [Sees that he's surrounded] Palulay! [pauses, then tries again] Pah-lah-lah-loo-loo...
[The pirates pause, confused.]
Jack Sparrow: Par-li-li, Par...snip, par...sley, puh- partner, partner, par-
Ragetti: Parley?
[Pintel glares at him.]
Jack Sparrow: Yeah! That's the one; parley! [calling out] Parley!
Pintel: [looking at Ragetti] Parley?! [looks up at Jack and aims his pistol at him] Damn to the depths with whoever invented parley!
Jack Sparrow: That would be the French.
Pintel: You're supposed to be dead!
Jack Sparrow: [Blinks confusedly] Am I not? [Sees that he's surrounded] Palulay! [pauses, then tries again] Pah-lah-lah-loo-loo...
[The pirates pause, confused.]
Jack Sparrow: Par-li-li, Par...snip, par...sley, puh- partner, partner, par-
Ragetti: Parley?
[Pintel glares at him.]
Jack Sparrow: Yeah! That's the one; parley! [calling out] Parley!
Pintel: [looking at Ragetti] Parley?! [looks up at Jack and aims his pistol at him] Damn to the depths with whoever invented parley!
Jack Sparrow: That would be the French.