Plan 9 from Outer Space quotes
42 total quotesCriswell
Multiple Characters
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Jeff: You goin' in that thing?
Col. Edwards: That's what we're here for.
Jeff: I don't know, the way these things speed around we might just get in there and pft! Off it goes.
Col. Edwards: That's a chance we take.
Lt. Harper: Well, I took a chance on those earlier airplanes. Might just as well see what the inside of one of these looks like. Got your guns ready?
Jeff: I tell you one thing, if a little green man jumps out at me I'm shooting first and asking questions later.
Col. Edwards: That's what we're here for.
Jeff: I don't know, the way these things speed around we might just get in there and pft! Off it goes.
Col. Edwards: That's a chance we take.
Lt. Harper: Well, I took a chance on those earlier airplanes. Might just as well see what the inside of one of these looks like. Got your guns ready?
Jeff: I tell you one thing, if a little green man jumps out at me I'm shooting first and asking questions later.
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Kelton: Did you see that thing? Did you get it?
Lt. Harper: We got it.
Kelton: What was it? It didn't fall...I fired every bullet I had.
Lt. Harper: So did I. I don't know what it was or what happened, but unless that bag of bones can reassemble itself, it's out of the running now.
Lt. Harper: We got it.
Kelton: What was it? It didn't fall...I fired every bullet I had.
Lt. Harper: So did I. I don't know what it was or what happened, but unless that bag of bones can reassemble itself, it's out of the running now.
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Larry: Holy cow! Look there. It's Clay all right, there's no mistaking that.
Kelton: And he's got Mrs. Trent!
Larry: Get your gun ready.
Kelton: From all I've seen tonight guns won't do any good. Clay is dead, and we buried him. How are we going to kill somebody that's already dead? Dead! And yet there he stands! That other one earlier I emptied a full clip into him .
Larry: I'm seeing it, that's the only reason I'm listening to you. Look, I've got an idea. Hurt him or not, we've got to try something. I'm going to sneak up behind him and whop him over the head. That oughta make him move. Follow me. Even when Clay was alive he couldn't run fast enough to catch me, so when he does, you grab Mrs. Trent and run like lightning in the opposite direction.
Kelton: Oh, you think it will work?
Larry: Know anything else to try?
Kelton: And he's got Mrs. Trent!
Larry: Get your gun ready.
Kelton: From all I've seen tonight guns won't do any good. Clay is dead, and we buried him. How are we going to kill somebody that's already dead? Dead! And yet there he stands! That other one earlier I emptied a full clip into him .
Larry: I'm seeing it, that's the only reason I'm listening to you. Look, I've got an idea. Hurt him or not, we've got to try something. I'm going to sneak up behind him and whop him over the head. That oughta make him move. Follow me. Even when Clay was alive he couldn't run fast enough to catch me, so when he does, you grab Mrs. Trent and run like lightning in the opposite direction.
Kelton: Oh, you think it will work?
Larry: Know anything else to try?
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Larry: Strange. If someone had broken in, the dirt should be piled up here somewhere. It looks like it's fallen in, into the grave.
Lt. Harper: Larry, you'll be out of that uniform before you know it.
Lt. Harper: Larry, you'll be out of that uniform before you know it.
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Larry: What do you suppose that noise was?
Lt. Harper: Whatever it was it's no more strange than the other things happening around this cemetery.
Larry: Spirits like Old Farmer Caulder talked about?
Lt. Harper: Heh. Maybe.
Larry: The only spirits he saw tonight were those I smelled on his breath.
Lt. Harper: Well don't forget Mrs. Trent claims to have seen them too. She didn't have anything on her breath.
Larry: She was hysterical.
Lt. Harper: Well true, she was frightened, and in a state of shock. But, don't forget that torn nightgown and the scratched feet.
Larry: Yeah I hadn't thought of that. I guess that's why you're a detective lieutenant and I'm still a uniformed cop.
Lt. Harper: Sometimes it's only the breaks, Larry.
Lt. Harper: Whatever it was it's no more strange than the other things happening around this cemetery.
Larry: Spirits like Old Farmer Caulder talked about?
Lt. Harper: Heh. Maybe.
Larry: The only spirits he saw tonight were those I smelled on his breath.
Lt. Harper: Well don't forget Mrs. Trent claims to have seen them too. She didn't have anything on her breath.
Larry: She was hysterical.
Lt. Harper: Well true, she was frightened, and in a state of shock. But, don't forget that torn nightgown and the scratched feet.
Larry: Yeah I hadn't thought of that. I guess that's why you're a detective lieutenant and I'm still a uniformed cop.
Lt. Harper: Sometimes it's only the breaks, Larry.
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Lt. Harper: [at the cemetery] Colonel I've been out here so often you'd think I'd taken a lease on this place.
Col. Edwards: Not a long lease, I hope.
Lt. Harper: I see what you mean. But you know, I can't help but feel the answer's out here somewhere.
Col. Edwards: Is the, uh, girl safe?
Lt. Harper: Mrs. Trent you'd better stay with the car.
Paula: Stay here alone? Not on your life.
Lt. Harper: Modern women...
Col. Edwards: Yeah, they been that way all down through the ages. Especially in a spot like this.
Col. Edwards: Not a long lease, I hope.
Lt. Harper: I see what you mean. But you know, I can't help but feel the answer's out here somewhere.
Col. Edwards: Is the, uh, girl safe?
Lt. Harper: Mrs. Trent you'd better stay with the car.
Paula: Stay here alone? Not on your life.
Lt. Harper: Modern women...
Col. Edwards: Yeah, they been that way all down through the ages. Especially in a spot like this.
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Lt. Harper: Get back up to the car and get on the radio. Tell the coroner he's gotta make another trip out here.
Kelton: Well how 'bout the lab boys?
Lt. Harper: Well who do you think we left back at the car, boy scouts?
Kelton: Well how 'bout the lab boys?
Lt. Harper: Well who do you think we left back at the car, boy scouts?
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Lt. Harper: It was a saucer.
Poiliceman: A flying saucer?
Larry: What makes you say that?
Lt. Harper: You remember the noise we heard the other night?
Larry: We were knocked to the ground, how could I forget?
Lt. Harper: Exactly, but you're not remembering that sound.
Larry: There you're wrong, Lieutenant. I'm with the fact the sound is similar, but what about the blinding light?
Lt. Harper: Well haven't you heard? Many times a saucer hasn't had a glow, or a light of any kind for that matter.
Larry: That proves it.
Poiliceman: A flying saucer?
Larry: What makes you say that?
Lt. Harper: You remember the noise we heard the other night?
Larry: We were knocked to the ground, how could I forget?
Lt. Harper: Exactly, but you're not remembering that sound.
Larry: There you're wrong, Lieutenant. I'm with the fact the sound is similar, but what about the blinding light?
Lt. Harper: Well haven't you heard? Many times a saucer hasn't had a glow, or a light of any kind for that matter.
Larry: That proves it.
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Lt. Harper: Now you two stay right where you're at.
Eros: We will do as you command. For the moment.
Lt. Harper: No for the moment about it. You just do as I tell you.
Eros: You do not need guns. They would be of no use to you now.
Lt. Harper: They've been mighty useful before on flesh and blood, and you two look like you've got a lot of both.
Eros: True, they would be effective upon us. If you were to have the opportunity to use them.
Jeff: Mister, if you don't get away from that control board I'll show you just how effective they can be.
Eros: We will do as you command. For the moment.
Lt. Harper: No for the moment about it. You just do as I tell you.
Eros: You do not need guns. They would be of no use to you now.
Lt. Harper: They've been mighty useful before on flesh and blood, and you two look like you've got a lot of both.
Eros: True, they would be effective upon us. If you were to have the opportunity to use them.
Jeff: Mister, if you don't get away from that control board I'll show you just how effective they can be.
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Lt. Harper: Oh, I wonder if that's the last we'll see of them?
Col. Edwards: Perhaps, but sooner or later there'll be others.
Col. Edwards: Perhaps, but sooner or later there'll be others.
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Lt. Harper: What're you gonna do?
Clay: Look around a little.
Lt. Harper: Once you get beyond those lights you won't be able to see your hand in front of your face.
Clay: I will get one of the flashlights from the patrol car.
Lt. Harper: You be careful Clay.
Clay: I'm a big boy now, Johnny.
Clay: Look around a little.
Lt. Harper: Once you get beyond those lights you won't be able to see your hand in front of your face.
Clay: I will get one of the flashlights from the patrol car.
Lt. Harper: You be careful Clay.
Clay: I'm a big boy now, Johnny.
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Paula: You seem to still be up there somewhere.
Jeff: Maybe I am.
Paula: I don't think I've ever seen you in this mood before.
Jeff: I guess it's because I've never been in this mood before.
Paula: Something about your flight?
Jeff: Yeah.
Paula: What happened, Jeff?
Jeff: I saw a flying saucer.
Paula: A saucer? You mean the kind from up there?
Jeff: Yeah, or its counterpart. I was shaped like a huge cigar. Dan saw it too. When it passed over, the whole compartment lighted up with a blinding glare. Then there was a tremendous wind that practically knocked us off our course.
Paula: Well did you report it?
Jeff: Yeah, radioed in immediately and they said well keep it quiet until you land. Then as soon as we landed, big army brass grabbed us and made us swear to secrecy about the whole thing. Oh, it burns me up. These things have been seen for years. They're here, it's a fact. And the public oughta know about it.
Paula: There must be something more you can do about it.
Jeff: Oh no there isn't. Oh, but what's the point of making a fuss. Last night I saw a flying object that couldn't possibly have been from this planet. But I can't say a word. I'm muzzled by army brass! I can't even admit I saw the thing!
Jeff: Maybe I am.
Paula: I don't think I've ever seen you in this mood before.
Jeff: I guess it's because I've never been in this mood before.
Paula: Something about your flight?
Jeff: Yeah.
Paula: What happened, Jeff?
Jeff: I saw a flying saucer.
Paula: A saucer? You mean the kind from up there?
Jeff: Yeah, or its counterpart. I was shaped like a huge cigar. Dan saw it too. When it passed over, the whole compartment lighted up with a blinding glare. Then there was a tremendous wind that practically knocked us off our course.
Paula: Well did you report it?
Jeff: Yeah, radioed in immediately and they said well keep it quiet until you land. Then as soon as we landed, big army brass grabbed us and made us swear to secrecy about the whole thing. Oh, it burns me up. These things have been seen for years. They're here, it's a fact. And the public oughta know about it.
Paula: There must be something more you can do about it.
Jeff: Oh no there isn't. Oh, but what's the point of making a fuss. Last night I saw a flying object that couldn't possibly have been from this planet. But I can't say a word. I'm muzzled by army brass! I can't even admit I saw the thing!
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Ruler: The old one must be sacrificed. Re-land on Earth. Send the old one to enter a dwelling. Then cut off the electrokinetic and turn on your ship's decomposure ray. The result will astound those watching. Astound them enough to delay their attention until you have gained your other recruits from the cemetery.
Eros: Yes, Excellency. It'll be done.
Ruler: Report to me when this has been accomplished. Eros, the Earth people are getting to that which we fear. Since they will not listen or respect our existence, they cannot help but believe our powers when they see their own dead walking 'round again, brought about by our advancement in such things. As soon as you have enough of the dead recruits, march them on the capitals of the Earth, let nothing stand in your way. Their own dead will be used to make them accept our existence, and believe in that fact.
Eros: Yes, Excellency. It'll be done.
Ruler: Report to me when this has been accomplished. Eros, the Earth people are getting to that which we fear. Since they will not listen or respect our existence, they cannot help but believe our powers when they see their own dead walking 'round again, brought about by our advancement in such things. As soon as you have enough of the dead recruits, march them on the capitals of the Earth, let nothing stand in your way. Their own dead will be used to make them accept our existence, and believe in that fact.
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Ruler: You have your report?
Eros: We had to pull in here to Space Station 7 for regeneration. We're returning to the planet Earth immediately thereafter.
Ruler: What progress has been made?
Eros: We contacted government officials. They refuse our existence.
Ruler: What plan will you follow now?
Eros: Plan 9. It's been absolutely impossible to work through these Earth creatures. Their soul is too controlled.
Ruler: Plan 9...ah yes. Plan 9 deals with the resurrection of the dead. Long-distance electrodes shot into the pinion pituitary glands of recent dead. Have you attempted any of this plan as yet?
Eros: Yes Excellency.
Ruler: How successful has it been?
Eros: We have risen two so far. We shall be just as successful on more.
Ruler: The living...they have no suspicion of your movements?
Eros: We had to dispose of one policeman. However, none of those risen have been seen. At least, not by anyone who still remains alive.
Ruler: It's too bad it must be handled this way. However it must. Those who take from the grave will lead the way for our other operations.
Eros: Yes, Excellency.
Eros: We had to pull in here to Space Station 7 for regeneration. We're returning to the planet Earth immediately thereafter.
Ruler: What progress has been made?
Eros: We contacted government officials. They refuse our existence.
Ruler: What plan will you follow now?
Eros: Plan 9. It's been absolutely impossible to work through these Earth creatures. Their soul is too controlled.
Ruler: Plan 9...ah yes. Plan 9 deals with the resurrection of the dead. Long-distance electrodes shot into the pinion pituitary glands of recent dead. Have you attempted any of this plan as yet?
Eros: Yes Excellency.
Ruler: How successful has it been?
Eros: We have risen two so far. We shall be just as successful on more.
Ruler: The living...they have no suspicion of your movements?
Eros: We had to dispose of one policeman. However, none of those risen have been seen. At least, not by anyone who still remains alive.
Ruler: It's too bad it must be handled this way. However it must. Those who take from the grave will lead the way for our other operations.
Eros: Yes, Excellency.
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Soldier: Quite a sight, wasn't it Sir?
Col. Edwards: A sight I'd rather not be seeing.
Soldier: Are you worried about them, Sir?
Col. Edwards: Well, they must have a reason for their visits.
Soldier: Visits? Well that would indicate visitors! Are big guns the usual way of welcoming visitors?
Col. Edwards: We haven't always fired at them.
Soldier: Oh?
Col. Edwards: For a time we tried to contact them by radio, but no response. Then they attacked a town. A small town, I'll admit. But nevertheless a town of people. People who died.
Soldier: I never heard about that, Sir.
Col. Edwards: Well, it was covered up by the higher echelon. Take any fire, any earthquake, any major disaster, then wonder. Flying saucers, Captain, are still a rumour. Officially.
Air Force Captain: Looks like we beat them off again, Sir.
Col. Edwards: What do they want...where are they from...where are they going...
Air Force Captain: They, Sir? Who? Oh, this is a training maneuver, Sir. We only did a little practice firing at the clouds.
Col. Edwards: Yeah. I wonder what their next move will be.
Criswell: What will their next move be?
Col. Edwards: A sight I'd rather not be seeing.
Soldier: Are you worried about them, Sir?
Col. Edwards: Well, they must have a reason for their visits.
Soldier: Visits? Well that would indicate visitors! Are big guns the usual way of welcoming visitors?
Col. Edwards: We haven't always fired at them.
Soldier: Oh?
Col. Edwards: For a time we tried to contact them by radio, but no response. Then they attacked a town. A small town, I'll admit. But nevertheless a town of people. People who died.
Soldier: I never heard about that, Sir.
Col. Edwards: Well, it was covered up by the higher echelon. Take any fire, any earthquake, any major disaster, then wonder. Flying saucers, Captain, are still a rumour. Officially.
Air Force Captain: Looks like we beat them off again, Sir.
Col. Edwards: What do they want...where are they from...where are they going...
Air Force Captain: They, Sir? Who? Oh, this is a training maneuver, Sir. We only did a little practice firing at the clouds.
Col. Edwards: Yeah. I wonder what their next move will be.
Criswell: What will their next move be?