Quills quotes
60 total quotesMadeleine LeClerc
Major cast
Marquis de Sade
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Abbe de Columier: I love you Madeleine.... as a child of God.
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Abbe de Columier: It's nothing but an encyclopedia of perversions. One man killed his wife after reading them.
Madeleine LeClerc: It's a fiction, not a moral treatise.
Madeleine LeClerc: It's a fiction, not a moral treatise.
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Abbe du Columier: An innocent child is dead.
Marquis de Sade: So many authors are denied the gratification of of a concrete response to their work. I am blessed.
Marquis de Sade: So many authors are denied the gratification of of a concrete response to their work. I am blessed.
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Abbe du Columier: But why must you indulge in his pornography?
Madeleine LeClerc: It's a hard days' wages slaving away for madmen, what I've seen in life - it takes a lot to hold my interest.
Madeleine LeClerc: It's a hard days' wages slaving away for madmen, what I've seen in life - it takes a lot to hold my interest.
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Abbe du Columier: Listen to me Abbe and listern well. I've stared into the face of evil and I've lived to tell the tale and now, I beg you, for your sake, let me write it down.
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Abbe du Columier: There are certain things.... feelings.... we must not voice.
Madeleine LeClerc: Why?
Abbe du Columier: They incite us to act on what we should not.... cannot.
Madeleine LeClerc: Why?
Abbe du Columier: They incite us to act on what we should not.... cannot.
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Abbe du Columier: You are not to entertain visitors in your quarters.
Marquis de Sade: I'm entertaining you now, aren't I?
Abbe du Collumier: Yes, but I'm not a beautiful young prospect ripe for corruption.
Marquis de Sade: Don't be so sure.
Marquis de Sade: I'm entertaining you now, aren't I?
Abbe du Collumier: Yes, but I'm not a beautiful young prospect ripe for corruption.
Marquis de Sade: Don't be so sure.
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Abbe du Columier: You're not the Antichrist. You're only a malcontent who knows how to spell.
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Abbe du Columier: Your terrible secret revealed, you're a man after all.
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Adde du Columier: I am not the first man God had asked to shed blood in his name. And I am not the last.
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Adde du Coulmier: It's not even a proper novel. It's nothing but an encyclopedia of perversions. Frankly, it even fails as an exercise in craft. The characters are wooden, the dialogue is inane. Not to mention the repetition of words like "nipple" and "pikestaff".
Marquis de Sade: There I was taxed; it's true.
Adde du Columier: And such puny scope. Nothing but the worse in man's nature.
Marquis de Sade: I write of the great, eternal truths that bind together all mankind. The whole world over, we eat, we shit, we ****, we kill and we die.
Adde du Columier: But we also fall in love, we build cities, we compose symphonies, and we endure. Why not put that in your books as well.
Marquis de Sade: There I was taxed; it's true.
Adde du Columier: And such puny scope. Nothing but the worse in man's nature.
Marquis de Sade: I write of the great, eternal truths that bind together all mankind. The whole world over, we eat, we shit, we ****, we kill and we die.
Adde du Columier: But we also fall in love, we build cities, we compose symphonies, and we endure. Why not put that in your books as well.
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Dr. Royer Collard: We produce books for the discriminating collector. The compulsive inmates set the type, the listless ones do the binding and prepare the ink.
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Dr. Royer-Collard: I won't sully my hands with him.
Marquis de Sade: Nor should you. That's the first rule of politics, isn't it? The man who drops the execution never drops the blade.
Marquis de Sade: Nor should you. That's the first rule of politics, isn't it? The man who drops the execution never drops the blade.
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Dr. Royer-Collard: If you're going to martyr yourself, do it for God, not the chambermaid.
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Dr. Royer-Collard: Some men are beyond redemption.