Quills quotes
60 total quotesMadeleine LeClerc
Major cast
Marquis de Sade
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Dr. Royer-Collard: Take this beast back to his cage!
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Dr. Royer-Collard: Will you sleep sound tonight?
Adde du Coulmier: No. Put frankly, I never expect to sleep again.
Adde du Coulmier: No. Put frankly, I never expect to sleep again.
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Dr. Royer-Collard: You know how I define idealism, Monsieur Delbenet? Youth's final luxury.
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Dr. Royer-Collard: You prefer a book to your husband's company? Well no wonder, I'm only flesh and blood - that's no match for the printed page!
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Madeleine LeClerc: How can we know who is good - and who is evil?
Abbe du Coulmier: All we can do is guard against our own corruption.
Abbe du Coulmier: All we can do is guard against our own corruption.
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Madeleine LeClerc: Your publisher says I'm not to leave without another manuscript.
Marquis de Sade: I've just the story. It's the unhappy tale... of a virginal laundry lass. The darling of the lower wards where they entomb the criminally insane.
Madeleine LeClerc: Is it awfully violent?
Marquis de Sade: Most assuredly.
Madeleine LeClerc: Is it terribly erotic?
Marquis de Sade: Fiendishly so. But it comes with a price. A kiss for each page.
Marquis de Sade: I've just the story. It's the unhappy tale... of a virginal laundry lass. The darling of the lower wards where they entomb the criminally insane.
Madeleine LeClerc: Is it awfully violent?
Marquis de Sade: Most assuredly.
Madeleine LeClerc: Is it terribly erotic?
Marquis de Sade: Fiendishly so. But it comes with a price. A kiss for each page.
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Madeleine LeCleric: It's a sin against God for me to refuse your kindness. But my heart's held fast here-
Adde du Coulmier: By whom? The Marquis?
Madeleine LeCleric: Mother's not half so blind as you.
Adde du Coulmier: By whom? The Marquis?
Madeleine LeCleric: Mother's not half so blind as you.
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Marquis de Sade: [voiceover, as Columier writes] Beloved reader, I leave you now with a tale penned by the Abbe du Columier, a man who found freedom, in the most unlikely places: at the bottom of an inkwell, on the tip of a quill. However, be forewarned, its plot is blood-soaked, its characters deprived, and its themes... unwholesome at best. But in order to know virtue, we must acquaint ourselves with vice. Only then can we know the full measure of man. So come: I dare you.... Turn the page...
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Marquis de Sade: If someone would try to walk on water and drowned, would you blame the Bible.
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Marquis de Sade: It's an entire religion based on an oxymoron.
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Marquis de Sade: It's only a play.
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Marquis de Sade: My glorious prose filtered through the minds of the insane. Who knows they might improve it.
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Marquis de Sade: Prepare yourself for the most impure tale ever to spring from the mind of man.
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Marquis de Sade: Welcome to our humble madhouse, Doctor. I trust you'll find yourself at home.
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Marquis de Sade: What you need, darling, is a long, slow screw.