Rent quotes
116 total quotesMaureen Johnson
Mimi Marquez
Multiple Characters
Roger Davis
Tom Collins
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Mimi: Goodbye love, just came to say, goodbye love.
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Roger: Mark has got his work. They say Mark lives for his work. And Mark's in love with his work. Mark hides in his work.
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Roger and Mark: Dying in America, at the end of the millennium. We're dying in America, to come into our own. And when you're dying in America, at the end of the millennium, you're not alone. I'm not alone!
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Roger and Mark: For once the shadows gave way to light. For once I didn't disengage!
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Roger and Mark: How do you leave the past behind when it keeps finding ways to get to your heart? It reaches way down deep and tears you inside out till you're torn apart!
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Roger and Mark: You're living in America, at the end of the millennium. You're living in America, where it's like The Twilight Zone.
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Benny: Hey, bum, get your ass off the Range Rover.
Mark: Hey Benny, that attitude towards the homeless is exactly what Maureen is protesting.
Benny: Maureen is protesting losing her performance space. Not my attitude.
Mark: Hey Benny, that attitude towards the homeless is exactly what Maureen is protesting.
Benny: Maureen is protesting losing her performance space. Not my attitude.
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Benny: She left you? Another guy?
Mark: Not exactly...
Benny: What's his name?
Mark and Roger: Joanne.
[Benny cracks up]
Mark: Not exactly...
Benny: What's his name?
Mark and Roger: Joanne.
[Benny cracks up]
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Collins: Angel helped up believe in love, I can't believe you disagree.
All: I can't believe this is...good bye.
All: I can't believe this is...good bye.
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Collins: Merry Christmas, bitches!
Mark: Yeah, fourteen hours later! What the hell happened to you?!
Mark: Yeah, fourteen hours later! What the hell happened to you?!
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Life Cafe Manager: Oh, no. Please, no. No. Not tonight. Please leave.
Mark: What are you talking about? Why?
Life Cafe Manager: Because you sit here all night and you never order anything.
Mark: That's a lie. Just last week I had a tea.
Life Cafe Manager: You couldn't pay.
Mark: Oh, yeah.
Angel: Tonight we can.
[Holds up money]
Angel: Ka-pow! [To others] Come on.
Life Cafe Manager: All right. Fine. Just please don't move the tables!
Angel: [Off-screen] Hey, Rosie, let's put these tables together!
Mark: What are you talking about? Why?
Life Cafe Manager: Because you sit here all night and you never order anything.
Mark: That's a lie. Just last week I had a tea.
Life Cafe Manager: You couldn't pay.
Mark: Oh, yeah.
Angel: Tonight we can.
[Holds up money]
Angel: Ka-pow! [To others] Come on.
Life Cafe Manager: All right. Fine. Just please don't move the tables!
Angel: [Off-screen] Hey, Rosie, let's put these tables together!
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Mark: Must be nice to have money.
Mimi and Collins: No shit.
Collins: You owe me a beer.
Mimi: I'll give you a cigarette.
Roger: Mimi's got her baggage too.
Mark: So do you.
Roger: You're always preaching not to be numb, when that's how you thrive. You pretend to create and observe, when you really detach from feeling alive.
Mark: Perhaps it's because I'm the one of us to survive.
Roger: Poor baby.
Mimi and Collins: No shit.
Collins: You owe me a beer.
Mimi: I'll give you a cigarette.
Roger: Mimi's got her baggage too.
Mark: So do you.
Roger: You're always preaching not to be numb, when that's how you thrive. You pretend to create and observe, when you really detach from feeling alive.
Mark: Perhaps it's because I'm the one of us to survive.
Roger: Poor baby.