Robots quotes
81 total quotes
"Robot Boy" by
"Robot" by
"Robot" by
"Robot" by
"Robot" by
"Robot" by
"The Humans Are Dead" by
Alien Resurrection (1997) written by
Bicentennial Man (1999) screenplay by
Christiane Eichenberg, Marwa Khamis, and Lisa Hübner,
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"Robot" by
"Robot" by
"Robot" by
"Robot" by
"Robot" by
"The Humans Are Dead" by
Alien Resurrection (1997) written by
Bicentennial Man (1999) screenplay by
Christiane Eichenberg, Marwa Khamis, and Lisa Hübner,
Fictional quotes
I, Robot (2004), screenplay by
Lost in Space (1998) written by
Nonfictional quotes
Quotes from music
R.U.R. (1920) by Karel ÄŒapek
Short Circuit (1986) written by
Sleeper (1973) written by
The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951) written by
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I am a robotLiving like a robotTalk like a robotIn the habititting way.
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I am not your robotI am not a cloneYou are not my puppeteerAnd I am not a drone.
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I think the most interesting thing that’s coming are the robots. We’ve had a sex toy revolution—really well-designed, well-made, well-crafted, safe sex toys are now available. What’s coming down the line, though, is an age where even unrealizable fantasies can be realized. There are people out there who’ve always had giantess fetishes or centaur fetishes. There are no centaurs or 30-foot women out there right now. There will be.
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I'm just a robotI have no fearsI lack emotionAnd I shed no tears.
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I'm programmed to follow youRobot!Do exactly as you doRo-bot!Now my nervous system's blueI feel fine.
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In the face of profound and epochal changes, world leaders are challenged to ensure that the coming 'fourth industrial revolution,' the result of robotics and scientific and technological innovations, does not lead to the destruction of the human person - to be replaced by a soulless machine.
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In the future we all dieRobot!Machines will last foreverRo-bot!Metal things just turn to rustWhen you're a robot
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In this series of relics, body and flesh are there to be sold as artwork, in order to overcome the taboo of selling one's own body.The body of text, the bodies of letters: flesh is hereto be given to DNA analysis, taking the risk of being used in the future, and that a body, a replicant, a clone can be constructed.
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Instead of criticizing only dystopian visions of harmful sex robots, it is recommended to develop robots with positive effects on sexual education, sexual therapy, sexual counseling, and sexual well-being for interested groups. In future research, the different applications of robotic sex (eg, hardware robots and software robots) should be investigated in a differentiated way. The therapists’ experiences with expert knowledge in robot technology and/or robot therapy should be included. The use of robots as a future tool in sex therapy still leaves many moral, ethical, and treatment-related questions unresolved, which need further research and evaluation.
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Isaac Asimov's "Three Laws of Robotics"
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Kathleen Richardson is an ethics professor at De Montfort University in Leicester, England. She told the Washington Post that sex robots represent an intrusion of machines in human relationships. She also believes the devices' perfection and compliance might numb men to relationships with real women. "It offends me that they think a human woman is like a machine," Richardson said. So Bewley and Cox-George tried to investigate the evidence for these "anti-sexbot" theories—that they would cause men to expect real women to be constantly available for sex; that the airbrushed and largely hairless features of sexbots might promote unrealistic expectations of beauty; or that sexbots might actually increase the urge to inflict sexual violence on real people. But there was simply too little evidence available to support or deny these claims, the researchers found. Their take-home message: "Based on the lack of evidence, which is at the heart of medical professionalism, we advise that sexbots shouldn't be used in medical practice, at least not unless that forms part of robust and ethical research."
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Many consider this man to be the father of robotics. His name was Philon of Byzantium. He was also known as Philo, or Philo Mechanicus, because when it came to mechanics, he was thousands of years ahead of the game.
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My dear Miss Glory, Robots are not people. They are mechanically more perfect than we are, they have an astounding intellectual capacity, but they have no soul.
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Orlan, ORLAN: A Hybrid Body of Artworks, edited by Simon Donger, Simon Shepherd p.47
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Pope Francis "Pope tells world’s rich to remember the poor and avoid robots" Brandon Blackburn-Dwyer, Global Citizen, (January 21, 2016)