West Side Story quotes
56 total quotesMaria
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'[singing] Gee, Officer Krupke, we're very upset.
We never had the love that every child oughta get.
We ain't no delinquents, we're misunderstood;
Deep down inside us there is good.
We never had the love that every child oughta get.
We ain't no delinquents, we're misunderstood;
Deep down inside us there is good.
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Anita: [singing] A boy like that who'd kill your brother;
Forget that boy and find another.
One of your own kind, stick to your own kind.
A boy like that will give you sorrow;
You'll meet another boy tomorrow.
Forget that boy and find another.
One of your own kind, stick to your own kind.
A boy like that will give you sorrow;
You'll meet another boy tomorrow.
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Doc: Fightin' over a little piece of street is so important?
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Glad Hand: I want you to form two circles...boys on the outside and girls on the inside...When the music stops, each boy dances with whichever girl is opposite.
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Ice: [singing] When you're a Jet, you're the swingin'est thing
Little boy, you're a man, little man, you're a king.
Little boy, you're a man, little man, you're a king.
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Ice: Now you all better dig this and dig it good. No matter who or what is eatin' you, man, you show it and you are dead. You are cuttin' a hole in yourselves for them to stick in a red hot umbrella and open it. Wide. Man, you wanna get past the cops when they start askin' you about tonight? You wanna live in this lousy world? You play it cool.
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Snowboy: [singing] When you're a Jet, you're a top cat in town
You're a gold medal kid with the heavyweight crown!
You're a gold medal kid with the heavyweight crown!
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Action: If you don't leave us stay out on the streets all night, we're liable to turn into a bunch of juvenile delinquents.
Krupke: Listen, I know yus guys was cookin' up somethin' at the dance tonight. So don't think yus are gonna put nothin' over on me...Now go on, get a move on, all of yus. And don't let me catch none of yus around here when I get back.
Krupke: Listen, I know yus guys was cookin' up somethin' at the dance tonight. So don't think yus are gonna put nothin' over on me...Now go on, get a move on, all of yus. And don't let me catch none of yus around here when I get back.
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Anita: Bernardo was right. If one of you was lying in the street bleeding, I'd walk by and spit on you.
Action: Go on and go. Don't tell Chino that Tony's hidin' in the cellar.
Anita: Don't you touch me! I got a message for your American buddy. You tell that murderer that Maria's never going to meet him. You tell him that Chino found out about them and shot her. She's dead.
Doc: When do you kids stop? You make this world lousy.
Action: We didn't make it, Doc.
Doc: Get out of here.
Action: Go on and go. Don't tell Chino that Tony's hidin' in the cellar.
Anita: Don't you touch me! I got a message for your American buddy. You tell that murderer that Maria's never going to meet him. You tell him that Chino found out about them and shot her. She's dead.
Doc: When do you kids stop? You make this world lousy.
Action: We didn't make it, Doc.
Doc: Get out of here.
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Anita: I mind your nose and your head broken...Sure. They used Maria as an excuse to start World War III.
Bernardo: It is more than that.
Anita: More than what? She was only dancing.
Bernardo: With an American. He was really a Pollack.
Anita: Says the Spic.
Bernardo: You are not so cute.
Rosalia: That Tony is.
Consuelo: And he works.
Chino: As a delivery boy.
Anita: And what are you?
Chino: An assistant.
Bernardo: Si. And Chino makes half of what the Pollack makes.
Anita: Oh, here comes the whole commercial. 'Your mother's a Pole. Your father's a Swede. But you were born here. That's all that you need. You are an American.' When I think of how I thought it would be for us here, we came like children, believing, trusting.
Bernardo: It is more than that.
Anita: More than what? She was only dancing.
Bernardo: With an American. He was really a Pollack.
Anita: Says the Spic.
Bernardo: You are not so cute.
Rosalia: That Tony is.
Consuelo: And he works.
Chino: As a delivery boy.
Anita: And what are you?
Chino: An assistant.
Bernardo: Si. And Chino makes half of what the Pollack makes.
Anita: Oh, here comes the whole commercial. 'Your mother's a Pole. Your father's a Swede. But you were born here. That's all that you need. You are an American.' When I think of how I thought it would be for us here, we came like children, believing, trusting.
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Bernardo: Get your hands off, American...Stay away from my sister.
Tony: Sister?
Bernardo: Couldn't you see he's one of them?
Maria: No. I saw only him.
Bernardo: There's only one thing they want from a Puerto Rican girl.
Tony: That's a lie!
Riff: Later, Tony.
Chino: Get away.
Tony: Stay out of this, Chino. [To Maria] Don't listen.
Bernardo: She will listen to her brother before she listens to you.
Tony: Sister?
Bernardo: Couldn't you see he's one of them?
Maria: No. I saw only him.
Bernardo: There's only one thing they want from a Puerto Rican girl.
Tony: That's a lie!
Riff: Later, Tony.
Chino: Get away.
Tony: Stay out of this, Chino. [To Maria] Don't listen.
Bernardo: She will listen to her brother before she listens to you.
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Bernardo: Now I will not say these things to spoil your evening or to hear myself talk. I am here longer than you, Maria...Someday, when you're an old married woman with five children, then you can tell me what to do. Right now, it's the other way around. Now go to bed.
Anita: [To Maria] He's the old married woman. [To Bernardo] You know, she has a mother. Also a father.
Bernardo: They do not know this country any better than she does.
Anita: And you do not know it at all. Girls here are free to have fun. She is in America now.
Bernardo: Puerto Rico is in America now.
Anita: Sometimes I don't know which is thicker. Your skull or your accent.
Anita: [To Maria] He's the old married woman. [To Bernardo] You know, she has a mother. Also a father.
Bernardo: They do not know this country any better than she does.
Anita: And you do not know it at all. Girls here are free to have fun. She is in America now.
Bernardo: Puerto Rico is in America now.
Anita: Sometimes I don't know which is thicker. Your skull or your accent.
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Girl: [singing] Industry boom in America.
Boys: Twelve in a room in America.
Anita: Lots of new housing with more space.
Bernardo: Lots of doors slamming in our face.
Anita: I'll get the terrace apartment.
Bernardo: Better get rid of your accent.
Anita: Life can be bright in America.
Boys: If you can fight in America.
Girls: Life is all right in America.
Boys: If you're all white in America.
Girls: Here you are free and you have pride.
Boys: Long as you stay on your own side.
Girls: Free to be anything you choose.
Boys: Free to wait tables and shine shoes.
Boys: Twelve in a room in America.
Anita: Lots of new housing with more space.
Bernardo: Lots of doors slamming in our face.
Anita: I'll get the terrace apartment.
Bernardo: Better get rid of your accent.
Anita: Life can be bright in America.
Boys: If you can fight in America.
Girls: Life is all right in America.
Boys: If you're all white in America.
Girls: Here you are free and you have pride.
Boys: Long as you stay on your own side.
Girls: Free to be anything you choose.
Boys: Free to wait tables and shine shoes.
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Girls: [singing] I like to be in America, OK by me in America, Everything free in America
Bernardo: For a small fee in America.
Anita: Buying on credit is so nice.
Bernardo: One look at us and they charge twice.
Rosalia: I'll have my own washing machine.
Indio: What will you have, though, to keep clean?
Bernardo: For a small fee in America.
Anita: Buying on credit is so nice.
Bernardo: One look at us and they charge twice.
Rosalia: I'll have my own washing machine.
Indio: What will you have, though, to keep clean?
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Maria: [after Anita discovers Maria and Tony are still together] Now you know.
Anita: And you still don't know. He is one of them.
Maria: No, Anita.
Anita: Yes.
Anita: And you still don't know. He is one of them.
Maria: No, Anita.
Anita: Yes.