West Side Story quotes
56 total quotesMaria
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Maria: [singing] Tonight, tonight, it all began tonight, I saw you and the world went away.
Tonight, tonight, there's only you tonight, what you are, what you do, what you say.
Tony: Today, all day I had the feeling a miracle would happen, I know now I was right.
Tony and Maria: For here you are and what was just a world is a star tonight.
Tonight, tonight, there's only you tonight, what you are, what you do, what you say.
Tony: Today, all day I had the feeling a miracle would happen, I know now I was right.
Tony and Maria: For here you are and what was just a world is a star tonight.
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Maria: If Bernardo knew.
Tony: We'll let him know. I'm not one of 'em, Maria.
Maria: But you are not one of us. And I am not one of you.
Tony: We'll let him know. I'm not one of 'em, Maria.
Maria: But you are not one of us. And I am not one of you.
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Maria: My brother is a silly watchdog.
Bernardo: Ah, my sister is a precious jewel.
Anita: What am I, cut glass?
Bernardo: Ah, my sister is a precious jewel.
Anita: What am I, cut glass?
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Maria: Stay with me. Don't leave me...Hold me...Tighter.
Tony: It'll be all right, I know it. We're really together now.
Maria: But it's not us. It's everything around us.
Tony: Then I'll take you away where nothing can get to us - not anyone or anything.
Tony: It'll be all right, I know it. We're really together now.
Maria: But it's not us. It's everything around us.
Tony: Then I'll take you away where nothing can get to us - not anyone or anything.
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Maria: What rumble?
Anita: Oh, well, uh, 'Nardo's Sharks and those boys at the dance.
Maria: They fight each other tonight?
Anita: They don't play patsy.
Maria: Why must they always fight?
Anita: Well, you saw how they dance, like they got to get rid of something quick. That's how they fight.
Maria: To get rid of what?
Anita: Too much feeling, and they do get rid of it. Boy, after a fight, that brother of yours is so healthy.
Anita: Oh, well, uh, 'Nardo's Sharks and those boys at the dance.
Maria: They fight each other tonight?
Anita: They don't play patsy.
Maria: Why must they always fight?
Anita: Well, you saw how they dance, like they got to get rid of something quick. That's how they fight.
Maria: To get rid of what?
Anita: Too much feeling, and they do get rid of it. Boy, after a fight, that brother of yours is so healthy.
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Maria: When I look at Chino, nothing happens.
Anita: Well, what do you expect to happen?
Maria: I don't know. Something. What happens when you look at Bernardo?
Anita: It's when I don't look that it happens.
Anita: Well, what do you expect to happen?
Maria: I don't know. Something. What happens when you look at Bernardo?
Anita: It's when I don't look that it happens.
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Maria: You must go and stop it.
Tony: I have stopped it. It's only gonna be a fist fight now between two of 'em...
Maria: Any fight is no good for us.
Tony: Maria, everything is good for us. We got magic.
Maria: Listen and hear me. You must go and stop it.
Tony: It means that much to you?
Maria: Yes.
Tony: All right, I will then.
Maria: I believe you. You do have magic.
Tony: Of course, I've got you.
Tony: I have stopped it. It's only gonna be a fist fight now between two of 'em...
Maria: Any fight is no good for us.
Tony: Maria, everything is good for us. We got magic.
Maria: Listen and hear me. You must go and stop it.
Tony: It means that much to you?
Maria: Yes.
Tony: All right, I will then.
Maria: I believe you. You do have magic.
Tony: Of course, I've got you.
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Riff: Now I know Tony like I know me and I guarantee you can count him in.
Action: In, out, let's get crackin'.
Gee-Tar: Where you gonna find Bernardo?
Baby John: It ain't safe to go in P.R. territory.
Riff: He'll be at the dance tonight at the gym.
A-rab: Yeah, but the gym's neutral territory.
Riff: A-rab. I'm gonna make nice with him! I'm only gonna challenge him.
Ice: Great, Daddy-o!
Riff: So listen, everybody dress up sweet and sharp. Meet Tony and me at the dance at ten. And walk tall!
A-rab: We always walk tall!
Baby John: We're Jets!
Another member: The greatest!
Action: In, out, let's get crackin'.
Gee-Tar: Where you gonna find Bernardo?
Baby John: It ain't safe to go in P.R. territory.
Riff: He'll be at the dance tonight at the gym.
A-rab: Yeah, but the gym's neutral territory.
Riff: A-rab. I'm gonna make nice with him! I'm only gonna challenge him.
Ice: Great, Daddy-o!
Riff: So listen, everybody dress up sweet and sharp. Meet Tony and me at the dance at ten. And walk tall!
A-rab: We always walk tall!
Baby John: We're Jets!
Another member: The greatest!
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Riff: Now we fought hard for this turf and we ain't just gonna give it up...The Emeralds claimed it. We shut 'em out. The Hawks, remember, they tried to take it away, and we knocked 'em down to the cellar.
Jets: Yeah, but these PRs are different. They multiply. They keep comin'. Like ****roaches. Close the windows. Shut the doors. They're eatin' our food. They're breathin' all the air. The end to free enterprise...
Riff: Hey, you heard what that Lieutenant Schrank said, eh? We gotta make nice with 'em Puerto Ricans or else. We gotta let 'em move in right under our noses and take it all away from us, or else.
Jets: No!
Riff: You're damned right NO. So what are we gonna do buddy-boys? I'll tell ya what we're gonna do. We're gonna speed fast. We're gonna move like lightnin'. And we're gonna clean them Sharks up once and for all so they ain't never gonna set foot on our turf again. And we're gonna do it in one, all-out fight...The Sharks want a piece of this world too. And they're real down boys. They might ask for blades, zip guns...I say this turf is small, but it's all we got, huh? Now I want to hold it like we always held it, with skin. But if they say blades, I say blades. If they say guns, I say guns. I say I want that just to be the number one - to sail, to hold the sky...OK cats, we rumble. Now, protocality calls for a war council between us and the Sharks, to set the whole thing up. So I would personally give the bad news to Bernardo.
Jets: Yeah, but these PRs are different. They multiply. They keep comin'. Like ****roaches. Close the windows. Shut the doors. They're eatin' our food. They're breathin' all the air. The end to free enterprise...
Riff: Hey, you heard what that Lieutenant Schrank said, eh? We gotta make nice with 'em Puerto Ricans or else. We gotta let 'em move in right under our noses and take it all away from us, or else.
Jets: No!
Riff: You're damned right NO. So what are we gonna do buddy-boys? I'll tell ya what we're gonna do. We're gonna speed fast. We're gonna move like lightnin'. And we're gonna clean them Sharks up once and for all so they ain't never gonna set foot on our turf again. And we're gonna do it in one, all-out fight...The Sharks want a piece of this world too. And they're real down boys. They might ask for blades, zip guns...I say this turf is small, but it's all we got, huh? Now I want to hold it like we always held it, with skin. But if they say blades, I say blades. If they say guns, I say guns. I say I want that just to be the number one - to sail, to hold the sky...OK cats, we rumble. Now, protocality calls for a war council between us and the Sharks, to set the whole thing up. So I would personally give the bad news to Bernardo.
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Riff: We challenge you to a rumble. All out, once and for all. Accept?
Bernardo: On what terms?
Riff: Whatever terms you're callin'? You crossed the line once too often.
Bernardo: You started it.
Riff: Who jumped Baby John this afternoon?
Bernardo: Who jumped me the first day I moved here?
Action: Who asked you to move here?
Bernardo: On what terms?
Riff: Whatever terms you're callin'? You crossed the line once too often.
Bernardo: You started it.
Riff: Who jumped Baby John this afternoon?
Bernardo: Who jumped me the first day I moved here?
Action: Who asked you to move here?
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Schrank: You hoodlums don't own these streets. And I've had all the rough-house I can put up with around here. You want to kill each other? Kill each other, but you ain't gonna do it on my beat. Are there any questions?
Bernardo: Yes, sir. Would you mind translating that into Spanish?
Schrank: Get your friends out of here, Bernardo - and stay out - please.
Bernardo: OK Sharks, vamonos.
Schrank: Boy, as if this neighborhood wasn't crummy enough. Now look, fellas. Fellas? Look, let's be reasonable, huh? If I don't get a little law and order around here, I get busted down to a traffic corner. And your friend don't like traffic corners. So that means you're gonna start makin' nice with the PRs [Puerto Ricans] from now on. I said nice - GET IT! 'Cause if you don't, and I catch any of ya doing any more brawlin' in my territory, I'm gonna personally beat the living crud out of each and every one of yas and see that you go to the can and rot there. Say goodbye to the nice boys, Krupke.
Krupke: Goodbye boys.
Bernardo: Yes, sir. Would you mind translating that into Spanish?
Schrank: Get your friends out of here, Bernardo - and stay out - please.
Bernardo: OK Sharks, vamonos.
Schrank: Boy, as if this neighborhood wasn't crummy enough. Now look, fellas. Fellas? Look, let's be reasonable, huh? If I don't get a little law and order around here, I get busted down to a traffic corner. And your friend don't like traffic corners. So that means you're gonna start makin' nice with the PRs [Puerto Ricans] from now on. I said nice - GET IT! 'Cause if you don't, and I catch any of ya doing any more brawlin' in my territory, I'm gonna personally beat the living crud out of each and every one of yas and see that you go to the can and rot there. Say goodbye to the nice boys, Krupke.
Krupke: Goodbye boys.
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Tony: [singing] Make of our hands one hand, Make of our hearts one heart
Make of our vows one last vow, Only death will part us now.
Maria: Make of our lives one life, Day after day one life
Tony and Maria: Now it begins, now we start
One hand, one heart, even death won't part us now.
Make of our vows one last vow, Only death will part us now.
Maria: Make of our lives one life, Day after day one life
Tony and Maria: Now it begins, now we start
One hand, one heart, even death won't part us now.
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Tony: [singing] There's a place for us, Somewhere a place for us
Peace and quiet and open air wait for us, Somewhere.
Maria: There's a time for us, Some day a time for us
Time together with time to spare, time to look, time to care, Someday.
Tony: Somewhere we'll find a new way of living.
Maria: We'll find a way of forgiving, Somewhere.
Peace and quiet and open air wait for us, Somewhere.
Maria: There's a time for us, Some day a time for us
Time together with time to spare, time to look, time to care, Someday.
Tony: Somewhere we'll find a new way of living.
Maria: We'll find a way of forgiving, Somewhere.
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Tony: Bottles, knives, guns. What a coop full of chickens?
Action: Who are you calling chicken?
Bernardo: Every dog knows his own.
Tony: I'm calling you all chicken. Big tough buddy-boys gotta throw bricks, huh? Afraid you're getting close? Afraid to slug it out? Afraid to use plain skin? How about a fair fight if you've got the guts to risk that? Best man from each gang will slug it out.
Action: Who are you calling chicken?
Bernardo: Every dog knows his own.
Tony: I'm calling you all chicken. Big tough buddy-boys gotta throw bricks, huh? Afraid you're getting close? Afraid to slug it out? Afraid to use plain skin? How about a fair fight if you've got the guts to risk that? Best man from each gang will slug it out.
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Tony: Do you know what we're going to do in the country, Maria and me? We're gonna have lots of kids. And we're gonna name 'em all after ya.
Doc: [slaps him] Wake up! There is no Maria, Tony.
Doc: [slaps him] Wake up! There is no Maria, Tony.