White Men Can't Jump quotes
24 total quotesBilly Hoyle
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Sydney Deane
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Junior: Billy Ho! Good ta see ya Billy ya look swell!
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Junior: We goin' Sizzla! We goin' Sizzla!
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Raymond: who rattled your cage dickhead?
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Rhonda Deane: All I care about is getting out of the Vista View apartments, because there ain't no 'vista', there ain't no "view", and there certainly ain't no vista of no view.
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Zeke: No, no, no, no...Billy Boy, this is Ghana. You, my friend, are shooting for The Sudan.
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Gloria: The money was mine to keep for both of us when Jeopardy called.
Billy: Jeopardy is not going to call, when are you going to ****in' wake up.
Gloria: Jeopardy is going to call Billy, it is my destiny that I triumph magnificently on that show and I'll never do that if I have to wear this stupid hoochie-mama looking dress that you bought me which was obviously a poor excuse to cover up the fact that you ****ed up again! I'm going to get on that mother****ing show, and I'm going to win, because I'm filled with more useless goddamn information than any human being on this ****ing planet! Whose James K. Polk? How many moons are on Pluto? What's a quince? It's a food, Billy, that starts with the letter Q, and I got seven more! I can't believe you lost the goddamn money!
Billy: Jeopardy is not going to call, when are you going to ****in' wake up.
Gloria: Jeopardy is going to call Billy, it is my destiny that I triumph magnificently on that show and I'll never do that if I have to wear this stupid hoochie-mama looking dress that you bought me which was obviously a poor excuse to cover up the fact that you ****ed up again! I'm going to get on that mother****ing show, and I'm going to win, because I'm filled with more useless goddamn information than any human being on this ****ing planet! Whose James K. Polk? How many moons are on Pluto? What's a quince? It's a food, Billy, that starts with the letter Q, and I got seven more! I can't believe you lost the goddamn money!
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Sidney: Billy, I have four words for you: "Listen to the Woman".
Billy: What the hell does that mean, "Listen to the woman"? I TRIED to listen to the woman and you're the one who talked me out of it.
Sidney: Wait a minute. I didn't talk you out of anything. I presented you with an option and you took it.
Billy: What the hell does that mean, "Listen to the woman"? I TRIED to listen to the woman and you're the one who talked me out of it.
Sidney: Wait a minute. I didn't talk you out of anything. I presented you with an option and you took it.
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Sidney: Hey hey man, what's the score? Yo! Chump! I'm talking to you! I'm talking to the ****ing air.
Billy: My name ain't chump, it's Billy Hoyle.
Sidney: Billy Hoyle. BILLY HOYLE. Billy Hoyle. Okay Billy... can you count to ten, Billy?
Billy: Yeah.
Sidney: Good. What's the score... Billy?
Billy: I don't know.
Sidney: Then you're a chump!
Billy: I may be a chump, I just said that wasn't my name.
Billy: My name ain't chump, it's Billy Hoyle.
Sidney: Billy Hoyle. BILLY HOYLE. Billy Hoyle. Okay Billy... can you count to ten, Billy?
Billy: Yeah.
Sidney: Good. What's the score... Billy?
Billy: I don't know.
Sidney: Then you're a chump!
Billy: I may be a chump, I just said that wasn't my name.
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A white man wants to win first, look good second. A black man wants to look good first, win second.
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Another brick! 'Clang, Clang!' I need like a welding torch to play in this league. I'll tell you what: why don't we take all these bricks and build a shelter for the homeless, so maybe your mother will have a place to stay. And your sister too. I want your mother and your sister out of my place immediately!
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Billy, listen to me. White men can't jump.
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Can anybody step in for mr. handicap? Anybody, for Mr. Mother****ing March of Dimes?
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I don't mean to brag... but I'm the greatest!