X-Men: The Last Stand quotes
81 total quotesLogan/Wolverine
Multiple Characters
Ororo Munroe/Storm
Professor Charles Xavier
Raven Darkholme/Mystique
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When an individual acquires great power, the use or misuse of that power is everything, will it be used for the greater good or will it be used for personal or destructive ends? Now this is a question we must all ask ourselves. Why? Because we are mutants.
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[about Jean] You have no idea. You have no idea of what she is capable.
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[After being released from solitary confinement for an undisclosed, presumably large amount of time] Could you let me out, I gotta pee!
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[After he bursts into the room where Kitty and Leech are hiding] I'm not the guy to play hide and seek with!
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[After Kitty Pryde phases him into the ground] Don't you know who I am? I'm the Juggernaut, bitch!
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[After Magneto ambushes the convoy, Mystique kills the same guard] Told you so.
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[After moving the Golden Gate Bridge to Alcatraz] Charles always wanted to build bridges.
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[After Storm shoves Logan out of the way of a Sentinel attack - Logan loses his cigar] That was my last cigar.
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[During Xavier's funeral, Storm's eulogy] We live in an age of darkness. A world full of fear, hate and intolerance. But in every age, there are those who fight against it. Charles Xavier was born into a world divided. A world he tried to heal. A mission he never saw accomplished. It seems it’s the destiny of great men to see their goals unfulfilled. Charles was more than a leader, more than a teacher. He was a friend. When we were afraid, he gave us strength. When we were alone, he gave us a family. He may be gone, but his teachings live on through us. His students. Wherever we may go, we must carry on his vision. And that is a vision of a world united.
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[first lines] I still don't know why I'm here.
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[From trailer - Narration] Since the dawn of existence, there have always been moments when the course of history shifted. Such a turning point is upon us now. The conflict between the better and worst angels of our very nature, whose outcome will change our world so greatly, there will be no going back. I do not know if victory is possible. I only know that great sacrifice will be required. And because the fate of many will depend on a few, we must make the last stand.
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[his last words before decintagrating]Don't let it control you.
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[holds back Juggernaut and Pyro] In chess, the pawns go first.
[The humans start shooting. Magneto tries to take control of the guns]
Humans and their guns.
[His efforts are useless on the plastic weapons]
Plastic, they've learned.
[Seeing his first wave depowered by the Army's "cure" weapons] That's why the pawns go first.
[The humans start shooting. Magneto tries to take control of the guns]
Humans and their guns.
[His efforts are useless on the plastic weapons]
Plastic, they've learned.
[Seeing his first wave depowered by the Army's "cure" weapons] That's why the pawns go first.
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[Kicks Arm-Replacement Man in the groin] Grow those back.
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[Lying on a medbed with Logan watching over her] Back where we first met - only I'm in your place, and you're in mine.