28 Days quotes
80 total quotesGwen Cummings
Lily Cummings
Multiple Characters
Neck Signs
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Promise me we were safe.
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Santa Cruz watcher!
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She didn't come. I waited all day for her. I did my hair.
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Thank God for bar cars.
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There's a time when you can share and you hold hands and be on the same path. But there's always a fork in the road... at some point. And sometimes you have to go on one part of the fork and they gotta go on the other part of the fork. [Sigh] Or just down the back part of the fork while you go forward. And they're like [Sigh] Or they got a salad fork and you have one of the big dinner forks and you have longer to go but they're like done because that's it, they're stuck on a piece of food, that they [Sigh]. Their desert fork or like one of those, you know small little shrimp forks or crab forks and you're trying to get out a crab. They're like that and you're over here jumping to the huge serving fork or something like that, or a ladle, you know. [Sigh]
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This is so not how I saw this whole thing playing out!
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Tonight's lecture: "I've worked all 12 steps, can I go home now?"
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Tonight's lecture: Are you a blackout drunk, or don't you remember?
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Um, hey, um, listen, about the um, about that uh, jail thing... I-I-I- I can't. I-I I can't go. Um, uh, well, not because I don't want to go, but, um, it, uh, oh God, my hands, you know, they just keep doing that. That's not normal. I just-- there's something wrong with my hands-- um, well, with me. Cause, uh, what kind of person just jumps out of a- what kind of person jumps out of a window, you know? Because she can't sit still, you know? And be alone and, you know, in a room, without-- You know a person should be able to just be alone, right? You know, human beings should be able to just breathe. I can't breathe. And I feel that I think I know-- I think I know that if I go to jail... like this, you know, I'll die, and, uh, I don't wanna die.
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We carry our own bags here, this isn't the Sheraton.
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Well, I'm not a fan of all soap operas. Just Santa Cruz. I mean, it's just an incredible show. I saw it the first time, um, when I was in the hospital a while ago after I got out of my first rehab center. There was this girl on the show, who's Darien. She was also hospitalized, and it was like I was staring at myself. I mean, not physically, cause I don't have the curly hair and stuff. I mean, this whole thing had happened with her. She'd actually been impregnated by her brother, but, she obviously didn't know it was her brother at the time, and... And I don't have a brother, but I have sisters... So it's really sort of, um, been an inspiration... for me. And, it's really, sort of, helped me stay sober... off and on...
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Well, there's my excuse. I'm late because my tits caught on fire.
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What are you doing here? It's so good to see you! [Sobs]
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Yeah, I know I drink a lot, I know I do because I'm a writer and that's what I do, I drink. I'm not like those people out there, I can control myself! I can, if - that - if I wanted to, I could, if I wanted. I can! I can!
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Yeah, you're an individual. The only person in the world who uses drugs and alcohol.