The Kentucky Fried Movie quotes
31 total quotesDr. Klahn
Henry Gibson
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A.M. Newscaster: It's 19 minutes after the hour, and now it's time for our daily feature The Astrological Hour. A quick reminder these reports are not intended to foster belief in astrology, but merely to support people who cannot take responsibility for their own lives.
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Announcer: It's been said that the test of a man's courage is how he performs in the face of danger. Well, in the next half hour, you're gonna meet a very unique breed of cat. The kind of man who doesn't know the meaning of the word fear. Rex Kramer, part-time airline mechanic, full-time daredevil. A man willing to risk his life for the sake of adventure. He has to chase it, confront it, and whip it. Rex Kramer, Danger Seeker!
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Argon Spokesman: At Argon, we're working to keep your money!
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Argon Spokesman: Here at our multi-billion dollar refinery in Fairbanks, we're extracting 2.5 billion barrels of crude oil each day from teenagers' faces.
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Game Show Announcer: Guard number one is a senior on Klahn's mountain, and aspires to be a research chemist. Welcome, please, Hung Well! Guard number two is a real skating buff. A warm welcome for Long Wang! Traveling comes naturally to guard number three, as he's a licensed airplane pilot. Welcome, please, Enormous Genitals!
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Loo: What was that? This is not a chawade. We need total concentwation.
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Mrs. Hefsteder: Three years ago our Johnny died. We thought there was no hope, but then we discovered the United Appeal for the Dead. They showed us that despite Johnny's handicap, he could still be a useful member of our family and the community. Our United Appeal for the Dead caseworker showed us that the absence of life from Johnny's body didn't have to mean his absence from our daily lives.
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PA Announcement: This is not a drill - drills go Black-and-Decker-Black-and-Decker-Black-and-Decker...
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Pennington: Klahn has been connected with every sort of nefarious activity. You name it - opium, weapons traffic, assassination, motion picture distribution...
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1st guest: Fish for dinner last night?
2nd guest: Phewww... Harvey still smoking those cigars?
3rd guest: CHRIST! Did a cow shit in here?
2nd guest: Phewww... Harvey still smoking those cigars?
3rd guest: CHRIST! Did a cow shit in here?
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A.M. Newscaster: In the meantime this is A.M. Today. It's 18 minutes after the hour and time for our daily feature of debate: Count/Pointercount. Once again here are John Fitzsimmons and Sheila Hamilton.
John Fitzsimmons: [alternately to Sheila and camera] Well Sheila, I guess even you and your liberal cronies have found the light at the end of love with our beloved president. The intellectuals have been much agitated and now, having gotten the presidency by exploiting the problems they themselves have manufactured, he has done his best to fuel their anxieties about him. Sheila. Will you and your pack of bleeding heart liberals never learn that expanding welfare roles only accelerate inflation and inevitably hurt most those they purport to help?
Sheila Hamilton: Why John, you old stick in the mud. [to camera] I've been listening to that horse shit of yours for months, and you can take that crap and blow it out your ass. And for good measure, sit on THIS [flips the bird] John.
John Fitzsimmons: [alternately to Sheila and camera] Well Sheila, I guess even you and your liberal cronies have found the light at the end of love with our beloved president. The intellectuals have been much agitated and now, having gotten the presidency by exploiting the problems they themselves have manufactured, he has done his best to fuel their anxieties about him. Sheila. Will you and your pack of bleeding heart liberals never learn that expanding welfare roles only accelerate inflation and inevitably hurt most those they purport to help?
Sheila Hamilton: Why John, you old stick in the mud. [to camera] I've been listening to that horse shit of yours for months, and you can take that crap and blow it out your ass. And for good measure, sit on THIS [flips the bird] John.
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Claude LaMont: I live ze unknown, I love ze unknown, I am ze unknown.
Paul Burmaster: Claude, where are you living now?
Claude LaMont: Zat... is unknown. I don't know.
Paul Burmaster: Claude, where are you living now?
Claude LaMont: Zat... is unknown. I don't know.
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Dr. Klahn: The CIA thinks they can infiltrate the Mountain of Dr. Klahn!
CIA Agent: You can't scare me, you slant-eyed yellow bastard.
Dr. Klahn: Take him to... Detroit!
CIA Agent: No! No, not Detroit! No! No, please! Anything but that! No! No!
CIA Agent: You can't scare me, you slant-eyed yellow bastard.
Dr. Klahn: Take him to... Detroit!
CIA Agent: No! No, not Detroit! No! No, please! Anything but that! No! No!
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Game Show Host: If I were asleep, and you were my alarm clock, how would you wake me up?
Guard #2: I wouldn't - I'm no ding-a-ling.
Guard #2: I wouldn't - I'm no ding-a-ling.
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Husband: Well, what's our little skeptic doing today?
Housewife: She's frying the cat in pure Nesson oil. [cat screams]
Housewife: She's frying the cat in pure Nesson oil. [cat screams]