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Cady: Oh, God...
Janis: You dirty little liar!
Cady: I'm sorry, I can explain.
Janis: Explain what? How you forgot to invite us to your "cool party"?
Damian: Janis, I cannot stop this car. I have a curfew.
Cady: You know I couldn't invite you! I had to pretend to be plastic!
Janis: But you're not pretending anymore! You're plastic! Cold, shiny, hard plastic!
Damian: Curfew, 1 a.m., it is now 1:10.
Janis: Did you have an awesome time? Did you drink awesome shooters, listen to awesome music, and just sit around and soak up each others' awesomeness?
Cady: You know what? You're the one who made me like this so you could use me for your eighth grade revenge!
Janis: God! See, at least me and Regina George know we're mean! But you try to act so innocent like, "Oh, I use to live in Africa with all the little birdies, and the little monkeys!"
Cady: You know what! It's not my fault you're like, in love with me, or something!
Janis: What?
Damian [abruptly stops the car]: Oh no she did not!
Janis: See, that's the thing with you Plastics, you think everyone's in love with you, but in realitly, everyone *hates* you, like Aaron Samuels for example! He broke up with Regina and guess what, he still doesn't want you, Cady! So why are you still messing with Regina? I'll tell you why, because you are a mean girl, you're a bitch! Here, you can have this, it won a prize.
[Damian drives away with Janis, yelling out the window]
Damian: And I want my pink shirt back! I WANT MY PINK SHIRT BACK!

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