Wayne's World quotes
80 total quotesGarth Algar
Mikita's manager, Glen
Wayne Campbell
Wayne & Garth catch-phrases
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(admiring a 64' Pre-CBS Fender Stratocaster in a music store) It will be mine. Oh, yes — It will be mine.
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(after being told not to play "Stairway to Heaven" at the guitar store.) No stairway? Denied!
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(as policeman approaches) Yes; I definitely smell a pork product of some type.
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(on seeing Cassandra for the first time) She will be mine. Oh, yes — she will be mine.
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(ordering chinese take-out) I'll have the "cream of sum yung gai".
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(To scary ex-girlfriend after she gives him a gun rack as an "anniversary" gift) A gun rack... a gun rack. Shyeah, Right! I don't even own a gun, let alone many guns that would necessitate an entire rack. What am I gonna do... with a gun rack?
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(To scary ex-girlfriend before opening her "anniversary" gift) If it's a severed head, I'm going to be very upset.
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Benjamin Caine: First, let me get this out of the way: I'm a big fan.
Garth Algar: You are?
Benjamin: The way I see it, your show is capable of so much more.
Garth: Well, we'll try harder, okay? Just give us a second chance. Just don't go and cancel us without giving us a second chance.
Garth Algar: You are?
Benjamin: The way I see it, your show is capable of so much more.
Garth: Well, we'll try harder, okay? Just give us a second chance. Just don't go and cancel us without giving us a second chance.
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Benjamin Kane: Do you have a lawyer?
Wayne Campbell: Yes. Ahm... no. We're between lawyers right now. You see, our first lawyer screwed our affairs so bad.
Garth Algar: That's right. I walked right to that office — that's what I did — and I reached across that desk and I grabbed him by his fat head and I said "Listen, man. I'm not going to jail for YOU or for anybody!
Wayne Campbell: Yes. Ahm... no. We're between lawyers right now. You see, our first lawyer screwed our affairs so bad.
Garth Algar: That's right. I walked right to that office — that's what I did — and I reached across that desk and I grabbed him by his fat head and I said "Listen, man. I'm not going to jail for YOU or for anybody!
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Benjamin Kane: He's in.
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Benjamin Kane: Hey, who wants Chinese Takeout? I know a great place!
Wayne Campbell: I'll have the "cream of sum yung gai".
Wayne Campbell: I'll have the "cream of sum yung gai".
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Benjamin Kane: So, Garth, what do you think of the new set?
Garth Algar: It's kinda like a new pair of underwear. At first it's constrictive, but after a while it becomes a part of you.
Garth Algar: It's kinda like a new pair of underwear. At first it's constrictive, but after a while it becomes a part of you.
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Benjamin Kane: We'll be in touch.
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Cassandra: I don't believe I've ever had French champagne before...
Benjamin Kane: Oh, actually all champagne is French, it's named after the region. Otherwise it's sparkling white wine. Americans, of course, don't recognize the convention so it becomes that thing of calling all of their sparkling white champagne, even though by definition they're not.
Benjamin Kane: Oh, actually all champagne is French, it's named after the region. Otherwise it's sparkling white wine. Americans, of course, don't recognize the convention so it becomes that thing of calling all of their sparkling white champagne, even though by definition they're not.